Tuesday, June 01, 2010

FROM BAD TO WORSE... life in Hades (Part 56c)

I got a break the next morning as both Elle and the baby were still asleep when I left for the barn. I got another when Jeanne, Dan's wife, called on Elle to see the kids. She was the only girl out of six children and had desperately wanted to have a girl but got two boys instead. The visit went well as the two women hit it off right from the start. The 17 month old, normally very shy around strangers, ended up sitting in Jeanne's lap. The most important part about the visit was that Jeanne explained that Dan was very difficult to work for and that Elle was welcome to talk with her at any time if she saw or heard that things were deteriorating for me with work. Elle did not immediately tell me about that part of the visit. Jeanne, seeing the tiny washing machine we had also volunteered to let Elle use her washing machine. Whatever Elle's initial thoughts about the farm were tempered by Jeanne and her visit.

The baby had weighed almost 9 pounds which helped explain why Elle seemed bigger during this pregnancy. It was only a little over three weeks since the baby was born and she still looked heavy. I could remember after the first one that she was back in her old clothes within a month. I'd noticed that she was still wearing her maternity pants. I felt that wasn’t good. As far as us communicating, general conversations were pretty normal. As far as bed was concerned we didn’t exactly ”snuggle“ but I no longer had to put up with her back all night long. I called it progress.

I think it was at the end of that week when Elle asked why I was working so hard. I lied and told her that Dan was short handed as it was hard to get people to work out at the farm. That was partially true but those that did were treated fairly well. Dan had built a dorm-like room for up to six men to live in along with a small kitchen and bathroom with a shower. Elle had been looking forward to the Winter as it meant I wouldn’t be out at night as I was during racing season. It wasn’t happening. I’d eat supper and then head out more than likely to grade and bag potatoes. Sometime in early November Elle mentioned the hours I was working to Jeanne. She then told Elle that if she needed me for something and I wasn’t there or if I told her I had to do something for Dan then she (Elle) was to come get her. Either she’d take care of it or would see that I was freed up to do it for Elle. Elle didn’t mention it to me until after the first time it happened and that gave me some much needed information as far as Dan was concerned.

Jeanne would stop by about mid morning to pick up the wash. On some days she would also hang it out to dry for Elle. The wash lines were directly behind the trailer and, unless it was raining, I’d come home for lunch and see wash, mostly diapers, out on the lines. One day I saw a whole batch of panties blowing in the wind. Elle, ashamed of her wetting situation, would cull her wet panties out from the wash she’d hand over to Jeanne. The two of them were getting along so well that Jeanne would just step inside the trailer and pick up the wash basket and head back home. On this day, for whatever reason, Elle hadn’t pulled the panties she’d worn the day (and night) before when Jeanne stopped by. When I walked into the trailer Elle was really upset about it. I told her that her wetting problem, although not all that common, was just like any other affliction that a person might have and that there was no reason not to discuss it with Jeanne. She didn’t say yes and she didn’t say no.

We’d been at the farm about four weeks when I saw Elle show signs of homesickness. There was talk about Thanksgiving and what we were going to do to celebrate. Even though it was a national holiday, the horses still needed attention so there was no way for us to think about going home. Jeanne picked up on Elle’s melancholy and invited us to join her family along with her brother and his wife and all their son on Thanksgiving. Elle thought it was a great idea but I had my doubts. It turned out to be a very good day... for both Elle and I.

Jeanne’s sister-in-law, Bethann was a thinner version of Jeanne... very ”bubbly“ and very upbeat. She and Bert had a 5 year old boy to go along with Jeanne and Dan’s 14 and 12 year old boys. Needless to say, our two girls were a big hit with the women. Jeanne and Bethann put on an unbelievable feast. Everything was homegrown, including the turkeys. When we were all through eating, Jeanne had Dan, Bert and I take the leftovers to the barn for the men down there to eat. It was the first time I found myself being comfortable around Dan since I’d arrived at the farm. While at the barn Dan told me that he’d heard that AJ, my old boss, had lost all the horses that he and the owner had gone to Kentucky and Pennsylvania to buy at auction. He went on to say that it was one of the ”old line“ trainers that had gotten them in a sneaky way. It left me feeling a bit strange. My first thought was that it was a good thing that I’d left AJ even though things weren’t all that good with Dan. But I also felt vindicated in that I’d never really liked that owner. I’d never been comfortable around him although he seemed to like me. I'd mentioned it to AJ a time or two and he just dismissed it. Of course I felt sorry for AJ. I knew he’d put all his efforts into pleasing this one owner to the detriment of other owners. To the best of my knowledge it meant that AJ had but 6 or 7 horses left and that included the one horse my grandfather owned.

To be continued...

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