Monday, September 09, 2019

DEALING WITH THE HEAT... & more (Part 174dd)

DEALING WITH THE HEAT… & more (Part 174dd)

Because of the situation of the previous weekend where a number of skippers chose to, supposedly, resign, as members of the club, there were three of them that hadn’t shown up to race. That meant, with Marty there, only six boats were racing. I’d heard that he was a very good racer although in the races from the previous season he hadn’t done all that well. But, in the race I crewed for him he was the dominant boat. I hadn’t been in a Comet class boat for years and I certainly wasn’t in shape to be crewing on one but, winning makes all the pain worth it. When we got to the shore I saw Elle talking with Janie, Marty’s wife. They knew each other from the junior sailing program as she had two kids taking lessons. Thier son was also in Anne’s class in school and they had been together a few times at class functions.

At the end of the previous season I’d helped Marty move one of his reclamation projects, a Penguin class sailboat into his yard. While the women talked I asked how the rebuild was going. He tried to explain but ended up suggesting I stop by his house on the way home. Elle and I had come in separate vehicles so it wouldn’t bother Elle if I did. The women had gotten the Sunfish stored on the rack while I helped Marty and some of the others get their boats out of the water and onto their storage trailers. Marty’s house was on my way home anyway so it was an easy stop. It had been almost a year since I’d last been there but as soon as I turned in the driveway I smiled. The development was built on a natural creek and the developer squeezed out every inch of useable land he could when laying it out. That meant there were no two lots even closely the same. The houses were really nothing more than Summer cottages that had been built right after WWII. Without zoning controls to regulate how close to property lines the houses were built there were some pretty interesting configurations. One of them was right next door to Marty. The back of the house was no more than five feet from a four foot high chain link fence. What had interested me was that in that five feet they had built a T-pole clothes line and, when I’d been there the previous year there had been multiple panties hanging on it. So, with that as a memory I was anxious to see what might be hanging there this time.

There were all kinds of clothes which, upon seeing them, disappointed me. Pulling to a stop I found myself looking at a variety of both mens and women clothes along with some sheets. With only a split second to scan the whole thing I couldn’t see any panties as Marty was right in front of me waiting for me to catch up with him. As I said, the houses were really nothing more than cottages without garages. Marty had built a lean-to covered by a canvas tarpaulin to work under and when we made the turn at the corner of the house I almost couldn’t believe this was the same boat I’d helped him with a year prior. What struck me was the name, in chalk, on the transom (back/stern)… “Another One”. I had to ask and Marty made a face and told me his daughter had done it. I knew Marty liked to restore old and or abandoned wooden boats so this was his daughter’s ‘jibe’ at her father’s hobby. After pointing out some details he said he planned to race it in a Frostbite series during the Winter. That was something I’d never tried and wanted no part of so, at that point, didn’t have much to talk with him about. Janie had come around the other side of the house to tell Marty he had a phone call from his boss so I said my good byes and headed back to my car.

When I had gotten out of my car and made that quick glance at the clothes line I thought I saw some feet moving around behind the sheets. When I approached it most of the clothes were gone. When I’d been to Marty’s the previous year That closes line and a bunch of panties on it. As you know the two things I really like to know are who make the panties and, almost as important, what the woman who wore them looked like. I hesitated as I got in the car and was rewarded when the sheet that was blocking my view of the woman suddenly disappeared. The woman was concentrating on folding the sheet and wasn’t paying any attention to me. My notes say early 40’s but also had a cryptic note… “worth a 2nd look!”. From memory, I picture her with short brown hair (and that was not a popular style at the time) and definite curves. As I backed out of the driveway I was glad I’d re-connected with Marty (and Janie).

By the time I arrived home Elle had showered and was dressed. I’d been hoping she hadn’t so I could reintroduce her to the bikini panties she’d rejected . It definitely wasn’t the time to bring them up so had to put it off for a while. I really didn’t have a plan so, looked at the situation in a positive manner thinking I’d now have time to come up with one. After we’d eaten Elle went next door to invite Mattie and Martha to come to the sailing club with her the next day. She’d told me that she thought with swimming lessons behind them they’d be willing to spend time at the beach. The last time I’d spoken with Junior her gave me a hint that his sister, Mattie, still wasn’t ‘sold’ on being near water. Even though the situation when her brother drowned (he’d wandered off and fell into the lake where they were spending the Summer) was totally different there was still that twinge of fear.(58)When she returned I was really curious as to the decision. Martha was willing to go with her kids but Mattie declined. Elle said her daughter cried when she said they weren’t going. Elle told me she felt badly for having gone over but I told her she was doing what she thought was best.

I stayed awake for a while thinking of how to get Elle to, willingly, wear the bikini panties. She’d worn the ‘dribble panties’ most of the Winter and Spring but had pretty much gone back to wearing two pair of the nylon satin ones for the Summer. However, with the really hot weather she’d complained that they were “hot”. My solution was for her to put the bikini panties first and the full briefs over them. That way her stomach and lower back would only have one layer of nylon. I fell asleep convinced the idea would ‘fly’. Now, the question was when could I propose it to her without being obvious.

After a pretty mundane (that was the word in my DayTimer) day at work I was anxious to find out how Martha made out at the beach with Elle. Again, I didn’t want to be too interested so broached the subject by asking Kaye how she and her friend made out at the beach. She described something that they’d done which made little sense to me so I turned to Elle for it to be deciphered. She sort of brushed it aside and proceeded to say that Martha and her kids had a great time although adding that they’d gotten too much sun. I asked if they’d gotten wet and she smiled saying that they’d all squatted down at the waters edge. I smiled back and told her it was “progress”.

To be continued…


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