A BUMP(us) IN THE ROAD... a pothole? (Part 66c)
I ran back to the computer room and told Jay. He was surprised but happy. With him working along side of me and allowing me to multitask using two pieces of the peripheral equipment at the same time we were up to the point of printing the checks by around 9pm. When we walked out I had a s__t eating grin on my face knowing that Nina was going to be royally upset. Jay and I had left it so that if we had to let Nina run the checks the next day it would be really hard for her to screw it up. I felt like I’d won the lottery and yet, I wasn’t going to be paid for my extra efforts. It didn’t matter. It was the right thing to do. I just couldn’t imagine the majority of the Police department not being paid on time, especially on a holiday weekend.
While the computer was doing it’s calculations I did find time to tell Jay about buying the Chevy. He wasn’t upset at all. He told me he probably would’ve kept it six months or so and then sold it anyway. He also told me that at $500 I got a good deal. Hearing that from him made me feel better but I still had to tell Elle.
Lance was going to drop the car off on his way to the airport Wednesday morning. The last thing I wanted was to have him talking to Elle but even with Mac’s help couldn’t get in touch with him that night. The sweetest sound I could’ve heard that morning was the phone at a little before 7am. Elle was being called in to teach and, even though it was supposed to be a half day of school, would be paid for a full day. That made me even happier. When I realized that she and Lance would not meet was when I told her that he was going to leave the car off with us while he went home for Thanksgiving to get married. I told her I’d loaned him the money and that I was going to hold the car as collateral for the loan. She had no idea what ”collateral“ meant but she was smart enough to know that ”something was up”. But she was busy getting ready while I was talking so nothing came of it at the time. I was so relieved that I willingly walked to work knowing I'd be late... but I was still ahead of Nina.
I don’t really know how to describe Nina’s reaction. At first it was surprise and then anger. But she had no one to vent the anger to. The Controller wasn’t in and neither was her son in law, the new Deputy Controller. Most of her anger was towards me but not in a verbal way. It was one of those “if looks could kill” things. Jay picked up on it and told her she could start running the checks to see if she’d do it. It took about three minutes before she turned and walked out the door, grabbing her handbag and coat as she walked past her desk. I knew it wasn’t the end of the saga but at least the rest of the day would be somewhat quiet.
Leo showed up right after lunch and told the women in the work area that they could leave at 2pm. He then left never setting foot in the computer room. It didn’t matter to Jay and I but the keypunch ladies were being left out. Irwin was still at his desk and I went and asked him if we could let them go at 2pm as well. I told him that since Leo was already gone I didn’t know who else to ask. He said it was OK but told me to sit down. Again, I had no idea what this was going to be about but I had that feeling it wasn’t going to be something I wanted to hear.
It was more about Leo. The first thing he told me was that he had no accounting background at all. Then he proceeded to tell me not to expect to see much of Leo in the future. I’m sure he saw the furrow on my brow because he made the comment that I certainly had a lot to learn about local politics. In any case he told me that the Deputy position was not Leo’s only job. He had a route franchise for the local potato chip company and spent the mornings covering his territory. What could I say? Irwin was giving me facts but they were hard to swallow. I honestly don’t remember my reaction after that but I do remember being mad later on in talking with Jay. In my mind it just wasn’t right... any of it... starting with Leo and Nina being related and working in the same department. It was a good thing the next day was Thanksgiving.
Elle and I celebrated Thanksgiving at my grandfather’s house. We got the kids all dressed up and, to please my grandfather, took pictures of them to take to my grandmother. My parents came and my mother cooked the dinner while my father and I took my grandfather to the hospital to see my grandmother. It was sad as she didn't know who we were. I could tell my grandfather was still upset with me for selling the convertible but he didn’t make a point of it. After we ate in the early afternoon we had to drive to see Elle’s parents and eat all over again that night. Thankfully, the Chevy was never a topic of conversation. After we got home and put kids to bed Elle surprised me by coming over to where I was sitting and sat on my lap. She had undressed down to her "package". I wasn’t expecting it and, for sure, wasn’t expecting to feel my lap get warm. It was pee but not directly on me. The “package” had held it.
As she was getting undressed she felt herself start to pee. She rushed in and sat on my lap. I know it sounds somewhat gross but it was extremely erotic to feel my groin getting warm in that manner. With all the food that I’d ingested during the day I knew had to use the toilet before moving on with Elle. When I walked back into the living room I saw Elle standing there with her hands on her hips and her eyes closed. She looked so serene I immediately thought of the camera and saw it on the table. I opened it up and snapped the picture, alarmed at how bright the flash was. Naturally, the flash had startled her and when she opened her eyes questioned what it was. I told her it was a light bulb that had blown out and somehow she believed me. I'd quickly put the camera behind me and then proceeded to lead her into the bedroom. Neither of us had any trouble sleeping that night.
To be continued...