Tuesday, November 16, 2010

THE NEXT PHASE... positive signs (Part 64b)

He drew up a sketch of the general work area and wrote names in all the occupied desks. Then, one by one, gave me the “skinny” on each of them. He started with Gina who was the Deputy Controller’s secretary. The only thing was that there was no Deputy Controller. Irwin said that he “retired” the first of October. He explained that the position was a political appointment and the political party in control of the County government got to fill it. The county had been heavily Republican but a series of scandals had put that in question for the upcoming election. The guy who had the position knew he wasn’t going to be reappointed so he quit. In any case I was warned about Gina. I’d noticed, on both days, that she had been “dressed to kill”. She looked like she was ready to go out on a date. She was in her late 20’s with long dark hair and, according to Irwin, she was “man hunting“ even though she was married.

Next was ”GT“ who was the teenager that had caught my eye the day before. Her name was also Gina but had been called ”GT“ even in high school so it was a natural for her. She had blond hair in sort of a ”bob“ that was popular at the time. As I looked at her through the window I felt that I’d seen her before. She had graduated in June and was the newest employee.

Lynn was the next on Irwin’s sketch. He told me that she was the best worker in the office; quick, efficient and accurate. She’d worked in the office for almost 10 years and had taken and passed tests for a higher position but refused them wanting to stay in the Audit and Control department. Her title was Senior Clerk and the next higher title was Chief Clerk. There was only one position in the office for that title and that was held by Nina who had worked there for over 20 years.

Irwin, having brought up Nina’s name, jumped over to her desk on the sketch. I had already decided I liked Irwin and after he gave me the background on Nina I knew I was right. Nina held the most senior title of the staff but in Irwin's eyes was considered to be a detriment to the productivity of the office as a whole. According to Irwin, she spent most of her day getting and dispersing gossip. When she would make an attempt to act in her supervisory position the employees pretty much ignored her. I had to ask why he put up with it and I got a basic primer on life as a Civil Service employee. Basically, once hired you were there for life unless you were convicted of a crime. That was Nina. According to Irwin she knew how to ”play the game“. Then he dropped the ”bomb“. Because of her seniority she had been tapped to do the actual running of the payroll and I was going to have to make sure that what she did was right. I was already not liking what I heard.

I think he saw the look on my face because he quickly went though the rest of the ladies. Allie was a very thin redhead who, when she smiled, could be classified as cute. But she had a sour look on her face as she worked. Irwin explained that her best friend in the office had been chosen to be one of the keypunchers and she hadn’t. She still hadn’t gotten over it. Dora was the second oldest in the office. A woman in her early 50’s who, like Nina, ”played the game“ and did as little work as possible. Bev was probably one of the homeliest girls I’d ever seen but Irwin said that she was a good worker and got along with everybody.

Next were the two keypunchers who were now physically located in the room with the computer. First was Linda who had one of the highest results in accuracy on the County typing test. She was Allie’s best friend in the office but the separation had not affected her personality or work. Irwin said that she was probably the most even keeled employee they had. Her partner was Donna. Irwin made a statement about her that I’ve never forgotten and have used to describe any number of people since. He said that she had the personality of a rock. He told me that the only person that he’d ever seen her talk to with a smile on her face was her mother who worked in the Treasurer’s office. She pretty much ignored her co-workers.

By then my head was spinning. The only one left was the programmer for the computer... Jay. Irwin told me right off that he didn’t know much about him other than he came highly recommended and, since the Civil Service Commission hadn’t written a position description for Computer Programmer, he was the only non politically appointed or elected person on the payroll. I asked about the Auditors who worked under Irwin and he said he’d get around to introducing me to them but it wasn’t necessary right then.

By then it was time for lunch. Again I went to the cafeteria and tried to find some decent looking females. I was beginning to think that one sure way to get hired was to be plain looking or just flat out ugly. I was headed back to the office when I saw this 40 something woman walk in. She was stunning and my first thought was that she was must be a visitor. As I walked down the hall I remember thinking that I had to keep an eye out for her again.

Back at the office Irwin told me to start with Nina so I’d have an idea of how the system was supposed to work. Fat chance!. Nina put me through the third degree about my family, past and everything in between. I made a couple of half hearted attempts to get back on the subject at hand, the payroll. By 5pm the only thing of importance I had learned was that I wouldn’t receive my first paycheck until the 17th of the month. Yes, it was normally every two weeks but the way the County worked they paid a week late. That meant I was going to have to survive on the money from my last paycheck from the trailer park. That was a major cause for concern. At about 10 minutes to five Nina started picking up her desk. I looked around and most of the others were doing the same. I don’t know why but it was sort of a shock.

To be continued...


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Anonymous said...

Sounds like there might be some interesting girls in the office after all!
