Time out... again, UPDATE
Due to a number of complications the Celebration of Life for our daughter won't be held until next weekend. It just makes for a LONG time to get closure... but Elle and I are hanging in there. Her husband and kids seem to be doing the same. Thanks for the thoughts of sympathy.
A blog to describe my lifelong fascination with women's panties and the women who wore them.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Sunday, March 05, 2017
Time out... again
Time out... again
Just received word that the daughter with health problems died this morning from a massive brain bleed. It was totally unexpected as her recent problems have been with her heart. We'll be leaving for Connecticut later this afternoon and have no idea when we'll return.
Just received word that the daughter with health problems died this morning from a massive brain bleed. It was totally unexpected as her recent problems have been with her heart. We'll be leaving for Connecticut later this afternoon and have no idea when we'll return.
Friday, March 03, 2017
HOME AGAIN... to some surprises (Partr 157f)
HOME AGAIN… to some surprises (Part 157f)
The panties went right into my suit pants pocket and then they got hung up and put in the closet. It was the safest way to handle it even if I had to wait until the next time I wore the suit to put them with my stash. Back downstairs I, as innocently as I could, asked Elle what was up with the carry case on the bed. She smiled and said she’d been warned that the class she’d been called in to teach was scheduled for a field trip. Not having any concrete information about the trip itself she told me she decided to not take any chances and brought ”spare everything”. I had to ask if she needed any of it and got a big smile as a response. I decided not to pursue it any further as I now had the panties and she was back to being ’normal’ and not upset with me any more. That made me smile too.
With the kids occupied I had the opportunity to explain about my upcoming trip to the city. Unexpectedly, it didn’t seem to phase her. I wondered if it might be a good time to bring up the race car. I figured “Why not?” and plunged ahead. I started by telling her the racing season started in mid May but there was a practice before that and I'd be needed. I was waiting for some sort of a negative response but didn’t even get a ‘rise’ out of her. I didn’t know if that was good or bad so I didn’t go any further.
Mary Carol, the new switchboard operator, was waiting for me at the back door of the bank the next morning. Trish had had her complete all the necessary paperwork the previous day so she was all set to start training on the PBX board. Lynne was relieved to see her and anxious to get started with training her. While doing the introduction J J appeared so I had to introduce him as well. It turned out that he knew her father as he’d worked on the building of his house. For some reason that pleased me. However, seeing him reminded me that I still hadn’t gotten any information about his meeting with the president after the incident that caused Netta to quit.
Back downstairs I overheard Jerry talking with someone of the phone about the branch. That disturbed me as he’d been told that anything having to do with the construction was to go through Hobie, and in his absence, me. As much as I hated talking to/with him I felt I had to. He tried to ‘dance’ around my question but I wouldn’t let him. While I was away he’d managed to talk with Albie at the data center for some reason. Somewhere in the conversation the matter of the teller machines for the branch came up. That was totally under my direction. I really had to reign in my dislike for this man as I reiterated that fact to him. He did manage to divulge what information the data center wanted and it had to do with the phone wires for data transmission. I can assure you Jerry didn’t have a clue as to just what it was that they wanted to check on. I called Albie to get clarification and the end result it meant me having to go to the branch to confirm that the data packs had been installed. After watching them being installed at the main office I knew exactly what the data center was looking for.
I told Hobie I was headed for the branch. He told me the teller counter had been roughed in when he was there the last time so I decided to take a tape measure to make sure they had the right width for the teller machines. That decision turned out to be somewhat critical as the plan from the architect had used the dimensions for the old type NCR machines that we were no longer using. I found he data packs were in place which meant the data center could test the lines as soon as the machines were delivered. That, to me was a very positive sign as to being able to open by July 1st. I’d heard from a friend at another bank that they’d had to postpone a branch opening because the data lines were not in place.
The only other thing that I saw that was of a concern was the signage. A temporary sign had been put up to announce that we would be opening in early Summer. Because of the odd shape of the property and the need for a drive-up window the building was quite close to the road leaving no room for a sign that could be seen until you were right on it. It was just another thing that annoyed me about the Trustees being involved with something they really didn’t have any experience or knowledge. However, what was done couldn’t be undone so I headed on back.
I was still a bit upset about the situation with Netta and J J and on my way I went over what she had said about the dropped calls she’d been experiencing. I got to wondering if there was something wrong with the board itself. I only knew a little about the history and that it had been installed right before WWII. That meant it was going on 30 years old. By the time I got to the parking lot I knew I was going to put a service call in on it when I got back to my desk.
