Monday, October 29, 2018

"SPRING"ING AHEAD... Better days? (Part 170f)

“SPRING”ING AHEAD… Better days? (Part 170f)

The reaction from Elle when I told her my schedule for the week wasn’t as bad as I’d expected. I attributed that to the positive ‘vibes’ Elle had been exhibiting all week. To keep them coming I made sure to be home in time to eat supper with the kids. To enhance that I made a point of playing games with them after we finished. I made sure not to say or do anything to trigger a negative change in her mood and ended up being an unexpected beneficiary when we went to bed. In the morning I wasn’t able to answer her question as to what time I expected to be home which brought forth the first negative sign I’d seen from her.

To be truthful, I wasn’t looking forward to the scheduled meeting. The group of four banks was created to keep the lines of communication open concerning  the branching plans of each. The bank I was with was the first of the four to open a branch and it created a bit of a panic for the other three. The fear was that we’d start to invade each others ‘territory'. There were no set geographical boundaries so the idea was for the four to share their broad branching plans. The original plan was for the four bank presidents to periodically meet. However, Bert, the president of the bank I worked for, wouldn’t attend meetings that required him to travel because of his invalid wife. My boss, Hobie, as a senior officer of the bank was tasked to fill in for him at the first meeting. At the last minute something came up and he was unable to go. With permission from the other three banks I was sent in his place. Basically, all I was to do was to give a report on our branch activity and that was all. I was somewhat intimidated even though I knew one of the other presidents having worked at his bank when I first got into banking. When the meeting was over they wanted to go out to eat and even though uncomfortable in their presence, was persuaded to join them. On my way home I determined that the underlying reason for the meeting was to go out to eat and drink at their bank’s expense. When the second meeting was proposed as a dinner meeting it confirmed my thinking. I didn’t expect to be representing the bank thinking Hobie would go but… it ended up being me.

The place they chose was a fairly well known restaurant that I was vaguely familiar with. My grandparents had celebrated a wedding anniversary there when I was still a teenager. We were all to meet there at 6pm. To get there I had to fight the traffic from the County Center and left a little early to make sure I was there on time. I knew the location was in the same town where Lynda lived but had put any thoughts of taking her up on her offer (to look at panty pictures of her) due to the hour we’d be finished. It did get me to thinking when I’d be able to come up with a way to do it. I waited until 6pm to go inside. I asked if any of the three men were there and was told that the meeting had been called off. I asked if they knew why and all I was told that one of the  group had some kind of problem. I asked if there was a message for me and gave my name. There wasn’t any which sort of annoyed me. Here I was, over an hour away from home and hungry. There wasn’t much to do other than to head home.

I’d come into the town by using the fairly new by-pass. I had the idea to leave by driving through the town to see how much had changed. The venerable local department store was still there which sort of surprised me. Seeing it reminded me of the old stainless steel encased diner on the edge of the village and decided to stop there to get something to eat. Just before the diner was the Chevrolet auto dealership owned and run by Lynda’s father-in-law. Seeing it put my mind in ‘high gear’. I pulled in to the diner and sat there debating with myself as to weather I should try to call Lynda… or not. To do so meant having to go inside to get to the phone. Still not ‘sold’ on the idea I went to the counter and ordered some soup. Believe it or not, I ended up flipping a coin to make the decision. The phone rang quite a few times before I heard Lynda’s sing-songy voice. It took a few seconds for her to recognize mine but when she did the first thing she asked was “Where are you?”.

It took maybe ten minutes for me to find her place again. Once I found the tavern where Elle had come to pick me up back on New Years Eve I knew I was close. I don’t know why but I was surprised to find her dressed in what I’d call her work clothes… a grey A-line skirt and white blouse. As for myself, as soon as I got in the house at home it was into something comfortable. She welcomed me and as I walked in saw a box on the little coffee table in front of the sofa. She took my coat and told me to take a seat on it. I won’t deny that I was nervous but I really couldn’t tell about her. The initial small-talk was probably somewhat inane. But, after getting something to drink for both of us she took a seat in an overstuffed chair just to the left of where I’d seated myself. The first thing she did was to move forward in her chair and with a somewhat mischievous smile I’d seen a few times before proceeded to ask me what had triggered my interest in panties. Talk about being put on the ‘hot seat’! My temperature soared a few degrees in just seconds. The question caught me totally by surprise and I didn’t know where to begin. Seeing me struggle seemed to please her but after a minute or so she asked me if there was some specific instance that might’ve been the source.
If you go back to my very first posts here at “Fancy Panties” you can get the details. However, it took me many years to get to the point of addressing it myself and any number of abortive tries to get it written down. I was in my 50’s when I first tried and when I did it was after thinking about it for an extended period of time.
I didn’t like being under pressure like that and the only thing I could remember off the top of my head was when living in the city with one set of grandparents during WWII. Even though they were considered “rich”, because of restrictions during the war everybody had to make do with what they had. During the Summer, my grandfather would set up a lawn sprinkler in the back yard and that sufficed in place of going to the beach. My grandmother would just strip off my play clothes and let me cavort in just my underpants. There was a girl my age (about 5yo) who lived next door who was also living with grandparents and she was allowed to run and frolic in the sprinkler with me wearing just her underpants. There was nothing more to it than that. However, once I started to go to school there were some boys who would taunt the girls and try to lift the hems of their dresses and thought it was funny. To be accepted I went along with what they did and, over time getting panty peeks became a game. What I didn’t tell Lynda was that the girl next door would often wet her pants and that became another part of my fetish. I’d not told Lynda about Elle’s incontinence so I was trying to keep what I told her to just panty peeks. When I finished she seemed satisfied.

To be continued…

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