Tuesday, February 23, 2010

WORKING... and the reality of it (Part 52e)

Rain around a race track is most unwelcome... especially on a Sunday. It makes it difficult to get the horses out of their stalls to give them a walk and ruins any outdoor plans you have for your family. When I got up it was pouring. I checked out the barn and did what I could. When the rain let up a bit I headed for Andy’s trailer. Carol’s car wasn’t there and as it was around 9am I knew she should’ve been home from her shift at the hospital. Andy had a small awning over his door so it was open. I called to him and was invited right in. It was obvious that he was prepared for my visit as the table had a couple of scrapbooks laid out on it. His trailer was older than mine and was only 8 feet wide. Two feet doesn’t sound like much but in a trailer it makes a BIG difference. Because it had pretty much been his home for quite a few years there was a collection of furniture that made the room very crowded, at least to me. He offered me coffee, something I rarely drank anymore, but, to be hospitable, said ”yes”. I asked where Carol was and he said she was visiting with a friend. I was somewhat disappointed that she wasn’t there.

The scrapbooks were very interesting and proved that he had been very successful as a younger man. I had actually heard of his best horse although I’d not seen him race. One of the reasons I’d stopped drinking coffee was that it went right through me although not in the way you would think. I asked if I could use the bathroom and he pointed me down the hall. Compared to mine it was very dark and cramped... which was the way my stomach felt. As I sat on the toilet I looked around and saw a laundry basket in the shower stall (They didn’t have a bathtub) and right on top was a white nurse’s dress. I gave some thought to rummaging through the basket but decided against it. After finishing my “business” as I turned around to flush the toilet I felt something soft under one of my feet. I backed up a step and looked down. It looked like a roll of cloth. After fastening my belt I was about to leave but decided to see just what it was that I’d felt. As soon as I touched it I knew exactly what it was.

Evidently, when she took off her panties she sort of rolled them down from her waist. I’d seen Elle do this any number of times. When I had them out in front of me I could clearly see the crotch... and it had discoloration. When I felt it it was damp. My pants had a definite bulge to them. I immediately put them up to my nose and got the now familiar musty smell of stale pee. My heart rate was very accelerated and, as warm as it was out and in, I was definitely perspiring. I had to force myself to put them back on the floor and after I did it took a minute or two for me to calm down.

Because I’d taken so long I felt I had to explain my situation to Andy. He chastised me for not coming out and declining the offer of the coffee. We finished up with the scrapbooks just as Carol returned. When I saw her I sure was glad that she hadn’t been there. At the same time I knew I’d definitely be taking some peeks at the clothesline out back.

I think it might’ve been the same day that Elle and I got some visitors... Harry and his wife Vi. She always tried to spend time with Harry during one of the county fair weeks. Since she was there she got Harry to drive her over to see Elle and the baby. But, there was a big surprise for me. He asked if there was possibly a way for me to race one of his colts at the fair with him. I was all excited but knew I’d have to get AJ’s OK before saying “yes“. What had happened was that there weren’t enough entries to hold two races for the same class of horse (2 year old colts) as had been done in all the fairs held to that time. While Harry and I discussed that Elle and Vi were talking about the fact the baby was using the carriage as a bed. She didn’t approve but I knew that our next purchase would be a portable washing machine as the diaper service was due to end as of Labor Day. And that fact led us all to talk about just that subject. Vi volunteered that they had a source for just such a product. I don’t remember exactly how the conversation went but when I asked how much one would cost Vi said something along the lines of ”Don’t worry about it.“ When I heard that I said I wanted to pay for it and that they had done so much for us already that it wasn’t right. I went into the bedroom and brought out some money and gave it to Harry. Vi was upset with him for taking it but I wouldn’t take it back.

I must’ve caught AJ in a weak moment because when I asked if I could go with Harry to drive one of his horses he said yes. It turned out to be one of the most bizarre experiences I had while working with the horses. The track, 1/2 mile in length, had a soft spot about 10 feet out from the rail right at the head of the stretch heading for the finish line. Since 99% of all harness races were one mile in length it meant possibly having to go over it (or avoid it) twice. It was definitely dangerous. But the fair officials came up with a unique solution... put a couple of saw horses over the spot and paint them yellow. It was truly weird and should never have been allowed to happen... but it did. Harry won the race by staying on the inside rail. I wasn’t as lucky and had to go wide around the saw horses and ended up fourth. Without the "detour" I probably would’ve ended up second. But at least I got to drive in another race.

To be continued...

1 comment:

badside said...

That race sounds like a recipe for disaster! Can't imagine them doing something that dumb today, at least I hope not!