Thursday, June 23, 2011

END OF SUMMER... September (Part 74f)

Discretion being the better part of valor, I persuaded Jay to hold off until the fallout over the new tape drive eased. Leo, the Deputy Controller, was still seething over the fact that Jay had made the request for it directly to the Controller, bypassing him. I suggested that we come up with some empirical data to support the additional person to strengthen the need. Reluctantly, he agreed. He created a log for each of us to document just what we were doing and when we did it with special emphasis on when we needed help to complete our projects in a timely manner. We figured that a few weeks would be enough.

Other than that the week went by fairly normal until Friday. Once the regular payroll was done and the bills were paid we still had reports to run. However, Jay had a number of new programs he needed to test on the computer. That put both Jo and I behind so we ended up staying later than usual so as to not be ”thrashing“ on the following Monday morning. Actually, there were four of us still there after 5pm. I was running the decollating machine which was near what we called the ”back door“. The main entrance had glass in it with the department name lettered on it. The other door was further down the hall and had no window. We often used it because it was close to where we usually worked. From the time we arrived until the last person left the door was unlocked. I looked up and there was Rena. Once we made eye contact she made a motion as if to unbutton her blouse. It only took a second for me to figure out what she was doing. She wanted to know if I was going to come over to her office for my ”Friday night peek“. I looked around and even though everyone was busy I thought better of it and waved her off. It had been a few weeks since the last time and, although tempted, didn’t want to give any wrong ideas to Jay and Jo. I can tell you that I didn’t need x-ray vision to know what was happening right across the hall.

Saturday was going to be a "bear". I hadn’t mowed the lawn in over two weeks and it looked terrible. I hadn’t been over to see my grandfather in almost a month and felt guilty about it. The list went on from there. Elle’s godmother was visiting her parents so she took the kids to show them off as I started on the lawn. She hadn’t been gone for long when Eric, the new guy in our little group (and race car driver), showed up at my fence. He told me he’d taken a close look at the race car and felt that roll cage needed to be re-welded. He said he could do it if I knew anyone with an arc welder. I didn’t, off hand, but was excited that he’d taken enough interest to check the car out and to make the offer. We’d been chatting for a while when I saw his wife headed for us. The night I’d first seen her the only part that I really saw was her butt as she climbed the stairs to go in their trailer. Let’s put it this way... her outstanding feature was her body. It wasn’t that she was unattractive but most guys concentrated on her ”top“ and ”bottom“. She’d come to fetch Eric for a phone call and as they walked away I watched her nice round bottom stride off. I was looking for a VPL. Unfortunately, her pants were too dark to see much but I can still see those cheeks swaying as she walked away.

Not only had it been a long time since I’d seen my grandfather, it’d been a lot longer since I’d taken him up to the hospital see my grandmother. His health had failed enough for him to need a wheelchair on those visits. As I wheeled him down the hall I saw a face that I thought I recognized. It was Cammy, a private duty nurse who had worked taking care of my grandmother before she was hospitalized and I’d seen her at the house on a few occasions a few years back. As I reintroduced myself I was struck by the tight white uniform she was wearing and as she continued on down the hall I turned and could see the definite outline of her panties through it, riding on her hips. If I hadn’t been pushing my grandfather I’d would’ve definitely found a reason to follow her.

There was absolutely no change with my grandmother. Totally in another world. It was sad watching my grandfather take one of her hands and then try to talk with her. It was only a few minutes before Cammy walked into the room. My sadness went away instantly. She went over to my grandmother and leaned towards her to try and put another pillow behind her. As she did I got a partial VPL with a bit of crotch line. I don’t know if her uniform was extra sheer but the white of her panties through it (and maybe a slip) was very clear. When she straightened up I took the time to see what she really looked like and she definitely qualified as ”cute“. That was a deadly combination... VPL and cute.

Technically, my grandmother shouldn’t have been in the hospital. She should’ve been in a nursing home. However, my grandfather had made a number of large contributions when they were building the hospital and the Trustees were somewhat beholden to him so she was allowed to stay. He still had to pay for the room and the only caveat was that he had to provide private care nurses for her. That’s where Cammy came in. She’d impressed my grandfather when she’d cared for my grandmother a few years earlier but she had a somewhat permanent position until that lady died. Once free, my grandfather hired her. Based upon what I’d seen that day it was OK by me!

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Trying to imagine that nurse outfit, now days all we see is those ugly scrubs that don't reveal much.


Pantymaven said...

Oh so true! It was a sad day when they went to scrubs!