Wednesday, October 03, 2018

SLOGGING THROUGH WINTER... Good & bad (Part 169t)

SLOGGING THROUGH WINTER… Good & bad (Part 169t)

It didn’t take Dolly long to win the older girls over with them pestering her to play games with them like she’d done when she’d stayed with us in the mobile home . The problem was that my mother didn’t have any games for them as their visits were usually beach visits. Elle’s mother was the one who had the games. Because they would sometimes stay overnight with Elle’s parents we’d left some games there to keep the girls occupied while Elle’s mother did her chores. I was the one designated to trudge thought the small limbs and twigs on the path and lawn to fetch them. By that time, about eleven o’clock, the wind had started to abate so it didn’t seem as bitterly cold as it had been when we left our house. It took about 15 minutes to get there, pick out the games the girls wanted and to return. Walking back into the house I was a bit taken aback to see Dolly and the kids sitting on the floor in front of the fire. They were playing some kind of card game and Dolly was on her knees with her wool suit skirt pulled up around her hips. Unfortunately, I was facing her so wasn’t the beneficiary of her position. But, what really caught my attention was hearing my father talking on the telephone. Service had been restored while I was gone. In catching a snippet of his conversation I gathered it had to do with the train and what schedule they were on. Elle’s father, a fisherman, delivered heating oil in the Winter when he couldn’t fish. He was putting his coat on to go to work knowing that there would be customers who had let their oil tanks run low. Elle’s and my mother were in the kitchen trying to cobble enough food together for lunch. So I put the stack of games on the floor and proceeded to observe what the group on the floor were doing.

I’d maneuvered my way to be on Dolly’s right side. The skirt and slip were riding on her hip bone and there was about two inches or so of panty showing. I knew that Dolly wore bikinis having had ample opportunity to see what she wore back a few years ago. But it was still nice to see even a bit of them. When they finished the card game Dolly pushed herself up from the floor to the point that she was now squatting and turned towards the games I’d put on the floor. The peek was only for a split second but it was a crotch shot which made up for the shortness of it. Once a game was chosen Dolly returned to her knees and opened the box. Before she took the playing board out she turned to her left side and I watched as she fumbled with something on her waist. I certainly wasn’t expecting what followed. With my full concentration on her I watched as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the skirt and sort of wiggled it down her hips where the material met the already bunched material that she’d pulled up earlier. Then she suddenly stood up and let the whole mass fall to the floor and stepped out of it. She still had her slip on but it was so short it barely covered her panties. Then she was back down on her knees and on the floor concentrating on starting the game she’d chosen. It was like all in one motion. Regrettably, I wasn’t quick enough to take it all in and I rationalized that by telling myself that it had only taken a few seconds and I really hadn’t missed anything. My father, still on the phone, was oblivious to the whole thing. Looking at her there on the floor like that I wondered just what Elle’s mother would say if she saw her. Actually, she’d baby sat for Dolly and her siblings for many years and had some an idea of some of Dolly’s antics. My mother, for sure, did as they would get together any number of times during the year. Even though I had to look at her panties through her slip, I was happy.

When my father got off the phone he told us there definitely would be a train that afternoon. The tracks had been cleared and the regular 3pm train was running. When he came over to where we were I honestly don’t think he noticed how Dolly was dressed. He didn’t stay long and headed for the kitchen. Dolly never missed a move in the game, totally immersed in it and I was totally immersed in watching her. When my mother called out to us that lunch was ready the kids abandoned the game immediately. That left me siting in a chair sort of looking down at Dolly. She didn’t look at me but reached for her skirt and that excited me as I figured I’d get, at the minimum, a profile view of her in her panties, albeit through her slip. But… she proceeded to lift it over her head and pull in down to her hips. Never pausing, I watched as she fiddled with something at her waist and then stood up, pulling the hem of the skirt down as she did. Then she looked at me with what would best be called a ‘knowing smile’ and headed for the kitchen to join the others. Foiled!

I volunteered to drive Dolly to the station. I remember there being a few people waiting which somewhat surprised me. The train arrived a little later than 3pm and Dolly seemed anxious to get back to the city. In parting I told her not to be such a stranger. That elicited another smile. The church was in view from where I’d parked so drove over to take a look to see if there was any visible damage. The only two trees on the property were in the front and, as expected, there were a lot of twigs and leaves. There were no downed branches for which I was thankful. I knew I’d have to find time to clean up the mess but it wasn’t going to be right then. To get back to my parents house I had to drive past the real estate office where Andy, the broker who’d sold the house next door to us, worked for his father. When I saw the damage to the house early in the morning I didn’t know how to get in touch with the new owner. After the closing on the house, which was held at the bank, J J had brought the new owner down to introduce us but the man was very ‘cold’ and seemed uninterested in doing anything more than shaking hands and leaving. Seeing the office I made a quick decision to stop, hoping Andy or his father were there so I could pass on the information of the damage. I figured they would have contact information and could let the owner know, especially now that the phone lines were back operational. But it was Andy’s mother who was there. A nice woman, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. She didn’t seem to understand what I was telling her. I wanted to get back to my parents house so persuaded her to give me the phone number(s) of the new owner. She wasn’t sure she should do it but I prevailed.

The piece of paper she gave me had no name(s) on it so my call was ‘blind’ in that I had no idea who would answer the phone. It was definitely a female but it took a minute to make that determination. The voice was deep and after she finally got it into her mind who I was she explained that she was a daughter of the owner. He was in Florida for the Winter and she was in Connecticut. After a couple of attempts at describing what I’d observed she explained that she’d not seen the house. She finally asked what I thought she should do. I really, really didn’t want to get involved  and thought I could escape by giving her Jonesie’s (the handy man who went to all the high school basketball games) name and phone number. She seemed appreciative and that led me to believe I was ‘free’… but only for a few seconds. When she asked if he’d need a key I couldn’t give an honest answer and knew I wasn't.

To be continued…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it whenever people get together and share thoughts.
Great website, stick with it!