Wednesday, November 18, 2009

MARRIED... Winter woes (Part 49j)

She made it out to the barn and we set about to finish up. All I wanted was a hot shower to, hopefully, ease my sore muscles. By the time we were about finished I accidently made the water splash her. She thought I did it on purpose so she pointed her hose directly at me. I remember ducking behind a cow but when the water hit the cow it sprayed all over. I tried to get her back but ended up hitting some of the empty milk cans that we’d just finished washing out and knocking them over. A couple of the cows were frightened and the last thing we needed was to have them trying to get loose so we stopped... at least for the time being.

I tried to get out the door before she did but she ducked out a different way. The outside barn lights were on (it was about 7pm) and I saw her running through the snow ahead of me. I caught up and tackled her. With heavy coats on it was hard to move around but she did try to stuff snow in my face. I could hear her giggling so I knew she wasn’t mad. When we got up she took off for the porch and, wanting to time it right for her to get her coat and coveralls off, I held back. As I approached she yelled for me to wait a minute. I didn’t answer but kept going, ever so slowly. The light in the windbreak wasn’t much and as I reached the steps I could see something sort of white where her stomach should’ve been. I was disappointed that I couldn't see more clearly. But, as soon as I saw her start to go through the door I ran up the steps and this time got a good view through the window. It only lasted a few seconds but I managed to get a good view of her rear end and crotch line of the panties.

She made straight for the stairs and the shower so I had to wait quite a while for my turn. When I finally got into the bathroom the warm water from the shower did feel good. I wasn’t ready for bed so got dressed and headed downstairs to watch some TV. A short time later I saw Joanne coming down the stairs in her bathrobe. I think she said something like “truce!” as she approached me. I was in a big stuffed chair and she settled in on the couch. We watched the TV until the program was over and then she leaned forward and, with a serious look on her face, asked if she could ask me some personal questions. I certainly wasn’t expecting anything like that from her and especially, the first question... “Do you think I’m attractive?”

If I could’ve done it over I definitely would’ve had a different answer. Because of the shock of it I shot back a quick “Yes... very!” I had no idea where she was coming from with a question so out of the blue and, in the few seconds after my answer I was afraid I’d put myself into a tenuous situation. She sat there, on the edge of the sofa, looking straight at me. Within seconds I was perspiring.

It took about a minute before I realized that she wasn’t coming on to me. She was very serious and obviously uncomfortable. It took a couple of abortive attempts for her to to get out the next question which was to ask what it was that I thought made her attractive. If you’ve read my posts about Joanne you know I was always concerned about her low self esteem so the question really had me on the “spot”. Without going into all the “dancing” I had to do to get to the heart of the question it originated from being rebuffed by Freddy from the educable class. She had a crush on him and he showed no interest in her and she was hurt by the inattention. I tried my best to explain some of the possible reasons for his inattentiveness but all I did was to get myself in “deeper”.

I was afraid that Mr and Mrs T would arrive right in the middle of our “discussion” and kept my ears attentive to the sound of a door opening. Joanne kept asking what it was that attracted me to Elle and since Elle and I had grown up together it was hard to relate that to her situation. She wanted to know what she could do to get his attention. I told her the same old stuff about not “pushing” and to let the relationship grow slowly. It was obvious that that wasn’t what she wanted to hear. Then she hit me with a real “bombshell”. I truly thought that she was completely naive about sexual matters. Certainly, we’d never even come close to the subject when we were together. So, when she asked me what “excited’ me about Elle I was shocked. I feigned ignorance as to what she was asking and she responded, somewhat knowingly, about what happens... and she pointed to her crotch area. I was embarrassed. I really was.

I seriously wanted the conversation to end and at that point was hoping her parents would arrive back. I tried to get off the subject but she wouldn’t let it go. In an effort to derail her questions I offered up that I really just enjoyed being with Elle but that seeing her in her bra and panties ”turned me on“. I’m not sure I used those exact words but it stopped Joanne’s questions... for a few seconds. I don’t remember how she phrased it but what she wanted to know was that if she showed a boy her panties would it make them like her. At that point I was sorry that I’d mentioned it. It proved that she was still very, very naive and I was worried that I’d opened a ”Pandora’s box“. I did my best to explain that Elle and I had dated a long, long time. I lied when I told her that I didn’t get to see Elle that way until we were married. Even with hearing that she still seemed to be intrigued by the idea that letting a boy see her panties would, for lack of a better term, ”excite“ them. In any case, the conversation ended there and she went on up to bed. When I finally went upstairs I couldn’t go to sleep, worrying about what Joanne and I had discussed and how, in her slightly ”slow“ mind, she was processing it. I really wished I could’ve had the whole conversation back.

Tobe continued...

1 comment:

badside said...

Sounds like a tough situation to have been in.