Tuesday, April 20, 2010

GETTING A BREAK... finally (Part 54h)

I know I was excited about the next day and the move to the new track and being on my own. But it was the thought of those panties, just sitting there on the sink, that kept me awake. The alarm went off at 5:30am. I was supposed to be ready to load up the horses at 6am. I picked up the last of my things and stuffed them into my pillow case and headed for the bathroom as I left. When I walked in I saw that both items were still in the same place as I’d left them. Without a lot of thought I grabbed them both, stuffed them into my pillow case and headed downstairs for the car and trailer. It was already hitched up and ready to go and go I did. Based upon what Elle had told me Lisa was seldom up and out of bed before 10am and I knew I’d be more than halfway to the next track by that time.

It was probably about that time when it came to me that once Lisa realized that the items were missing that she wouldn’t really have a hard time in tracking me down. I knew that she and Elle had talked quite a bit and that she had enough information to track me back to AJ. To say that the last part of the trip was a bit uncomfortable is putting it mildly.

Once I drove though the gate into the track my thoughts changed to the horses. I was totally impressed with the track right from the start. It was more like a park than a race track. I had one groom (Asa) to help me which meant that I had to do groom work as well. It was early afternoon by the time we had everything squared away. Asa was ready to eat but I still had to get the trailer in place. I’d been given a map when I’d signed in and as I followed it I found myself even more impressed with the track. Unlike the way the trailers had been placed at the other track (all in one row) they were ”clustered“. There were anywhere from three to six of the full house trailers in a group and each group had trees and grass. For the camp trailers like mine it was somewhat the same. My spot was with two others and were set up in a triangle formation. In the middle were two trees and a patch of grass. As I drove up I saw a clothes line with some towels blowing in the wind. It was set up so that the entry door was facing into the middle (grassy area) of the triangle. I liked it. Because this was my first venture with a unit like this I was a bit out of my element when it came to getting it set in place. Harry had given me some cement block to help stabilize it but I didn’t have a jack that could help me get it level. All I had to work with was the jack on the tongue of the trailer itself. I was struggling when I heard a voice with a heavy city accent behind me. It was George, a trainer I’d met at Harry’s barn earlier in the season.

George had pretty much sized up the situation and arrived with just what I needed... a bottle jack, some wood to use as wedges and a level. In a matter of minutes the trailer was in place, stable and level. George helped me connect to the electric and water and I was good to go. There were no sewer facilities in this area and since I didn’t have a toilet it didn’t really matter. My trailer was really just ”bare bones“. I didn’t have a refrigerator but I had a real old fashioned ice box. There was a place for a block of ice and room for just a few items. I’d determined that it was adequate enough for me. There was a sink and two gas burners. Water from the sink just drained out into the ground. As you walked in there was what passed for a sofa. It folded out to make a double bed but the problem with that was that with it down you had to crawl over it to get out or in. There was a small closet just to the right of the door. In the back was a booth like affair with a table much like you found in diners of the day. The table could be removed and placed between the two bench seats and with the cushions placed just right it made into another bed. I decided that was the way to go. I decided to reuse the sheets that had been on the bed in the apartment. As I dumped out the things I'd stuffed into the pillow case I saw Lisa's panties that I taken earlier in the morning. I opened them up and saw the label "Argo Knit" on the outside. I was happy. I also opened up the other "ball" that I'd taken. It was Lisa's bra. The label read "Maidenform" 34 B which was the same size that Elle wore. I decided to set them aside and do something with them later.

All I had in the way of food from the apartment was a few half filled boxes of cereal and a jar of peanut butter. I figured the first stop I needed to make was to a grocery store and with directions from George headed for town. A quick drive through told me it was basically the size of the town where my grandparents lived. It was very much like the racetrack with a lot of landscaping and very clean. I located a store and was lucky to find block ice at the same place. Feeling very proud of myself I headed back. Once there I felt pretty foolish. I found I hadn't thought to buy a pot, can opener, dishes or utensils. It had been my stomach doing the thinking. I figured why not ask George if I could borrow them until I could get back to town. When the door to George’s trailer opened it took my breath away. Standing in front of me was this pretty girl with jet black hair down to her shoulders. She was wearing a pair of light blue shorts and a blouse that had probably been one of George’s dress shirts with the sleeves torn off and the shirttails tied in a knot right in the middle of her stomach. Because it was so big on her it was impossible to see her ”shape“. I was certainly not expecting anything like that. When I caught my breath I asked for George and she invited me in. The trailer was much like the one that I’d rented at the end of the previous season with a real room in the back part of it. George was sitting at the built in table and formally introduced me to his 16 year old daughter. I don’t know what the look on my face was but I do remember thinking that she looked more like 26 than 16. After I asked if I could borrow the things I needed he invited me to eat supper with them. He also asked if I wanted to go to the paddock with him that night as he had a horse racing. I remember thinking how lucky I was to have had my trailer placed there.

To be continued...

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