Friday, April 23, 2010

GETTING A BREAK... finally (Part 54i)

During supper, where he grilled hamburgers on a charcoal grill in the little yard that we shared, I found out the he was divorced and that his daughter, Ellen, spent Summers with him working as a groom. I was more than pleased that I got to see a very nice DP (downpants) and VPL (visible panty line) while we ate. It was like a private ”welcome“ just for me. I left looking forward to more than just racing the horses.

It was probably Wednesday the next time I saw Ellen. I was coming back to the trailer to take my afternoon nap and I saw her hanging wash on the line between the two trees in out shared yard. At first I just waved at her but when I realized that there were panties on the line I stopped. Seeing the wash also triggered the thought that I was going to have to do my own. I walked towards her and glancing quickly at the panties, asked where the laundry was. She turned away from the wash and pointed towards a second gate. While she did this I took a closer look at the panties. All three were of a different color. I don’t remember exactly what colors but what I do remember was that there were days of the week embroidered on them. As she turned back towards me I diverted my eyes from the panties. But she then bent over to get more wash from her basket and I got another DP. I was really liking this!

AJ wanted me to train the 2 year old once on the half mile track before entering him in a race. That meant I had to wait a week. I got to race the three footed horse and as I remember it, finished third with him. The first time I raced the other horse, owned by the same man who owned the 2 year old, I drove a very poor race and finished way back. I was especially mad at myself because I’d talked down the owner’s ability and hadn’t done any better than he had. I was really looking forward to racing the two year old as he had trained really well.

By the end of that week I hadn’t seen as much of Ellen as I’d hoped. I’d been going to the races each night to observe, trying to get a handle on how to race on a half mile track. I didn’t want to make the same error that I’d made with that one horse. By the time I got back to my trailer the lights were usually out in George’s trailer. It was on Sunday that I decided to go ”exploring“ in the surrounding area. I took off after feeding the horses that afternoon and found a lake and spent some time there, reminiscing about all the things I liked about being near water. It was dark and probably around 10pm when I got back to the track. It was very humid so I decided to sit outside on the step. I was looking right across the yard at George’s trailer and could see a dim light on inside. The curtain was open and all of a sudden I saw Ellen, braless and in her panties, walk past the window. That caught my attention and answered the question as to her "shape". I sat there waiting for her to return. Unfortunately, she didn’t. But how could I complain. I didn’t get to see much of her panties but the braless view more than made up for it.

I was hyped up to race the 2 year old and when the night finally arrived I was a nervous wreck. Everything went well until we were called up to the starting gate. I distinctly remember we were number 7 which, on a half mile track, usually isn’t good. But I was happy because it would allow me to pull him back off the gate fairly easily. The problem arose as we approached the gate. The arm wouldn’t swing out. After a number of tries to force it into place they went to get the auxiliary gate. In the meantime all the horses were just walking around in circles on the track. As I’ve mentioned, my 2 year old wasn’t all that happy around other horses and I could see he was getting agitated. By the time the replacement gate appeared on the track he was in a frenzy and I couldn’t really control him. I should’ve taken him back to the paddock and had the veterinarian ”scratch“ him from the race but I didn’t. When we reached the starting line he was on a dead run and we’d gone almost a quarter mile before I got control of him. After the race I got called into the office of the track judge where he told me I’d have to qualify him again before he’d be allowed to race. I protested trying to explain that it wasn’t his fault but they weren’t listening. I was really upset.

I did manage to finish second with the horse that I’d driven so poorly the first time I’d raced him. In reality, I should’ve won but it was still a big improvement. I don’t remember the second race for the three footed horse. As far as the 2 year old was concerned, AJ told me to skip the qualifying race and just wait for the Grand Circuit race. As a pre entered horse, the track could not prevent him from racing. It made me feel a lot better.

George had some friends over for a cookout the following Sunday and also invited me and the guy in the third trailer in our triangle. Because of the age of the people I didn’t think I’d see anything of Ellen but I was wrong. She was wearing what I’d noted to be her preference, shorts and a sleeveless shirt tied in the middle. George had asked (required) her to stick around to keep the guests supplied with food and drink. I was certainly happy about it. Over the course of the afternoon I got plenty of ”views“. By the time it was dark I was pretty drunk and most everyone had gone. I ended up back inside my trailer and fell asleep on the sofa. When I woke up I knew I was going to puke so just opened the door and stumbled out. When I finished I just sat on the step. It was like deja-vu as I saw Ellen, topless again, walk past the window. The sight of her like that certainly helped to sober me up. The best part was when, this time, she walked back from where she’d come from. She was totally engrossed in something and, thank goodness, totally unaware of my presence.

To be continued...

1 comment:

badside said...

I guess in a way you were lucky to get sick! Wish I could have seen it too!