Sunday, July 21, 2019

DEALING WITH THE HEAT... & more (Part 174k)

DEALING WITH THE HEAT… & more (Part 174k)

My taking a deep breath before starting to talk added to Trish’s obvious concern. I had no idea of what I was going to say and all I remember was saying something like “How would you like to make a trade?” I, from the time I was eligible for vacation time, had taken days preceding and following Christmas Day. I’d put the days down the first day the vacation calendar was posted. Of all the officers and senior staff no one else had put in a request for those dates. However, Trish was dating Chaz who was big into skiing and I’d heard them chatting the previous Fall. I’d overheard him pressuring her to go skiing with him over Christmas and her telling him “no way!” My words surprised her and I could see the look on her face change. I asked her if she would be interested in the days around Christmas to be able to go skiing. Here we were, a day after an extended heat wave, talking about possibly going skiing. She really didn’t know what to say. That prompted me to say that I’d observed that her vacation dates were the second week in September and I wondered if she had specific plans for those dates. I remember her sort of wrinkling her face a bit and then saying she was just going to stay home and take advantage of living in a tourist area and not having to deal with the tourists. That gave me hope.

She wanted to know why I wanted her week and I, more or less, explained the offer that I’d been given by my friend Paul. She, having been the receptionist up until the current year, was very familiar with Paul as he’d make “calls” about every three months selling his wares. By that point she’d relaxed and when I told her about it said she’d do it… if I took her along… followed by the offer to switch her dates. I probably let out a big sigh and then thanked her. I knew the first thing I’d be doing was stopping by to see Gertrude at her travel bureau on my way home to order plane tickets.

The last part of the ‘project’ was in telling Elle. The ‘gift’ of the lodging was going to be easy. She’d met Paul and his wife so that helped. But, as conscientious as we were about spending money (the want versus need list) I knew that would be the hard question to answer. Because I wanted to keep the money from my grandmother’s savings account to use for buying the National Car Rental stock (and possibly for the race car) I had to come up with a worthwhile reason to dip into our savings. About the only thing I could come up with was that we could go back to Bermuda for about 1/3 of the cost of the previous year. I just hoped it wouldn’t turn into a ‘discussion’ and she’d be excited about it.

In the walk from the garage up to the patio I heard the sounds of kids from next door. Walking in the kitchen I was expecting to see Elle finishing up with supper preparations. But, there was no one there. No Elle and no kids. So, it was back outside and a walk through the hedge. I saw our three girls were playing a yard game out by their garage with Mattie and Martha’s kids which led me to believe Elle was inside. Before I got to the door I was greeted by Mattie who invited me in for supper. Martha was setting the table so the kids could eat first. I as I asked what was going on I took a quick look at what she was wearing. My notes say it was a flowered wrap around. I’d never seen what she was wearing before so that was the best I could do, Now, with many more years of ’sightings’, I know it was a form of sarong. What caught my rapt attention was that I could see almost her whole right leg… almost up to her hip... and about a two inch triangle of what had to be her panties. Watching her move around the table I could see the slit open up and close which was really enticing. It certainly took my mind off what I had been planning to talk to Elle about.

I was hoping that I’d find out why the women had taken off to the city without saying anything to us but nothing was said. I wasn’t going to be the one to ask so hoped Elle would have some answers for me when we got home. The women had brought salads and sandwiches from a city delicatessen. It was a treat, at least for me, having spent time living there. Elle had volunteered to take all the kids to Dairy Queen for dessert which, to me, was only fair. With six kids there was no room for me so I left when Elle left to get the station wagon. I would like to have stayed with the women but knew it was somewhat inappropriate. Walking back home I knew I liked whatever it was that Martha was wearing.

Taking advantage of a much cooler evening than we’d seen almost a week I set out to mow the lawn. Doing it I could see Elle had some of her panties and clothes on our wash line along with the kids bathing suits. It was something else to talk with her about upon her return. She took longer than I’d expected but it was worth the wait as she brought me a ‘treat’. All the kids headed for the playhouse and Elle and I took a seat under the smaller maple tree. She was wearing a pair of white shorts and as we settled down onto the lawn I could see a little yellow in her crotch area… which brought on the start of a bulge. My dilemma at that time was which topic did I want to start with in talking with Elle as I started in on my ‘treat’.

Having lived with Elle as long as I had by that I time knew she would, up to a point, allow herself to be ‘bribed’. With that in mind I decided on telling her about Bermuda first. Without going into any detail, after some initial hesitation, she relaxed and wanted to know the details of where we’d be staying. As I wrote earlier, I’d been given the brochures on the cottage colony where we’d be staying but had no idea where I’d put them. Sitting there and describing it as best I could I could see her getting excited about it. That was what I was hoping for. Her 'excitement' would be like ‘cash’ that I could ‘spend’ later on… or so I hoped.

As I remember it, there was a bit of a disagreement among the kids which caused Elle to get up to handle it. I made sure to keep an eye on her crotch as she started to get up and, at least at that moment, thought the yellow spot there had become enlarged. Normally, I didn’t participate in settling disagreements, especially when someone else’s kids were involved… but I followed her. We had to go out by the washline where I’d seen her panties and clothes hanging. It took but a few seconds to settle the matter with the kids and, while standing by the wash line pointed to her clothes. She made a face but didn’t say anything. I’d hoped she’d volunteer what had happened but it didn’t happen which meant I’d have to use some of my ‘cash’  from the Bermuda announcement.

Long story short… she’d taken the kids to the sailing club even though it wasn’t one of their scheduled days. Because of the extreme heat their lessons had been cancelled on Monday and this was a make-up lesson. Because of the change in schedule they didn’t have enough parents to act as chaperones and she volunteered to stay. When Elle told me that I knew where she was going with it… she expected to leave the girls off and to return home. Like they say, “accidents happen”, and especially to Elle when she’s not wearing some sort of ‘protection’. After it happened she found a way to get herself wet in the water. I was smiling when she was telling me and when she saw my smile she hit me on my arm. It was worth it to hear her tell me without me having to beg her to.

To be continued…

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