Wednesday, June 18, 2008

SIGNS OF SPRING... and better times (Part 32b)

I hitch hiked to where my grandparents were staying the next day and I did make it in time for supper. I started work first thing the next morning. Because I hadn’t been to the stables before and hadn’t met any of the men who worked there, it was a little awkward. My “job” was to groom (taking care of a horse, from feeding it to keeping his stall and the horse itself clean as well as preparing him for his training exercises.) one horse. It was a definite awakening for me. I had no idea how much effort went into it. By the time the day was over (around 4:30pm) I was beat. I’d arrived that first day at 8am but was told to be there at 5:30am the next day. I couldn’t believe it. It was still dark at that time. One of the men who worked there said he stop and pick me up at 5am. That was another shock.

Back at my grandparents hotel there was yet another shock. There was no one staying there that was even close to me in age. There had always been at least one. Not that I would’ve had the energy to have done much but it still would’ve been nice to have had someone my age to talk to. There was one memorable thing that did happen though. The trainer invited my grandparents and I for dinner one night. They had a married daughter who was in her early 20’s. She was visiting with her newborn daughter because her husband, an Air Force pilot, was in the process of being transferred from one base to another. When we arrived the trainer was in his back yard working with one of his hunting dogs. My grandfather, a long time dog lover, headed right for them. I wasn’t going to be left to face the trainer’s wife with my grandmother, so trailed along. There was a clothes line stretched between two pine trees and it was filled with cloth diapers. We had to duck under it to get to the trainer and his dog. When I raised my head after making it under the diapers I was greeted with about 6 or 7 pastel panties hanging on a traditional T-pole close line. They had to be the daughter’s as she was very petite and they were quite small. Unfortunately, it was only a quick look because when we reached where the trainer was standing my view was blocked by other, normal type clothes on the other lines. It was still a nice surprise and gave me some pleasant thoughts as I feel asleep.

I spent most of my free time sleeping. It was much harder work than I’d imagined and, on top of that I wasn't used to physical work. Now, don’t get me wrong. I absolutely enjoyed my week there and what I learned was to prove invaluable. But, what little free time I had, and was awake, I spent thinking about Elle. I did get to talk with her twice and found out she was “busy”, but she did said she missed me. I, for sure, knew where I’d be the first weekend back at school!

My mid semester grades were waiting for me (and everybody else) upon returning to school. I probably deserved what I got. I think I got more grief from Elle than my parents. When I arrived to see her that weekend she pretty much “laid down the law” and mandated that we had to be studying at least 50% of the time that I was there. The combination of almost 4 weeks apart and her being upset with me about my grades certainly didn’t help with me getting “up close and personal”. It was my first experience with having “favors” withheld to accomplish a goal... her goal... to get me to study more. The only word to describe how I felt is frustrated. I’d visualized all these things we’d be doing together that weekend and nothing was going as I’d hoped.

Spring weather in upstate NY can be very fickle. That weekend proved that point. It was warm enough on Saturday to be out in a sweater and Sunday we woke up to snow. On Saturday we did go to the football stadium to study and I was able to coax a few “free shows” from her. I was impressed with the fact that she was wearing only nylon panties and not a “package“. I was also very cognizant of time. When we got up to leave it had been well over two hours since she’d last used a toilet. She showed no ”panic“ about getting to a bathroom either and I was tempted to comment. Since I was still standing ”at arm’s length“ from her because of my poor grades, just let it slide.

I'd been hopeful that we could reprise our study session at the stadium but as soon as I got up Sunday morning and saw white I knew that was a dead issue. We ended up splitting time between the SU lounge and the basement of the sorority. It wasn’t until it was almost time for me to leave that she finally warmed up. We were in the basement and alone. When we stood up she walked up to me and gave me a kiss. I put my arms around her and responded with my own kiss. Then, much to my surprise she took my right hand and placed it in her groin area. Then she slowly pulled the hem of her skirt up so that I could reach the ”promised land“. It was an instant hard on. Unfortunately, it didn’t last all that long but it least I left with a good memory.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

Sounds like Elle is on the mend. Good luck.

badside said...

Mmm, not sure there's many things more appealing than the feeling of your girl in nylon panties with no pad.