Saturday, April 14, 2018

KEEPING UP... Busy, busy, busy (Part 166m)

KEEPING UP… Busy, busy, busy (Part 166m)

Once back in the cab of the hauler and on our way I brought Davo up again. I could see Dick was in no mood to discus it but, ignoring that, I told him I wanted to know just what had happened at the motel to prompt the police to get involved. Seeing that I wasn’t going to ‘back off’ he relaxed a bit and said what he knew was “second hand’. From what his wife had told him the owner/clerk was afraid that Davo had left without paying for the second night and gone to the room to check with another person. With Davo’s car gone it was a rational assumption. But, when they opened the door and saw both Leigh and Davo asleep… and their clothes and bags still there, they grabbed what they could of them and headed for the office. Either Davo or Leigh heard some noise and saw someone run out the door. Davo went after them and caught up with the owner as he got to the office. Supposedly, he was about to hit the guy when the other guy tackled him. Evidently, someone staying at the motel ended up calling the police.

Nothing was mentioned about what Davo was or wasn’t wearing nor was Leigh’s name brought up. I knew that Leigh was naked from the waist down and, if the motel guys had taken the clothes I wondered what she was wearing… but didn’t ask Dick. The short version was the police listened to both sides of the story and told Davo he had two choices… pay up or be arrested. Davo’s argument that he’d been cheated out of $10 was ignored by the police. At that point Dick said he was certainly glad he’d taken Davo’s keys so we all could get to the track or quite possibly we could’ve all been arrested. Hearing that I was still curious as to what Leigh was wearing when she saw Ra driving by. If the motel guys had grabbed all the clothes on the floor as well as the suitcases there wasn’t anything for her to wear. But, and this was important, with them taking the loose clothes that took me off the hook for scarfing the panties I’d stuffed into my duffel bag. It was some relief but I found myself wondering if they’d missed and left the peed in pants that I’d found under the bed and love seat and that was what she ended up wearing… at least at that time. That also triggered the question as to what had happened to the peed in panties she'd been wearing that I couldn’t find.

We’d been told we finished 34th and had collected $250 as our share of the prize money. The ‘big bucks’ went to the the first five finishers and then it dropped off from there. We knew a top 10 finish would pay $1,000 but from there on back it wasn’t all that good. There had been a protest concerning the scoring that affected the cars finishing above and below 10th. Beth had figured that C J had ended up 14th and when he went to get paid they were holding it up until the dispute was resolved. All the other cars were paid including us and we discussed what we could buy for the car for that amount of money. We were in agreement that we were in pretty good shape as far as the car was concerned. The motor had just been “freshened” and only had some 65 miles or so on it. The guardrail scrape in the race was inconsequential so the only expense to start the next season was for tires. We were a happy group.

It was around 1am when I walked in the kitchen door. Elle had left a note for me on the counter that the minister had wanted to speak to me as soon as possible. I’d only called home once because the motel didn’t provide phones and there were no phone facilities at the track. I certainly wasn’t going to call him at that hour and wondered why she’d bothered to leave a note about it. I decided to wait to take a shower until morning and was on my way up the stairs when I suddenly remembered the pair of Leigh’s panties I’d stuffed into a pocket of my duffel bag. So, I turned around and went back to the kitchen. I pulled them out an gave them a pretty close look. Made by Greenco Maid they were definitely not ‘run of the mill’ panties. A light blue nylon with lace inserts over the front leg elastics, I was impressed that Leigh had something as nice as they were. I checked the crotch (by sight and smell) and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. I made a quick trip to the basement to stash them until I had sufficient time for a more permanent location like the attic. Climbing the stairs I was pretty excited about my newest ‘treasure’.

However, I was still pretty ‘wound up’ from the weekend so lay awake in bed for a while trying to figure out what was so important that the minister wanted to talk. As far as I knew the Thrift Shoppe was running fairly smoothly and we’d paid off the outstanding heating oil bill. I hadn’t come up with any ideas by the time I finally drifted off to sleep. In the morning I asked Elle if she had any idea why the minister wanted to talk with me and all I got was a shrug. Then it came to me… a Vestry meeting was coming up. With the ‘factions’ within the parish due to the Thrift Shoppe the meetings had become somewhat of a battleground. Satisfied that that was the reason I let the import of it slip and concentrated on what the week at work would be like. A full Board meeting was scheduled for Wednesday but when I left on Thursday there was nothing out of the ordinary being considered.

When I got to my desk and pulled out my chair I saw a brown paper bag but with no writing on it. I picked it up and it was fairly light. I opened it up and saw two items of clothing… a pair of panties and what initially looked like they might’ve been a pair of slacks. Naturally, my focus was on the panties, and because I had no idea where they came from and I was out in public view, I could feel my cheeks flushing red. I clasped the bag shut and, literally, threw them under the knee space of the desk. I was at a complete loss as to the meaning of it. I tried to do a review of all the employees that I’d had any contact where panties had been a part of the conversation. Right in sight were two, Laura and Joanie. It had been a while since the last time so I disregarded them. I’d let Trish show the lingerie catalogs around from my friend Willy’s companies but that didn’t produce much if any interest at all. I knew Trish well enough by them to eliminate that possibility. After a few minutes of agony I began to focus on the slacks. Why were they in the bag with panties?

Bret had been late arriving that morning and as soon as he saw me wanted a ‘blow by blow’ description of what had happened with C J in the championship race. It sort of pissed me off that he completely ignored the fact that I was a part owner of a car that was there and he hadn’t asked how we’d done. I told him as far as qualifying was concerned that C J and his father were both disappointed with their high powered NASCAR motor. Then, sort of casually, said as far as I knew they’d finished 14th in the race. After I told him about C J’s finish he asked how we’d done. My ‘take’ on his reaction was that he was really surprised that we’d even qualified and when I told him we were running 15th when the spring broke I think he was a bit impressed… but he didn’t say anything to back it up. Then we both had situations to handle and that ended the conversation. Mine ended up being a problem at the drive-up window. Woody had accidentally hit a safety lock that was used to prevent anyone from using the drawer when the bank was closed. It was a quick fix and it was while I was there that the mystery of the panties/slacks was solved.

To be continued…


Anonymous said...

Too bad you didn't get Leigh's other pair of panties too! I can imagine the look on your face when you saw the panties in the bag!


oldblue said...

You are saved, only to be confounded by a delivery from an unknown source. Hope it is an innocent move on someone's part. Lets get cracking, as I am impatient to hear the result of this latest kettle of fish.

Pantymaven said...

BS... I know I still have the panties and I spent at least an hour trying to find them. With our move a few years ago there are still things I haven't been able to locate. At least I tried...

OB... the innocent part was true but it eventually did get 'interesting'...