Wednesday, November 21, 2007

SEPTEMBER... On into the Fall... (Part 27e)

Even though the lady was as nice as she could be my heart was pounding when I slipped in behind the wheel of my car. I wanted to get away from there and in my haste I forgot about the overheating problem. I made it halfway home before I had to stop and and wait for it to cool down so I could add more water. While waiting, I couldn’t believe how late it had gotten. I was supposed to be home to have dinner with my grandparents by 5PM and was also supposed to leave the car at the gas station. My father had arranged for one of the mechanics who worked on the racecar to fix it so I’d have it available when I got home at Thanksgiving. When I got there I saw that the racecar had some damage to it. I found out that the motor problems had actually been junk in the gas line and filter and that they’d raced the car a few times and done fairly well. They were racing it the next afternoon and asked if I was going with them. I told them I wished that I could but, no, I couldn't. I got a ride home from there but, because I’d gotten caught up with stuff about the racecar I realized that, much to my dismay, I’d left the panties in my car. I didn’t want to bring attention the bag on the seat so didn’t call the station and hoped I’d be able to borrow my father’s car after supper to go get them. Long story short... the answer was ”no”.

The “new” plan was to leave around 6am. I knew the station wouldn’t be open then so I had to find the spare set of keys. I was in a panic because the last thing I wanted was for Cliff or one of the other mechanics at the station to find the panties. It took a while but I finally located them. That let me get a little sleep but I needed to get the bag with the panties in my hands to feel safe. I persuaded my father to stop at the station telling him that I might’ve left something in my car. When I looked in the window the bag wasn’t there. Now it was total panic. I opened the door and slid in under the steering wheel. When I did I looked down to my right and saw the bag had slid partway down between the top and bottom of the seat. I remember pulling it out and just sitting there trying to catch my breath. When I got back in my father’s car he wanted to know what was in the bag. I didn’t lie. I told him it was a present for Elle. I’m glad he didn’t go any further with it as I knew my mother would have made me show her what it was.

I haven’t mentioned anything about my grandfather’s race horses since the time they were shipped from the track near the city. They’d spent the summer racing at tracks in New England and had a fair amount of success. After labor Day they were shipped to a track not that far from my college. Mt father’s original plan had been to drive to the track and see them and go to the races before delivering me to school. Back in those days they didn’t race on Sundays so the “new” plan was to go straight to the college. I had to be back at the fraternity by 5pm and by leaving so early we hadn’t run into much traffic. I calculated that we had about 2 hours to spare so pleaded with my father to still go to the track. We stopped for gas and my father was able to contact the trainer and arranged for us to meet him. I got to walk a couple of the horses while my father chatted with the trainer. What he found out was that one of my grandfather’s horses was racing the next night. Immediately, my father aid he stay over another day. I knew there was no way I’d be able to attend so, selfishly was disappointed knowing I was so close physically and yet still so far away.

I got what I expected back at the fraternity house. I was the “featured” performer for the evening meal. The only good thing was that, being a Sunday, a goodly number of the “brothers” weren't there. I took a lot of crap from those that were plus some “asides” from my fellow pledges who thought I was getting away with something by the fact that I’d pretty much missed weekend activities for the past few weeks. After the meal was over I ended up meeting with my “big brother“. He wanted to know how the trip went and when I mentioned my grandfathers’ race horses his face lit up. He asked if I knew Bobby, the only varsity football player in the house. Everybody knew who he was but I didn’t ”know“ him. I was literally dragged down the hall to Bobby’s room. I introduced myself and told him about the horses. I really don’t know how to describe his reaction but it did strike a chord. He had spent the past three Summers working at the track and really enjoyed himself. Before I knew it he was asking if I wanted to go to see my grandfather’s horse race the next night. I thought he was kidding... but he wasn’t. As a senior and a varsity athlete he could pretty much ”call the shots” as far as what went on in the house. He told me “not to sweat it” and to be ready to go at a time that I don’t remember. My only concern was how my fellow pledges would handle it.

My father had contacted his friends who ran the clothing store in town and was staying with them for the night. I let them know I’d be there but didn’t know if I could join them. I figured that I’d best stay with Bobby and the others he’d invited. It turned out to be like a grade B Hollywood movie as the horse won in the last strides. I got to meet up with my father in the winners circle where we had our picture taken with the horse and the trainer accepting the trophy. The guys from the fraternity were impressed so let me go join my father in the clubhouse with his friends. The only reason to mention this is that the girl who was waiting on them does show up again in the future. As I sat down this really pretty girl with strawberry blond hair came up and asked if there was anything I’d like to eat or drink. I passed on the offer but, as she walked away, I noticed a very noticeable panty line on the uniform pants she was wearing. It reminded me of the one I’d seen on Carol, my friend Buddy’s girlfriend during the Summer. I didn’t stay long with them but the memory of the VPL did.

I knew I was on “thin ice” for taking time away from the fraternity on the weekends. As much as I wanted to see Elle I didn’t have the nerve to even bring her up with my “big brother”. I don’t remember when it came up but one of the “brothers” polled the pledges about having a date for Fall Weekend. I’d discussed it with Elle and she’d indicated that her pledging activities would be over by them so she could. When I told the “brother” he asked where she went to school. When I told him he, without asking, offered to take me there on one of the upcoming weekends. His best friend was a varsity football player for Elle’s college and he wanted to see him play. I said I was interested but expressed concern about missing the weekend activities and he said he’d ‘take care of it“. There was nothing I could say or do but to excitedly wait for the day.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

No matter where you go in life it helps to know someone who has influence.

Anonymous said...

The continuing brilliant saga. Just caught up from the past few months. Loved the tale of panty buying in the girls' department. How many times I wanted to do that when I was a teenager.

Your old pal, Ross Rosser

Pantymaven said...

Hey Ross!!! Glad to se that you're still around. Man, do I ever miss your blog! There's some stuff coming up in mine that I'm sure will "grab' you. Just have patience. Time for me right now is tight. Hang in there good buddy!