Wednesday, July 24, 2019

DEALING WITH THE HEAT... & more (Part 174l)

DEALING WITH THE HEAT… & more (Part 174l)

The lawn still had to be finished and Elle gathered all the kids up and retreated to the patio so I could finish it up. As she walked towards the patio I could see a little yellow between her legs in her crotch area. I couldn’t wait to finish the lawn to see if I couldn’t encourage her to expand it a bit more. As I finished up the back yard I kept looking towards where they all were gathered but couldn’t discern any change. I hated to have to go around to the front yard thinking I might miss something. When I was finally finishing up she came out the front door and sat on the stoop. What was encouraging was that when she sat down she spread her legs. Even though I was still pushing the lawn mower I could feel the bulge stating to grow. I finally shut the mower off and walked over to stand in front of her. I know I must’ve had a big smile on my face because she smiled back with a twinkle in her eye. The first thing I wanted to know was where the kids were. When she told me they’d gone next door I wanted to know why but didn’t ask. I sat down beside her so I could get a feel of her wet panties. What I was hoping for was a little squirt of pee. I could tell she wasn’t wearing ‘dribble’ panties but it felt like she was wearing two pair of regular nylon satin ones. 

It didn’t take much in the way of persuasion to get what I wanted. It was pretty obvious that the Bermuda trip was already bringing forth benefits. I finally asked about the kids and said they had a ‘curfew’ of 8:45pm. When Mattie returned from the city she’d allowed her kids to bring some of their games with the caveat that they share them with our kids. Elle said she felt it was good for our kids, especially Kaye, who was still quite shy. Looking at my watch I could see it was still almost a half hour until they’d be returning. My first thought was to duck beck inside and head for our bedroom and to get a ‘quickie’. I hadn’t even gotten the first words out of my mouth and Elle had her head wagging from side to side. Not completely deterred I made a half hearted plea for a picture. When about fifteen seconds went by without a response I got up and went inside to fetch the camera. It was only about ten to twelve steps to the closet where I kept it. I was back outside on the stoop unless then a minute. Elle had what I’d call a “knowing” smile on her face when I stepped in front of her. Her only comment was “make it fast” as she looked towards the neighbors.

A very good evening!
One thing I tried never to do was to develop the picture where she could see the results so as soon as I snapped it I took the camera back inside. I found her standing next to the stoop when I returned. She had a funny look on her face. It was a cross between being upset and being funny. As I went down the steps she said but one word… “Hurry…” I made the turn to face her and saw she’d been peeing while standing. My hand went right between her legs. I was able to feel the last vestiges of her warm pee run through my fingers. While sitting on the stoop approaching cars couldn’t see anything but her head but, standing, especially the way we were, it wouldn’t take any imagination to figure out what I was doing. I had maybe 15 to 20 seconds before she started for the back yard. As I trailed her I could see just how far her pee had wicked up her backside. My bulge made it difficult to keep up with her. But, that was the end of my fun. She said she wanted to get washed up and be ready for the kids when they returned. There wasn’t much I could say. I’d gotten way more than what I’d had in quite a while and without having to ask/beg. I couldn’t wait until we were headed to bed.

We ended up on the screened in porch. Elle was in just panties and a short nightie. There was one thing more that I’d wanted to talk with her about… the reason(s) why Mattie and Martha had left to go back to the city and… why they hadn’t let us know they were going. Like most cases when I’d ‘pump’ Elle for information, especially about her female friends, she’d resist. I made a stab at it with no result and was going to just leave it alone, at least for the time being. The kids were due to return so we just sat there enjoying the cooler weather.

By the time we got the kids settled into bed it was around 10pm. Elle liked to try to be in bed around then, especially in the Summer, as she had so many things going on in the mornings. I was thinking of but one thing by then and when I started to take my clothes off Elle indicated for me to stop and she motioned for me to follow her down the stairs. Being the last one up the stairs I’d shut the doors and turned off the lights. However, with Elle leading the way I followed her down the stairs. We ended up in the den and on the little sofa. She snuggled up into my body. I don’t remember saying anything. Finally, Elle started talking… and explaining what had happened with Mattie and Martha.

When they’d been at our house on Sunday afternoon and evening Martha had gotten drunk and ended up wetting herself. Elle and I had helped getting her back to their house. When Martha woke up Monday morning she was, according to what Elle said, mortified and adamant that she couldn’t face either of us. They’d both talked about making a trip to the city to get some things they didn’t think they’d need  when the first moved in. Martha insisted that they go, right then. While they were there they touched base with Geemaw, Mattie and Junior’s mother. She was a lot happier in the city than in the country but missed her grandchildren. She persuaded the women to stay a few days and with the hot weather they decided to take advantage of the air conditioning they had available to them. After a couple of days with Geemaw running their lives they decided to return even with Martha’s trepidation about meeting back up with us. That all made some sense to me but when Elle told me she told both of them about her incontinence, that didn’t.

That actually shocked me. Elle had accepted her incontinence but still was discrete about it. I pushed Elle up to a sitting position so I could look at her when I asked her why. My eyes were accustomed to the dark and I could make out Elle’s features but couldn’t determine how she took my question. I don’t know how long it was before she finally told me that after hearing Martha apologize and seeing just how embarrassed she was she decided to admit her problem. I knew I was taking a chance when I asked her what the reaction was. I really wan’t expecting that she’d give me one… and was a bit taken aback with what she told me.

Martha had been in foster care as a young girl. She told Elle that she was often beaten with a strap for the least little thing. She reached a point that she was fearful all the time and when she thought she was going to get a beating she’d wet herself and get beaten even more. Hearing that I couldn’t relate that to what had happened on the screened in porch. She ended up falling out of her chair and, along with Elle and I, thought it was funny. We started laughing and couldn’t stop with the end result of Martha wetting herself. I mentioned that to Elle and she, somewhat reluctantly, told me that when “stressed” Martha told her she would sometimes wet herself. Hearing that I found myself fighting off the start of a bulge… and I sure didn’t want Elle to know it. I told her it was time for bed and headed for the stairs with Elle following me.

To be continued…


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