My timing was almost perfect for my return to the bank. Gertrude (the travel agency lady) had called for me and when told I was out and left a message for me to call upon my return. It had only been minutes since she'd called and when I got her on the phone she said she'd be right down with the check to open the account that Jerry had refused to open for her. I wondered what Jerry's reaction would be when she walked in.
To be continued...
The panties went right into my suit pants pocket and then they got hung up and put in the closet. It was the safest way to handle it even if I had to wait until the next time I wore the suit to put them with my stash. Back downstairs I, as innocently as I could, asked Elle what was up with the carry case on the bed. She smiled and said she’d been warned that the class she’d been called in to teach was scheduled for a field trip. Not having any concrete information about the trip itself she told me she decided to not take any chances and brought ”spare everything”. I had to ask if she needed any of it and got a big smile as a response. I decided not to pursue it any further as I now had the panties and she was back to being ’normal’ and not upset with me any more. That made me smile too.
With the kids occupied I had the opportunity to explain about my upcoming trip to the city. Unexpectedly, it didn’t seem to phase her. I wondered if it might be a good time to bring up the race car. I figured “Why not?” and plunged ahead. I started by telling her the racing season started in mid May but there was a practice before that and I'd be needed. I was waiting for some sort of a negative response but didn’t even get a ‘rise’ out of her. I didn’t know if that was good or bad so I didn’t go any further.
Mary Carol, the new switchboard operator, was waiting for me at the back door of the bank the next morning. Trish had had her complete all the necessary paperwork the previous day so she was all set to start training on the PBX board. Lynne was relieved to see her and anxious to get started with training her. While doing the introduction J J appeared so I had to introduce him as well. It turned out that he knew her father as he’d worked on the building of his house. For some reason that pleased me. However, seeing him reminded me that I still hadn’t gotten any information about his meeting with the president after the incident that caused Netta to quit.
Back downstairs I overheard Jerry talking with someone of the phone about the branch. That disturbed me as he’d been told that anything having to do with the construction was to go through Hobie, and in his absence, me. As much as I hated talking to/with him I felt I had to. He tried to ‘dance’ around my question but I wouldn’t let him. While I was away he’d managed to talk with Albie at the data center for some reason. Somewhere in the conversation the matter of the teller machines for the branch came up. That was totally under my direction. I really had to reign in my dislike for this man as I reiterated that fact to him. He did manage to divulge what information the data center wanted and it had to do with the phone wires for data transmission. I can assure you Jerry didn’t have a clue as to just what it was that they wanted to check on. I called Albie to get clarification and the end result it meant me having to go to the branch to confirm that the data packs had been installed. After watching them being installed at the main office I knew exactly what the data center was looking for.
I told Hobie I was headed for the branch. He told me the teller counter had been roughed in when he was there the last time so I decided to take a tape measure to make sure they had the right width for the teller machines. That decision turned out to be somewhat critical as the plan from the architect had used the dimensions for the old type NCR machines that we were no longer using. I found he data packs were in place which meant the data center could test the lines as soon as the machines were delivered. That, to me was a very positive sign as to being able to open by July 1st. I’d heard from a friend at another bank that they’d had to postpone a branch opening because the data lines were not in place.
The only other thing that I saw that was of a concern was the signage. A temporary sign had been put up to announce that we would be opening in early Summer. Because of the odd shape of the property and the need for a drive-up window the building was quite close to the road leaving no room for a sign that could be seen until you were right on it. It was just another thing that annoyed me about the Trustees being involved with something they really didn’t have any experience or knowledge. However, what was done couldn’t be undone so I headed on back.
I was still a bit upset about the situation with Netta and J J and on my way I went over what she had said about the dropped calls she’d been experiencing. I got to wondering if there was something wrong with the board itself. I only knew a little about the history and that it had been installed right before WWII. That meant it was going on 30 years old. By the time I got to the parking lot I knew I was going to put a service call in on it when I got back to my desk.
My timing was almost perfect for my return to the bank. Gertrude (the travel agency lady) had called for me and when told I was out and left a message for me to call upon my return. It had only been minutes since she'd called and when I got her on the phone she said she'd be right down with the check to open the account that Jerry had refused to open for her. I wondered what Jerry's reaction would be when she walked in.
To be continued...
Wednesday, March 01, 2017
HOME AGAIN... to some surprises (Part 157e)
HOME AGAIN… to some surprises (Part 157e)
Hobie walked up to the gate at the platform and motioned for me to follow him over to his new work area. I thought it might be to discuss the Netta/J J situation but it wasn’t. Back in the December Board meeting I’d been designated as the bank Security Officer. At the time all I knew about it was that the Federal government was in the process of promulgating new rules concerning how Banks were to handle bank robberies. The first step was that each financial institution was to designate a person to monitor and administer the rules when finalized. After the appointment I’d not heard a word about it… until I stepped into Hobie’s area.
