Thursday, December 18, 2008

AUTUMN... anything but dull (Part 38d)

As I said, it was an effort in futility. By the time she got there she’d peed her bladder empty. When she turned to sit on the toilet I walked up to her and kissed her, squeezing her wet pantied butt as I did it. I quickly moved one hand around so as to get into the leg opening of her panties and she willing let me. When she could take no more she backed away. As worked up as she appeared to be I thought this would be the time to strip her panties off and actually see her naked. NOT! It puzzled me to no end but not enough to deter me for what I deemed to be both our goals at the time.

When we got back to the bed I was surprised to see that in spite of her ”accident“ when she was on top of me that my side of the bed wasn’t all that wet. I climbed in first and she lay on top of me, my penis between her legs. I swear we didn’t move at all but within seconds I felt that pulsing sensation. Talk about disappointment... for both of us.

We lay there like that for a few minutes and then I rolled her off and on to her side. I stayed snuggled up to her with my left leg wedged between her legs and up into her crotch. The next thing I knew I felt a tickling sensation on my right upper thigh. As I opened my eyes I could see that she was asleep. It only took a few seconds to realize that she was peeing in her sleep. I shook her awake but by then the ”damage“ had been done. I pulled my leg out and separated myself from her just a bit. I was up on one arm and could look down at our hips. We were in a puddle of pee. Our combined weight had created a small crater and the pee had pooled itself right there. Her protective pad was keeping it from the mattress but the regular sheet was soaked.

What to do? We both knew that we didn’t want to make any more of a mess than we already had. With me weighing more than Elle I suggested that I’d stay in the puddle and she’d go get a towel to soak up the puddle. Once that was accomplished we both agreed that we needed a shower. I had ”come to life“ by then and as we stood by the tub waiting for the water to get warm I gave her a big hug and kiss. I grabbed her butt again and her wet panties were molded to her body. I just knew that I’d finally get to see her naked. But... she stepped into the shower... with her panties on.

I offered to wash her if she’d wash me. Such a deal! I made another half hearted attempt to peel her panties off but still met with resistance. I remember looking down at the now totally translucent panties and seeing her pubic hair through them. She was blond down there as well and I could even see that. Exasperated, I tried, one more time, to reason with her and, miracle of miracles, this time won out. She wasn’t totally comfortable but was accepting to the extent that we soaped ourselves up and then ”scrubbed“ ourselves clean by rubbing belly to belly.

That is still one of my favorite memories. We probably spent a half hour in the shower. Still soaking wet I stepped out of the tub and, with the top seat down, sat on the toilet. I held up a towel for Elle and helped her out. But I guided her into a straddling position on my lap. I’m sure your imaginations don’t need details for what happened next. It was a wonderful, unplanned, experience.

When things ”wound down“ we were faced with a very wet bed. Elle insisted on putting on a ”package“ and I asked if I could help her. She’d told me how she did it and, of course, I’d felt it a few times but this was something I really wanted to see. She started with a pair of the Carters heavy cotton ”Spanky Pants“. The next step was to put a sanitary pad inside them, just as if she was on her period. Next was adding a pair of the heavy cotton Nazareth panties that I’d brought for her. Before they were all the way up she added two more sanitary panties, side by side, inside them. The extra wide crotch of these panties allowed for them to fit. Then, it was time for the plastic panties. I stepped back to take this sight in. I almost laughed. Here she was, naked except for these comical looking ”poofy“ plastic panties. I actually had to look away to keep her from seeing me smiling. She was going to put her pajama top on but I offered her a T shirt. I wanted to be able to feel her flesh when we were in bed and cotton flannel wasn’t going to cut it.

Next we had to figure out what to do with the bed. We pulled the wet sheet off and threw it in the tub. Her waterproof sheet/pad had a layer of flannel and it was wet as well so we took that off too. Then we took the top sheet and put it on the bottom. By then it was after midnight and we just feel into bed with a light blanket over us.

Elle was asleep in minutes but I lay awake for a long time. Elle had brought her alarm clocks to wake her up for the bathroom and I heard the first one go off. She actually slept through it so I shook her awake. When she returned from the bathroom we snuggled, face to face, and then we both fell asleep.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

What a wonderful couple you make. How often in life do two people mesh like that. I think perhaps the starting of your relationship at such a young age probably had something to do with it. You both seem to be non-judgemental in all you do. You are both very lucky to have come together in life.

Anonymous said...

Seeing these kind of posts reminds me of just how technology truly is something we cannot live without in this day and age, and I think it is safe to say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes cheaper, the possibility of transferring our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i SDHC[/url] DS NetPostv2)