Thursday, December 01, 2016

Big crash...

Big crash...

I know I've been skating on 'thin ice' for a while with my computer. I've put off getting a new one for a lot of reasons but now I have no choice. I've spent the last few days trying to get someone to help me salvage as much of what I have on it and haven't been able to locate one that was able to convince me he knew, fully, what he was doing. I have my ipad but it doesn't contain my outlines, notes, pictures for the blog. Plus, I have an extensive music library. The timing of this couldn't have come at a worse time. (I won't bore you with details) I had started on the next post when it happened. I will be back! Please have patience...


oldblue said...

Good Luck, they are either the greatest thing or the biggest disaster depending on how they are working.

Anonymous said...

Hi PM, glad to read that your Thanksgiving went well and your daughter's health is improving. I'll keep you all in my thoughts! Sorry I haven't commented in a while, the holiday season is always pretty hectic for me and this year is no exception! Anyway, hope it goes well with getting your files off the old computer. BTW, if you don't have one, you might want to pick up a back up hard drive for your new computer. It basically mirrors your internal drive in case of disaster; they're relatively inexpensive insurance.


Pantymaven said...

OB and BS... see my post headed "Explanation"...