Monday, September 03, 2007

AUGUST... The backside of Summer... (Part 26b)

One of the ladies affiliated with the yacht club took pity on Carol and, living within walking distance, went home and got some dry clothes for her while I was checking out the twin’s boat. That made her infinitely happier. When I was done with that I loaded both my wet sails along with Buddy’s into the trunk of my car. Even though made of synthetic material, we had been taught to wash the salt out of them and to get them as dry as possible as soon as we could. Buddy and I had set it up that he’d leave his car and I’d drive home that night and then back the next day. It took quite a while to get off the island with the car and by the time we got to Buddy’s house it was almost time to eat. When we pulled into his driveway he was shocked to see the clotheslines completely filled. Carol’s parents were leaving right after supper and her mother had washed all the bed linens and towels out. The clothesline at my house was really long. I’d previously had two sets of sails hanging on it so told Buddy I’d take care of his sails for him.

At home, I pulled all the sails out and hung mine on the line to rinse them off. When I went back to get Buddy’s I found Carol’s wet clothes all balled up with them. I know I looked all around just to make sure no one was paying attention to me as I unrolled them to get to her panties and bra. I pretty much recognized her panties because of the tunnel elastic at the waist. When I actually spread them out I saw an applique that I sort of recognized from observing them on the washline at Buddy’s. As much as my initial thought was to take them and to hide them, reality quickly took hold. I ended up rinsing them off along with the sails. I didn’t hang them on the wash line though but, along with her other clothes, put them on the floor of the front seat of my car. I wanted Elle to see them and was trying to come up with some way to have her “discover” them. I figured that the other wet clothes would be enough of a “cover” so that she wouldn’t think I’d stolen them.

I was just finishing up when I saw Elle’s mother drive past with her. I ran over but had to temper my “enthusiasm” because her mother was right there. We really didn’t have any plans for that evening so, after eating we came back to my house. The wind was still blowing quite hard so the sails had pretty much dried by then and Elle helped me fold them. Still thinking of Carol’s panties lying on the floor of the car I suggested that we go for a ride to take the sails back to Buddy. I figured that she didn’t know Buddy was riding with me the next day and I’d be able to point out Carol’s panties to her and how nice they were. The way I’d placed Carol’s wet clothes on the floor there was no way for Elle to miss them and she didn’t. BUT... when she saw them she wanted to know why I had a pair of girls panties in my car. I didn’t expect the reaction I got but probably should have. It took a bit of talking (and the ride to Buddy’s house) to convince her that there wasn’t anything untoward about them. WHEW!!!

We stayed at Buddy’s house until his parents showed up. They had returned from their trip the day before and stayed at their Winter home but were there for the weekend. Even though Elle said she now understood about the panties she didn’t act it as she was a bit distant on our trip home. I sensed it would an exercise in futility to get too amorous so settled for some kisses and a long hug at her door.

I picked Buddy and Carol up around 7am the next morning. We decided to park the car on the mainland and lug our sails and gear by hand on the ferry to save time. Back at the club we saw a surprising amount of activity for being that early. Not surprisingly the twins were at their boat when we arrived. I went over and told them that my crew was bringing the part they needed and I was “attacked” by both of them. I can still see the smiles on their faces. But, the hard part was in getting the broken part off the boat. Sailing in salt water, even stainless steel rusts and that’s what I found when trying to remove the piece. I enlisted their help and got an unexpected “reward”. I needed one of them to climb under the rear deck and the other to sit on the bow to balance the boat. I proceeded to unscrew the part while the one held a pair of vice grips on the nut. When it popped off I went to retrieve the nut and when I did... voila! She ( I think it was Pam) was lying on her side and as I stuck my head under the deck I got a beautiful view. In my mind I was seeing the same heavy cotton panties that I’d seen before. Oh how I wanted to ask where she got them... but I didn’t. I knew that the other twin was watching us so my “peek” was a quick one. Just about the time I was done removing the broken part David showed up. He asked if he could help but I dispatched him to get my boat ready. Truthfully, I was hoping that somehow, some way, I’d get another “peek”. I didn’t but when I finished and adjusted the rudder to make it fit properly I got a big hug from each of them. It was still pretty nice.

The wind was still quite strong for being early in the morning. Thankfully, the race committee elected to race on the “inner” course. David and I quickly took the lead and held on to finish second. Billy, the fellow who went to the same college as me, won the race and, combined with his second place finish from the previous day had him tied with me for first place. The twins made out OK. I don’t remember where they placed but I do remember noting that they were sailing in their bathing suits and being disappointed by that. There was a lunch break between races and we all returned to the yacht club. Two of David’s college buddies had showed up with some cold beer. I probably hadn’t had more that one or two beers since arriving home from college. But that old bug-a-boo, “peer pressure” came into play and I ended up drinking my lunch. I won’t say I was drunk but I was close to it when we headed back out for the third race. David was about the same. Somehow, he managed to fall overboard on our way to the starting line. By the time we got there we were a few minutes late. The wind had died by quite a bit and David’s added weight was a definite burden. I managed to work my way up to mid fleet but Billy had finished 3rd which now had him ahead of me. I remember being mad at myself for letting this happen.

To be continued...

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