Sunday, June 04, 2017

MAYHEM IN MAY... life goes on (Part 159h)

MAYHEM IN MAY… life goes on (Part 159h)

There were two choices… voice my displeasure and risk having Hobie upset with me or… not saying anything and walking away. I chose the latter. Hobie had been fair with me and cut me some slack from time to time. Jerry wasn’t worth risking that relationship. As I remember it I spent most of Friday researching a place to hold interviews and finally choosing a fairly well known restaurant in the biggest town close to where the branch was located. Doing it, I was somewhat intrigued by the fact that there was no savings institution located in the village itself. I didn’t know the population but it was more than twice the size of the village the main office of the bank was located. To me, it seemed like a better place for a branch than where the Board chose to go. In any case, with the interview location identified I contacted the ad agency to create and place the want-ad. I was told to use the information Jerry had prepared which also galled me. The ad called for three tellers and an assistant branch manager. There was one point I was able to make in this matter and that was to keep the salaries consistent with the main office. The ads were to run for the next two weeks and I wasn’t too excited about what Jerry would choose for his staff.

Because the race car had escaped relatively unscathed on opening night there wasn’t too much to be done with it. Cliffy and Alan had come to the garage one night during the week and checked the suspension out. The rest of us showed up Friday night to load the car and equipment onto the hauler. Because I was the new guy I didn’t have a set job so pretty much just stood around and watched the others. The conversation centered around tires… or the lack of them. Since we were among the first to try the new type there was no history as to how they would perform on a second night of racing or for how long they’d even last. We didn’t have any choice so when we left for home there was a fair amount of doubt.

Because we’d loaded the car Friday night it meant I had until about 3pm on Saturday for chores and time for family. As I remember it, the weather was perfect… for just about anything. The month of May can be a crapshoot when it comes to temperature. The reason I remember it was that when I got back from the landfill Elle was waiting for me with our tennis rackets. Not my first choice for something to do but Elle had been ‘quiet’ as far as the race car was concerned so it behooved me to bow to her wishes. She wasn’t wearing a tennis outfit but had on bermuda shorts… which gave off a very nice VPL… so that was a plus.

It only took a few minutes at the courts for me to see Elle wasn’t wearing ‘dribble’ panties. Two crotch panty lines gave that away even before we started. I wanted to know why but I also knew she didn’t like to talk about her choices so kept my mouth shut. That’s why I liked to pick out the ones she wore but I was out of the house when she got dressed. Either way, ‘dribble’ panties or two pair, any dribble would show with the tight shorts she had on. My mind was already thinking about what I might be able to get when we were finished playing. It had been a while since I’d ‘negotiated’ anything in the way of wetness so I felt pretty good as we started hitting the balls.

It was obvious from the start that my tennis hadn’t improved. We didn’t attempt to play a game and just hit balls back and forth. We’d dropped our girls off at Elle’s mother’s to make cookies for a Sunday school party the next day so I knew that would favor me. But, as it turned out I didn’t have to say or do a thing. We played for around an hour and she’d not had a problem. We were picking up our things and I was admiring the double VPL when I saw our school board friend, Bob, approaching. I was already anticipating what I might get when we got home so the sight of him, at that moment, did not make me overly happy. Approaching I could see he had some colored papers in his hand. I’d been asked to run for the board and turned it down so figured that he had flyers to promote someone who’d accepted. It wasn’t what I’d thought but was to announce a special meeting of parents. I’d been vaguely aware that there was a movement to have the board buy some portable classrooms to cut down on classroom overcrowding. However, the board had rejected the idea and a fair number of parents wanted to protest, complete with a petition. Naturally, we had a discussion. I don’t know how long it lasted but I felt Elle hit my arm and when I looked at her she was rolling her eyes towards the parking lot. I pretty much knew what was about to happen…

At the car I asked if she’d ‘leaked’ and she said it was only a dribble. From the school to home was at least five minutes and I knew she’d never make it so I suggested she squat by the car. Bob was still in sight so she just shook her head from side to side. I always had towels under the seat and she pulled one out and jumped in. But, she did something I’d not really seen her do before and that was to jam her hand into her crotch. She stayed that way on the way home and all the way into the kitchen. In spite of my protests she headed straight for the bathroom. I followed but she managed to pull the shorts down and was peeing through the panties. No need to tell you but I took advantage of that opportunity even though it wasn’t what I’d hoped for. However, I did manage to cajole a picture of her with her damp shorts on.
... it was better than none...
To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Always good to get some brownie points w the better half! Thanks for sharing the pic!
Did Elle's tennis improve after your trip to Florida?


Pantymaven said...

BS... I don't remember but mine sure didn't... :-)