Wednesday, March 21, 2007

WINTER... Back at school (Part 20f)

I actually would've had time to look through all of Carol's panties as it was quite a while before Elle finally appeared in the doorway. She had her nightgown on but her hair was wrapped in a towel. I watched as she dumped all her clothes in a canvas bag hanging at the end of her bed. I really wished that I could've inspected the panties but I knew there was no way. While she was brushing out her hair she turned to me and said something that I'd never heard from her before. "Can I ask you to do a big favor from me?" It almost sounded foreign to me. I was so puzzled that I don't think I answered right away. Still brushing her hair, she walked towards me. It appeared that my non answer was taken at as a "No." Then she said that she was really afraid to sleep there alone. Now I knew that I wasn't supposed to be in her room as it was and my first thought was that she wanted me to sleep in the room with her. As much as I wanted to be with her as much as possible I knew that wasn't going to happen. If we were to get caught it would mean expulsion for her and who knew what for me.

After a few deep breaths I suggested that I could show her how to bar the door. (For fire reasons, locks were not allowed on dorm room doors.) She was accepting of that idea but I could see that she was still very uncomfortable. I took one of the desk chairs and showed her how to jam it under the door handle. I then had her do it while I stood in the hall and tried to get in. I couldn't. But that didn't seem to satisfy her. Back in the room, I sat down in the chair we'd been using. I didn't know what to say (or do) to make her happy. She came over to me and, after a few seconds, sat on my lap. At this point in time there was nothing sexual going through my mind. We just sat there, saying nothing. I wanted to come up with a solution but we each had our own, separate, fears. I finally told her that she would be fine... that I was positive that no one could get in with the chair jamming the door. I eased her up off my lap, told her that I loved her and picked up my coat and started out the door. I didn't want to do it that way but, I was, by now, exhausted and I still had to walk all the way to Donny's house. Elle followed behind me and when I got to the basement lounge, stopped to give her a hug and a kiss. She was crying. Standing there in the hall I just held her in my arms. This whole crying thing was new to me. When I tried to free myself though, she looked into the empty lounge. Excitedly, she then asked if I'd sleep in there. I peeked around her and saw a vynal covered love seat and three uncomfortable looking chairs. At least, I thought, if I (we) got caught it would be me who was at risk and not Elle. I don't remember exactly what I said or did at that point but I do remember trying out the love seat and finding it VERY uncomfortable. I also remember looking up at her pleading eyes and shrugging my shoulders, or something like, that to indicate that I'd given in to her pleadings. Elle plopped down on my lap, hugging me tighter that I could ever remember. After a short while, I asked her to get me a pillow for my head and some sort of blanket. She didn't want to get up but I was really, really tired by then. After Elle was safely ensconsed in her room, I tried to find a position where I thought I might get some rest. It was almost impossible. Added to that was the fact that there was no doorway and the hall lights were permanently on. It made for a long night!

I wouldn't allow myself to look at my watch as the night progressed. I tossed and I turned. I even tried putting the cushions on the floor but there was a terrible draft. I did fall asleep but it must have been just around daybreak. It was Elle gently shaking me that woke me. I still remember lying on my back, looking up at Elle, and having no idea where I was. As worried about herself as she was, she was also worried about me. I remember grabbing one of her hands and sort of dragging her down on top of me. She landed on my groin and from there I pulled her down so I could hold her. She sort of resisted and I asked what was wrong. She said she was headed for the bathroom but wanted to check on me first. I was still groggy at that point and I don't know why but I asked if she was wet. With time to think about it, common sense would've told me that she was. With the fear that she had there was no way she would've gotten up to use the toilet during the night. She answered by whispering "yes" in my ear. My "bulge" was growing, even with her lying on top of it. I'd been holding her with both arms wrapped around her but, upon hearing that she was wet, my right hand drifted down to her butt. One of my unanswered questions was immediately answered... was she using the plastic "bloomers" (that weren't)? I could feel them through her nightgown. With all this "information" to process, and even though still slightly groggy, I immediately had the idea of having her pee right there while sitting on me. But, how was I going to ask her to do it. I was still struggling with just how to explain my decided interest in her being wet. We'd sort of skirted the issue and she'd sort of acknowledged it by some of the things that she'd done, but...

She, again, tried to get up but I wouldn't let her go. She wasn't mad or anything like that but she wanted to know why I wouldn't. I'm not sure of how I put it but I think it was along the lines of "What would happen if I don't?" I think I took it a bit further but I just don't remember. I finally let her sit up and I sort of half followed her up myself, as far as I could what with her still on my groin. I didn't let her go, though. I'm sure there was some more dialog but the one thing I remember is her saying "What if it leaks?" I also remember her having a strange look on her face. Then, and I remember this vividly, I felt my groin area start to get a little warm. For some reason I knew that I wasn't getting wet. It was the warmth of her pee soaking through her "package" and down to her butt being passed on to me. If she'd as much as wiggled I would've come.

When she was through peeing she pulled away and told me that she was going to get washed up and dressed. I remember her saying "Satisfied?" as she got up. I was! I was! I followed her into her room and watched as she collected her clothes for the day. I was pleased to see a pair of nylon panties on the top of the pile. Like the night before, she asked me to check the bathroom. While there I used the toilet and also got a look of myself in the mirror. It'd been two days since I'd showered and shaved, although the latter wasn't an issue (yet). I think I looked worse from lack of sleep than anything else. When I walked back into the room she was in the closet. All the clothes and her towel were on her bed. When she walked out I walked up to her and kissed and hugged her. I couldn't have planned it better. I got to squeeze her butt with the wet soggy panties and pads encased by the plastic panties. I don't know why that was so important to me but it was. When she backed away I summoned the courage to ask her to let me see her in them. She gave me one of those "I just don't understand you!!" looks but reached down and pulled the hem of her nightgown up enough to at least see the crotch area. I was a happy young man!

To be continued...

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