While I was in Florida the State banking association we belonged to contacted all the members and offered a two day seminar to go over what was known about The Bank Protection Act of 1968 even though it hadn’t yet been enacted. Hobie had signed me up… Thursday and Friday, in the city. I just stood there wondering how I was to get all the other things I was responsible for completed. I needed to visit the new branch site; meet with the premium (gift) vendors; review the data center’s performance during the ‘busy time’ with them; review the applications for a new switchboard operator and, on a more mundane item, review the pile of mail on my desk. I don’t remember saying anything at all. Walking back to my desk I saw Jerry which reminded me that I had to call Gee. While dialing him up I started flipping through the applications. Among them was a name that seemed familiar and I pulled it out. Gee agreed to call Gertrude (the travel agency lady) to assure her that her money was safe. That was the first thing that had gone right for me since I got up.
The second thing that went right was the familiar name I’d seen on a job application form. It came to me that she was the daughter of a lady I’d met while taking adult education golf lessons at our school. I had Trish call her and she said she could come right in. She appeared at the gate to the platform just before the noon siren. Certainly not a ‘looker’ (actually a little on the plump side), Mary Carol had a pleasing personality and a great sounding voice. Studies had shown that most initial contact with banks was through the phone so that aspect of the job was definitely important. In the interview I gleaned the fact that she’d been homesick in the short time she’d been at college and had decided to find a permanent job near home. I’m not going to say that I wasn’t looking for an easy way out of the situation when I offered her the job. She said she would be there at 9am the next morning… another positive in my day.
With Netta gone, the back-up for her was Lynne, J J’s secretary. I knew from past history that he hated that arrangement and had tried to get Joanie to fill the role. That was something that I was dead set against as she was way to bright to be saddled with a ‘nothing job’. So, from that standpoint getting Mary Carol started was a priority. I’d managed to avoid J J all morning. Hobie had filled me in on just what transpired after Netta walked out. Bert, the president, got J J in his office and closed the door. Hobie was told that Netta was contacted by Bert but she wasn’t interested in returning under any circumstances and I couldn’t blame her. I just hated loosing a nice person like her and decided to call her at the end of the day.
She was surprised to hear from me as we’d actually had little one on one contact on a daily basis. I told her I was sorry to hear that she’d decided to leave and asked if she cared to give me the background on what had happened. She declined at first but then told me she’d been having trouble with the switchboard itself. It was an old PBX type where the operator had to plug wires into the board to make the connection. She said she was aware that some calls were getting “dropped” but hadn’t said anything about it. On that day it had happened to J J a couple of times and he’d been rude to her. Then, on that particular call it had happened to the same caller twice and that’s when J J went ‘off’ on her. I told her I understood how she felt and told her that if she used my name as a reference I’d give her a good one.
By the time I left for home it was well after 6pm. By then I’d addressed most of the items on my ‘to-do’ list for the day. Driving home I was a bit concerned to have to tell Elle I’d be in the city Thursday night. I knew the seminar would be over in time to be home for supper on Friday so it wouldn’t be too bad. Hobie had had Trish make a reservation for me to stay at the same hotel where the conference was being held which was a definite plus. I was thinking about that when it came to me that it might be possible to visit with one or more of the premium (gift) vendors while in the city. The reason I wanted to visit them rather than have them come call on me was I could see the whole range of products they had to offer rather than them just pick out a dozen or so for me to choose from. Pulling in the driveway was when I was reminded of the carry bag and the bikini panties. I’d been so busy all day that I’d actually forgotten about them… not good!
Elle was very understanding about my lateness which was a good sign. However, as I looked around I didn’t see the carry bag. I thought that maybe it was back in the closet so I told her I just had to get out of my suit and get comfortable before eating. I think I went up the stairs two at a time. Walking into the bedroom which was right at the top of the stairs I saw the bag on the end of the bed. I also saw that the zippered pocket that ran along the bottom of it was unzipped. Instant heart attack! I think I stood there staring at it for maybe thirty seconds before moving over to it. I reached down for the bag and stuck my hand in the pocket. Nothing! I probably took a few deep breaths before it came to me that Elle had been in a good mood when I walked in which she certainly wouldn’t have been had she found the panties. I stuck my hand back in the pocket and pushed it to the far corners. You can’t believe the relief that came over me when I felt something soft and satiny on my fingers. I grasped it and pulled it out…
To be continued...
