Friday, June 21, 2019

INTO THE SUMMER... abusy time (Part 173y)

INTO THE SUMMER… a busy time (Part 173y)

Before leaving for work Monday morning I reminded Elle about asking Ra about the different style panties with the large double crotch when she came to pick up her kids clothes. Once in the car and headed for the bank all thoughts were about the law suits that Rex had told me about. By the time I got to the parking lot I’d decided to call “Gee”, the bank Trustee/attorney, to advise me what to do about the possibility of being personally sued for the incident at the sailing club. As we all know, timing is a critical part of things that go on in our lives. As it turned out he’d just walked in the door to the main part of his office and the receptionist hadn’t yet arrived. He made the decision to pick up the ringing phone and found me with a shocked voice asking who I was speaking to. I would never have expected him to be the one answering the phone and when the momentary shock wore off told him of my problem. He shocked me again and told me to come on up to the office as he didn’t have any appointments until 10am. So, off I went. It took less than five minutes to be in the building.

“Gee” was the one Trustee who I felt was solidly behind me. This situation was another reinforcement of my feelings about him. It took about five minutes to hit the salient points and what he told me was to get more details and he’d get involved, not only on my behalf but also for the club itself. I told him I couldn’t make a commitment on behalf of the club but he just brushed me off by saying that the threat of being sued was probably a ploy  and amounted to noting more than “noise” (his word). I thanked him and told him I’d be back with the requested information, hopefully, later that day. That walk back to the bank was a lot more pleasant than the one up to his office.

I finally got in touch with Rex just before noontime to get the needed details about the papers that he’d been served with. I no more hung up the phone when Joanie was letting me know she had Elle on the line. She called to tell me that someone had left an envelope on the screen door with my name on it. I’d told he very little about the law suits but had the feeling that the envelope held the suit naming me so briefed Elle on the situation and then told her to open the envelope. I’d been right. I called “Gee’s” office to find out if he wanted to see what had been left for me. As expected, he wasn’t in but I left a message. I told him I could go collect some of the “paperwork” that Rex had and bring it in with mine the next day. By the time I left for home he’d called back to say “yes”. I immediately called Rex to let him know I’d stop at his house to get the requested documents.

I hadn’t been to his house since the previous Fall. I’ve written that, for a while, he’d gotten into building sailboats. He’d built around eighteen and had started on a few more. His yard was cluttered with all kinds of wood and when I got there he recruited me to help him move a rather large panel from the driveway. We carried to to the rear yard when I could see a frame of some sort. We put the piece of wood down and he proceeded to tell me of his latest project… building a 20’ catamaran. Standing there trying to picture what it would look like when finished I couldn’t help but see his wife, Mary, lying on a chaise. She was wearing what looked like a skirt and blouse and had her eyes closed. She didn’t open them even with Rex and I talking fairly close to her. From where I was standing I was pretty sure that if I were able to maneuver myself just a little towards the house I might get a peek.  Rex was intent upon giving me a lesson on boat building and, although interesting, I’d had other things with more priority. So I stood there taking quick glances towards the woman looking for the slightest opportunity to move in her direction… but none came. I remember looking at my watch and seeing the time told him I needed the suit papers as I had to get home. It was like I woke him up as he let out a bit of a ‘cry’ saying he was sorry. When he did it woke his wife and startled her. I was looking right at her when it happened and she flung her left leg off the chaise and proceed to fall on the ground. I was closer to her than Rex so ran over to help her. Her skirt had gotten caught on the hinge to the leg extension and the chaise was now basically on top of her. By then Rex was there and she was cursing at him as if it had been his fault.

It was a comedy of errors from there on in. The sequence of events is impossible to reprise… a combination of legs and arms flying punctuated by a study stream of cursing. From my perspective it was an event worth remembering as the end result got me more than just a peek. In the end the only way to extract Mary from the chaise was for her to get out of the skirt. When Rex yelled at her to do it she started to refuse but when he started toying at the chaise she took a look at me and then unbuttoned it at the waist. There was no way for me not to see the results. I was about three feet from her as she stepped out of it. The panties were definitely cotton and were full briefs. She wasted no time in heading for their back door but as she did I took notice of the rear crotch line. The most popular cotton panties of that period in time were the leg elastic Lollipop type. What made them stand out to me was the size of the crotch and the one on her panties was definitely bigger than most.

Rex made light of the whole incident. He apologized and said he’d get me the papers that he’d been given for both the club and for himself. Before he went inside I asked about the other two guys who had been contacted. He said one of them had read the material to him over the phone and it was exactly the same stuff with the exception of the name list as the one being sued. He was in and out of the house in no time at all. I still hadn’t been home so I took a quick look at the one for Rex. I’d never been directly or indirectly involved with any kind of law suit so really didn’t know what I was looking at. I apprised Rex of having talked with the bank’s attorney and that made him happy. He said he didn’t have an attorney but felt there had to be some Summer only members of the club who would step up up to make sure we’d be able to fight it. At home I looked at the papers Elle had read to me earlier and they were, word for word, the same as what was on the papers I’d gotten from Rex. As I said I’d not been involved in any kind of legal matter so had to leave it up to “Gee’ when I got the papers to him the next day. Elle, of course, was upset but I told him we were “in good hands” with “Gee” now involved.

After I got her calmed down we ate. Then, with the kids occupied outside, I asked Elle how she’d made out in asking Ra about the panties. I remember her making bit of a “face” which told me it hadn’t gone all that well… but I pressed on. Elle and Ra were friends but not all that close and Ra wanted to know why Elle was interested… and Elle had to explain…  embarrassing herself in the process. But Ra said that the previous Fall the family had made a trip to the Amish country in Pennsylvania and had stumbled onto an underwear factory in a little town called Ephrata. They had an outlet store and found the panties there and thought they might work for their daughter… and that was her story.

To be continued…

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