Thursday, March 10, 2011

GOOD TIMES... Spring (Part 69f)

We decided to let the kids stay with Elle’s parents. Her mother was always asking when they could and this was a good time to do it. It meant that Elle and I could entertain Ruthie without interruption from the kids. We stopped to make sure it was OK for the kids to stay before heading to the trailer. It hadn’t been all that warm but I’d worked up a sweat and was looking forward to a shower. Elle, with her ”package“ fully soaked and smelling like smoke from the grill, was also looking forward to a shower. We were almost home when I remembered the mad dash the ladies had made to find a rest room so I asked Ruthie where they ended up. She laughed and said it was pretty funny. The bowling alley wasn’t open yet and the sole toilet at the first gas station they tried was stopped up and by then they were all in a panic. She said she really hadn’t had to go all that bad but with all the talk about needing to go had put the idea in her mind. She said they finally found a restaurant that was open and then it was a mad dash to get inside. They ended up using both the men and ladies toilets but that was all she said. I was a bit disappointed because I'd hoped to hear that at least one hadn't made it.

Once home Ruthie asked if it would be OK for her to shower as well. Her hair, as well as her clothes, all smelled of smoke. Elle insisted that Ruthie have the first chance at the shower. I was all for it. I was hoping Elle would be loaning her some clothes and I wanted to be sure I was back in the bedroom to see just what panties she picked out for her. I’ve mentioned before that Ruthie was almost a ”clone“ of Elle only with dark hair. Their personalities were basically the same and they were close to having the same build. Elle was a little better ”endowed“ but, all in all, very similar so I was also curious to see the other clothes Elle picked out for her

We had found a source of nice quality of used clothes in a thrift shop run by a local church. When I’d started with the County I only had one suit and at that time couldn’t afford to buy anything new. We also found it to be a good source of children’s clothes. Then, when Elle started getting calls to teach, she found herself having to wear basically the same clothes each day. So, it was back to the thrift shop. The female mind works in a different way than a man. Elle went looking for something ”good“ for Ruthie to wear. I was thinking that all she needed was something that was clean; not fancy. But Elle finally picked out a pair of light gray wool slacks and a light blue pull-over sweater. I’m sure Elle hadn’t yet worn either and remember wanting to say something to Elle about it but didn’t. The big question for me was what panties she was going to give her.

After all the careful decision making as to the pants and sweater all she did was to reach in her panty drawer and pull out the first cotton panties she reached. I couldn’t believe it. All her cotton panties were well stained. Even I would’ve looked for a pair of unstained ones. In any case she folded all the clothes and took them into the bathroom. All I could do then was to wait for my turn.

When Ruthie finished she went on down to hall to the kitchen where Elle was preparing supper. I quickly made my way into the bathroom and there, right on top of the washing machine were Ruthies clothes all folded and neatly stacked. Her panties were right on top and I have to admit I was somewhat disappointed. They were like the ones of hers that I’d seen during the Summer but that didn’t stop me from picking them up to inspect them. They were blue flowered Carter’s Spanky Pants, band legged and sized small. They were the soft combed cotton and not like the heavier ribbed cotton type that Elle wore. I remembered that I was going to see if I could find some flowered panties for Elle but hadn’t. I checked out the crotch and gave it a little sniff. It was hard to tell if she’d peed any in them as the print pretty much blocked it out but my nose indicated that there might be a little. I was standing there holding her panties with a big bulge in my pants when I heard Elle call me while walking down the hall. I stuffed the panties under her jeans and made like I was starting to run the water so Elle couldn’t see the bulge as she walked in. All she wanted was to tell me to put my clothes in the washer and as she did she dumped Ruthies in. When she closed the door I let out a big sigh of relief.

Because it was dark I got the job of hanging the wet clothes on the line. The one good thing was that I could hold Ruthie’s panties legitimately. As I hung Elle’s two pair on the line I remember shaking my head about Elle giving Ruthie a pair of these old, stained panties to wear. I'd hoped that she would've given her a pair of her fancy panties. Women! Sheesh!

By early Sunday afternoon the clothes had almost dried. The only thing was Ruthie’s jeans which were still a little damp in the crotch area. Elle remembered a couple of times when I was still racing the horses where my driving jacket hadn’t quite dried. She hung it on the back of a chair and placed it in front of the open oven door. We reprised that tactic and by the time it was time to go for the train they were dry enough to wear. I had no hopes of seeing any panty peeks so wasn’t prepared as Ruthie came down the hall holding Elle’s gray pants in front of her. There was no way for her to completely hide her panties and as she walked past me (sitting in a chair) I got a good look at her backside. Panties look much better when on and they looked good on her. I fully expected that Elle was going to call me out later on my ”leering“, as she called it whenever I looked a another female’s butt, but she never said a word.

After leaving her at the train we went to fetch the kids. In the back of my mind, all the way there and back, was getting a look at Elle’s panties that Ruthie had been wearing. There were two thing I wanted to check out... how stained were they and if Ruthie had leaked. After we were home and Elle was putting the kids to bed I went looking in the washing machine for the panties but couldn’t find them. I was puzzled, for sure. I remember laying bed wondering about them.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Nice, Ruthie came through for you! Just curious, did Elle realize that she and Ruthie looked so much alike or was it your own private observation?


Pantymaven said...

It wasn't so much looks as it was personalities and size. They came from similar backgrounds and had similar values.