Hobie walked up to the gate at the platform and motioned for me to follow him over to his new work area. I thought it might be to discuss the Netta/J J situation but it wasn’t. Back in the December Board meeting I’d been designated as the bank Security Officer. At the time all I knew about it was that the Federal government was in the process of promulgating new rules concerning how Banks were to handle bank robberies. The first step was that each financial institution was to designate a person to monitor and administer the rules when finalized. After the appointment I’d not heard a word about it… until I stepped into Hobie’s area.
While I was in Florida the State banking association we belonged to contacted all the members and offered a two day seminar to go over what was known about The Bank Protection Act of 1968 even though it hadn’t yet been enacted. Hobie had signed me up… Thursday and Friday, in the city. I just stood there wondering how I was to get all the other things I was responsible for completed. I needed to visit the new branch site; meet with the premium (gift) vendors; review the data center’s performance during the ‘busy time’ with them; review the applications for a new switchboard operator and, on a more mundane item, review the pile of mail on my desk. I don’t remember saying anything at all. Walking back to my desk I saw Jerry which reminded me that I had to call Gee. While dialing him up I started flipping through the applications. Among them was a name that seemed familiar and I pulled it out. Gee agreed to call Gertrude (the travel agency lady) to assure her that her money was safe. That was the first thing that had gone right for me since I got up.
The second thing that went right was the familiar name I’d seen on a job application form. It came to me that she was the daughter of a lady I’d met while taking adult education golf lessons at our school. I had Trish call her and she said she could come right in. She appeared at the gate to the platform just before the noon siren. Certainly not a ‘looker’ (actually a little on the plump side), Mary Carol had a pleasing personality and a great sounding voice. Studies had shown that most initial contact with banks was through the phone so that aspect of the job was definitely important. In the interview I gleaned the fact that she’d been homesick in the short time she’d been at college and had decided to find a permanent job near home. I’m not going to say that I wasn’t looking for an easy way out of the situation when I offered her the job. She said she would be there at 9am the next morning… another positive in my day.
With Netta gone, the back-up for her was Lynne, J J’s secretary. I knew from past history that he hated that arrangement and had tried to get Joanie to fill the role. That was something that I was dead set against as she was way to bright to be saddled with a ‘nothing job’. So, from that standpoint getting Mary Carol started was a priority. I’d managed to avoid J J all morning. Hobie had filled me in on just what transpired after Netta walked out. Bert, the president, got J J in his office and closed the door. Hobie was told that Netta was contacted by Bert but she wasn’t interested in returning under any circumstances and I couldn’t blame her. I just hated loosing a nice person like her and decided to call her at the end of the day.
She was surprised to hear from me as we’d actually had little one on one contact on a daily basis. I told her I was sorry to hear that she’d decided to leave and asked if she cared to give me the background on what had happened. She declined at first but then told me she’d been having trouble with the switchboard itself. It was an old PBX type where the operator had to plug wires into the board to make the connection. She said she was aware that some calls were getting “dropped” but hadn’t said anything about it. On that day it had happened to J J a couple of times and he’d been rude to her. Then, on that particular call it had happened to the same caller twice and that’s when J J went ‘off’ on her. I told her I understood how she felt and told her that if she used my name as a reference I’d give her a good one.
By the time I left for home it was well after 6pm. By then I’d addressed most of the items on my ‘to-do’ list for the day. Driving home I was a bit concerned to have to tell Elle I’d be in the city Thursday night. I knew the seminar would be over in time to be home for supper on Friday so it wouldn’t be too bad. Hobie had had Trish make a reservation for me to stay at the same hotel where the conference was being held which was a definite plus. I was thinking about that when it came to me that it might be possible to visit with one or more of the premium (gift) vendors while in the city. The reason I wanted to visit them rather than have them come call on me was I could see the whole range of products they had to offer rather than them just pick out a dozen or so for me to choose from. Pulling in the driveway was when I was reminded of the carry bag and the bikini panties. I’d been so busy all day that I’d actually forgotten about them… not good!
Elle was very understanding about my lateness which was a good sign. However, as I looked around I didn’t see the carry bag. I thought that maybe it was back in the closet so I told her I just had to get out of my suit and get comfortable before eating. I think I went up the stairs two at a time. Walking into the bedroom which was right at the top of the stairs I saw the bag on the end of the bed. I also saw that the zippered pocket that ran along the bottom of it was unzipped. Instant heart attack! I think I stood there staring at it for maybe thirty seconds before moving over to it. I reached down for the bag and stuck my hand in the pocket. Nothing! I probably took a few deep breaths before it came to me that Elle had been in a good mood when I walked in which she certainly wouldn’t have been had she found the panties. I stuck my hand back in the pocket and pushed it to the far corners. You can’t believe the relief that came over me when I felt something soft and satiny on my fingers. I grasped it and pulled it out…
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This is it... no label/size... & no idea who they belonged to... |
To be continued...
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