Sunday, June 30, 2019

DEALING WITH THE HEAT... & more (Part 174b)

DEALING WITH THE HEAT… & more (Part 174b)

While we were preparing the porch for our guests Elle reminded me that I’d offered to pay for the pizzas. I felt sort of foolish since I was the one to offer but I headed inside to get my wallet. Walking past the coat closet I remembered that I’d purchased a pack of Polaroid film but hadn’t inserted it into the camera. With Elle busy I grabbed the box of film and the camera and headed up the stairs. I returned with my wallet and the camera, hiding it in the living room bookcase. My next stop was to deliver the money and as I pushed through the hedge was greeted by the neighbors three kids. They didn’t say anything and neither did I. Their kitchen door was closed and after knocking with no answer I headed for the garage to see if their car was still there. A peek through the window showed the car was gone. It took but a few steps for me to check on the wash line and, as would be expected, hanging there were the wet clothes the group of them had been wearing during the water fight. I knew there was no way for Elle to see me so headed over in that direction. I had to push aside the clothes to get to see the underwear and was excited to see two full brief panties. As I’ve said, Mattie was a bit on the ‘chunky’ side so it was easy to determine who wore the larger pair. Now the question was did I have the nerve, in broad daylight, to go over to them to find who made them. I stood there debating with myself when I heard an unfamiliar voice calling out my name. I managed to duck back away from the clothes before I saw Mattie’s son standing in the hedge opening. With my heart pounding I headed back towards him. I’m not sure he would’ve known what I was doing but it was still too close for comfort.

The next thing on my agenda was to see what Mattie and Martha had chosen to wear. To accommodate the kids Elle and I had moved the picnic table from the patio to just outside the porch but still in the shade of our huge maple tree. If there was one thing for certain it was that with the high humidity you didn’t want to be exerting much energy. When Mattie’s car pulled up the driveway the kids ignored that and were bouncing around like overinflated beach balls. Mattie was the first out of the car and it was almost like I’d orchestrated her exit. She opened the door and flung her left leg out and towards the ground. She had to have had her skirt pulled up into her lap because, even though I was a good 30 feet away, I had an almost unobstructed view of her groin and crotch. Her right leg was still inside the car with her left leg on the ground. Picture them at a 45 degree angle. I can almost imagine the look on my face as I took it all in.

Once she was out and standing I could see she was wearing a loose fitting full skirt that fell to about half calf. By then Martha had gotten out and walked around the back of the car. She was carrying the boxes of pizza and, much to my pleasure, was wearing a very short skirt or dress. My gaze switched from Mattie to Martha as she carried the boxes to the table. I remember hoping that she’d walk around the table to deposit them… and like she was in sync with my mind, she did. But that was only the beginning. With the benches pulled out from the table so the kids could sit on them she had to lean over them to get the boxes onto the table. As she did it seemed like she bent over in slow motion… and as she did I watched the hem of what ended up being a dress get higher and higher on her backside. There was one problem. Elle was standing right beside me and could see the same thing I could see… a pair of panties. I felt a smack against my bicep and as I turned to look at Elle I could see she wasn’t very happy with me.

As I’ve written, neither Elle nor I were into doing much if any drinking. Mattie insisted the pizza (for the adults) would be enhanced with some wine. As the pizza was dished out to the kids she headed back to her house to fetch some. Walking away from the porch, even with the sun on her back, I could see the outline of Mattie's panties. I was seated in one of our big wicker rocking chairs and in a perfect position to observe her. She returned with two bottles and Elle provided the glasses. I remember the two women polishing off one bottle and starting in on the other. It’s funny how alcohol affects different people. A good example would be Leslie, Davo’s girlfriend, who could only handle a couple of beers. With Mattie there seemed to be little change, glass after glass. On the other hand, Martha’s tongue seemed to get heavier and heavier as the evening wore on. Being mid July,  some daylight was still hanging around at 8:30pm. We’d started eating sometime around 6pm and by then a slight breeze had come up. Even with it none of us had wanted to move but Elle knew she had to. I couldn’t tell if Elle had had a problem or not when she did. But no one else had gotten up. In fact, I know I’d dozed off a few times. It was Martha’s daughter that finally broke it up. Running around in the yard with darkness coming up, she’d tripped on a tree root and was crying.

Martha was seated on the other wicker rocker located in the corner farthest away from the door. I was half asleep but did watch as she tried to get up and out of the chair. If cell phones were around at that time the result of her effort would have been a viral hit on YouTube. The seat of these wicker rocking chairs was pretty deep. I, at 6’1”, had to ‘oooch’ myself forward to get out of one. Martha, at maybe 5’5”, had a real problem as she tried to get to the front edge of the seat. Being a little tipsy wasn’t helping her at all. Frustrated after a couple of tries she put her hands on the arms in the very front and tried to lift herself up and to thrust herself off. When she did the whole chair pitched forward with her ending up on the floor and the whole chair on top of her. Mattie, watching this scene unfold, was laughing uncontrollably. By the time the chair landed on Martha's back I was there to try to help her. When I lifted it up and off her she was now laughing. She was basically face down on the floor with the hem of her dress spread across her backside. Dusk was definitely upon us so even though I was standing right above her I could barely see the crotch line of her panties. But I thought I saw something else… the bulge of a pad. I set the chair aside and then saw her roll over on her side and then to her back. That was when she reached her hands up to me so I could pull her up. Looking down at her I could see most of her panties and it was obvious she didn’t care. She wanted to be pulled up to a standing position.

I know she was talking but I couldn’t make out what she was saying so I just reached a hand down to one of hers but she was waving the other hand at me as if to say she wanted me to take it with my other hand. The only way I could do that was to stand right over her, straddling her. When I got her up to a sitting position she started laughing again… which got Mattie to laughing again. I thought it was pretty funny as well but the sight of her panties had made it more of a serious moment for me. I let go of her hands at this point and thought she was going to fall back onto her back. Then she said something between her laughs that I thought I could understand… “Don’t look!… I’m weeing….”

To be continued…

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