Sunday, February 10, 2013

THE NEXT PHASE... new job (Part 105b)

At this point I’m going to give a brief description of how the work area was laid out and my first impression of each of the women working there. I feel that this will be important in  going forward.

The area that we were seated was called the “platform” and contained four desks. It was the area for customers to open new accounts and to have their "problems", real or imagined, solved. Mr B, or Hobie as he preferred to be called, was a Vice president and occupied what was identified as Desk one. My desk would be the one in front of it and Bret’s was next. A hip high railing separated the “platform” from the work area. The railing was actually a continuation of the one that separated the lobby from the platform. Trish occupied a desk right inside that railing. It could be said that it was the “information desk”. Actually, she wore multiple “hats” as she was not only the receptionist but also the secretary for the whole platform typing all letters originating from the three desks and other tasks as they arose.

Trish was a tall girl, about 5’9“, with a trim figure and a pleasant, somewhat round face with short brown hair. Smiling didn’t come naturally for her so it would be hard to call her cute or pretty. I remember her wearing a form fitting brown tweed skirt that came to her knees. I also remember thinking to myself that she really didn’t have much in the way of hips. I’m not sure when it was that I commented (to myself) that from her rib cage down she almost had the body of a man... but that was the only thing masculine about her.

There were seven tellers windows (or stations) starting right next to Trish’s desk with six of them being manned at that time. At the first window was Cara. She was equally as tall as Trish with brunette hair that fell to her shoulders. She was sort of plain. I remember her wearing a flowered dress that fell to just below her knees. She was definitely more ”solid“ than Trish but wasn’t ”heavy“ by any stretch of the imagination. She had a winsome smile that I could see was a plus for waiting on customers.

Next was Mala, a short (maybe 5’2”) girl with mousy brown hair. She was wearing a knee length modified A-line skirt. She was “all business” during our introduction and was clearly uncomfortable during it. I’ll admit that I was too.

Letitia was the older woman that I’d noticed when first walking across the lobby. Up close it was obvious that she was around 50 years old. I would’ve bet money that she was unmarried but her name plate had a “Mrs” in front of her name. Trish introduced her as the Head Teller. Although much younger than Inez (from the other bank), in a way she reminded me of her. As we walked to the next station Trish whispered to me that Letitia’s title, Head Teller, was more in recognition for her 30 years of service than anything else. Hearing that also reminded me of Inez but I tried to keep an open mind about that as we walked away.

“Cee” was obviously the youngest teller. She looked to be about 16 but Trish told me that she’d graduated from high school the previous June. Cute and animated, she was obviously “in style” by the colorful blouse she wore along with a short pleated skirt. She was average in both height and build but the thing that caught my attention was her eyes. They seemed “alive”. She was a little nervous during the introduction but she didn’t seem to be holding back like the others, especially Mala, had been.

When I was introduced to Cassie my first thought was the famous Mona Lisa. I swear that Cassie’s expression, just a hint of a smile, never changed the whole time we talked. She had very pale, but clear, skin, almost like that of a china doll. Cassie was definitely “solid” and also definitely not fat. She was wearing a tight fitting ivory colored skirt and her hips were certainly packed into it. I couldn’t wait to get a few steps away hoping for a chance to see a VPL. She had short brown hair and high rosy cheeks. As we walked away Trish volunteered that Cassie was the only employee in the whole department that hadn’t graduated from the local high school. I didn’t know what she was insinuating but I did make note of that fact.

Elena was the mortgage teller, taking customer’s mortgage payments. Technically she belonged to the mortgage department but since she handled money she was a part of this area. In her early 30’s with curly redish blonde hair, she wore a perpetual smile. She was also wearing a mid calf flowered dress much like Cara’s. Very friendly, I knew she had to be an asset to the bank in her dealings with the public.

Next was a bit of a surprise. Corrine was a cute colored girl (remember, it’s the 60’s) with a smile that ran almost ear to ear. I was taken by the smile immediately. Trish told me that she’d been hired to run the drive up window but it (the window) hadn’t been popular with the public. It was only open on a limited basis so Corrine did filing when not on duty at the window. Walking away, my very first thought was that she needed to be assigned a window as soon as possible.

The “back office girls”, as Trish called Lorrie and Willa, handled the posting of the deposit activity. To my great surprise (and happiness) it was the same machine I would’ve been running if Rich, at my previous bank, hadn’t protested to the Chairman. I couldn’t help myself when I asked Lorrie if the machine was a computer. She laughed and so did I although she didn’t know my reason for laughing. As Trish was talking I remember thinking to myself how lucky I was that Rich had stuck his nose into that situation.

Lorrie was easily the best looking of all the girls/women I’d been introduced to. Nice facial features, nice body and nice clothes made it complete. I had the thought that someone must’ve been advising them all what to wear and how to wear it as everyone I'd met was well dressed. Lorrie was about 5’6“ with auburn hair down to just above her shoulders. She had on a flowered blouse with a charcoal gray skirt that ended just above her knees. She didn’t have much to say and I got the feeling she was ”checking me out“ but not in a sexual way. I wondered how she ended up a ”back office girl“.

Willa was the assistant for Lorrie and was a bit taller. She wore horn rimmed glasses that took away from her looks. It appeared that at one time she was a blonde but dirty blonde was the color at that time. She was wearing a navy blue skirt that, as I remembered it, was slightly flared like she might’ve had a small crinoline under it. Willa was easy to talk with, laughing easily.

The last one I met was was Katy. It only took a few minutes for me to peg her as a future problem.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

Welcome to the hen house!!!

badside said...

Interesting, can't wait to read more about the new job and coworkers.

Pantymaven said...

OB... :-)

BS... stay tuned