Tuesday, July 02, 2019

DEALING WITH THE HEAT... &more (Part 174c)

DEALING WITH THE HEAT… & more (Part 174c)

When we’d changed clothes after the water fight we had on the back lawn I ended up putting on a bathing suit. It was a cheap one with a mesh inside that was absolutely useless when it came to holding anything, especially a hard-on. Here I was standing over Martha with her panties showing and a ‘rising member’ pushing the front of my suit out. In the state she was in along with the dimness of the porch I’m sure she didn’t see it, but… it was a bit embarrassing. However, it didn’t end there. As soon as Martha announced she was peeing Mattie, who was sitting on the love seat which was right there, jumped in behind her to keep her from falling backwards. After putting her knees and legs into Martha’s back she put her hands in her armpits to try and get her to stand. Seeing her do that I bent over and grabbed Martha’s waist with two hand and tried lifting her. In writing this now,I’m remembering something that is kind of gross… we were all barefoot and as I stepped in towards Martha I could feel the warm wetness of her pee. With all this taking place Elle had gone outside to tend to Martha’s daughter who was still crying. Martha, now in a somewhat vertical position was mumbling something while Mattie was telling her she had to leave. At this point she was still behind her and I was directly in front of her… and my penis was at ‘full attention’ and actually pressing into Martha’s stomach. I asked Mattie if she could hold Martha up and stepped back and away from the both of them. Elle was out in the yard with all the kids so she couldn’t see the condition I was in and I remember trying to stay turned away from both the women.

It was almost dark by then and to get all of them back to their house I needed a flashlight. Mattie said she could hold Martha up while I ducked into the house to get one. By the time I returned I’d pretty much ‘deflated’ so the embarrassment wasn’t a primary concern. Elle had calmed Martha’s daughter down and I told her to hold the screen door open while Mattie and I maneuvered Martha down the three steps from the porch to the ground. That, in itself, was  a sight to see. Once outside I got on one side of Martha and Mattie took the other side. We made out OK until we got to the opening in the hedge. Only one person at a time could go through so I knew it would be a challenge. Martha had been babbling something about not knowing where she was. When we got to the hedge I went through first and had Mattie try to push Martha through to me. It seemed like a good idea when we started but… Elle had corralled the kids and had the flashlight. She was shining it on the opening and I could see the form of Martha blocking the light as she filled it up. I’d anticipated putting my hands in her armpits with the idea of dragging her towards me. I honestly don’t know what happened. I don’t know if I tripped in walking backwards but the next thing I knew I was on my back and Martha was on top of me. I could hear Mattie yelling at her as I tried to wiggle my way out from under her. She probably only weighed 130 or so pounds so the weight wasn’t a problem. It was the hedge that had us both pinned in.

Of course, the kids had no idea what was taking place in front of them and were laughing. The opening was blocked so Mattie couldn’t readily get through. Martha’s head was on my chest and when I tried to communicate to Mattie I was actually yelling in one of her ears. When she  cried out “Stop yelling” it was a bit of a shock. Finally, Mattie squeezed into the opening and sort of lifted Martha up and off my body enough for me to wiggle free. By the time we got Martha into the house and seated at the kitchen table the clock on the wall read 9:30 pm. I was wringing wet with perspiration and Mattie looked like she’d been in a fight. She insisted that she could care for Martha who had laid her head on the table and was still babbling. I asked if she wanted help in getting her up the stairs but she said “no” and insisted that we head back home.

Elle was still outside with both groups of kids. Mattie called her brood in and Elle and I headed back home. With the kids in such close proximity we didn’t say anything about what had just happened. We sent then up to bed and set out to clean up the remnants of our ‘pizza party’. Walking out to the porch the telltale puddle was there to greet us. With three of us walking through it there was quite a mess. Even though the hour was late I decided to get the hose and just rinse the floor off while Elle cleaned the dregs off the picnic table. It was funny in a way in that neither of us said anything about Martha’s ‘accident’. I wanted to but was sure Elle would tell me to just shut up. The porch wasn’t the only thing that needed attention. Elle still had to put things away in the kitchen. I offered to help but her response was she’d do it since I didn’t know where things belonged. I remember just standing there as she moved about and thought about taking a shower. As I said I was dripping with perspiration after struggling with Martha so headed in that direction. In so doing I remembered that I’d put the camera in the bookcase.

I quickly grabbed it and opened the bellows. I was standing in the doorway to the bathroom waiting for the prime moment to get a picture. I knew it would only be one and I wanted it to be a candid. Elle was in the far end of the kitchen by the sink and was putting something on the little shelves that were on each side of the window. I took about a half dozen steps and pushed the button.. The flash startled Elle and when she turned around and saw me holding the camera she made a face… and a comment that I’d heard a time or two before when I’d done the same thing… “You’re impossible!”… and then turned back to what she was doing. I expected more but was happy there wasn’t. I headed for the den to develop the picture. I’d just sat down at my desk when she appeared in the doorway. I thought, for sure, she’d light into me about the picture but she didn’t. She stood in the doorway and had a funny look on her face. I asked what was wrong and he answer surprised me. She told me she was worried that what had happened would somehow strain the relationship between the neighbors (the women) and us. My unspoken reaction was ‘where did that come from?’ But the look on my face had to have expressed it. So, without me saying a word she went on to explain that when she took the kids into their house Mattie seemed to be upset with her. To me it was just another example of how super sensitive females can be. I didn’t comment as I was anxious to open the picture I’d just taken. Elle turned and headed back to the kitchen and I finally got a look at this…
Not as much panty showing as I would've liked...
To be continued…


oldblue said...

Now these episodes were hilarious, I was still smiling when it ended. The smile got even broader with that great shot. Covered, but uncovered, great legs, just a hint of paradise

Pantymaven said...

OB... good to see you beck!...