Saturday, September 03, 2011

THE NEW YEAR... changes ahead (Part 78f)
An apology... With an earthquake and a hurricane all in one week things got a little hectic around here. To write this I use a number of “memory joggers” which consist primarily of family pictures, my wife’s scrapbook, a very poor diary (in the sense that it sometimes has large gaps in it) and most of the time, a good memory. Don’t ask me what happened last week! I often write a base outline and then, as rememberances occur, fill it in. I had written my latest one up into March of 1963. It was made up of slips of paper with a paper clip to attach them to the outline. Somehow I managed to misplace some of my “fill ins” and, in an effort to get some posts up, left out some important material. I’m going to write what‘s missing in a special post as some of it is necessary for future posts. I really wish I hadn’t posted the last two paragraphs of my last post. Although Rena is an important part of my story I didn’t really need to put all that in. I’m not exactly sure how to move on from there but I’ll think about it over the weekend.

My grandfather was always generous to people who did work for him during the course of the year. That included the nurses who looked after my grandmother in the hospital. He had a way of eliciting information about their families as well as their needs and tried to get something that was wanted or needed. Although in many cases he gave cash but he always enjoyed seeing the response when it was something of a material nature. The mother of the nurse who had caught my eye because of the tight uniform she wore (Cammy) would sometimes sit in for her when she wanted time off. My grandfather found out that Cammy wanted a stereo radio, something brand new on the market at the time. He tried to get one from the local appliance store but they hadn’t started stocking them. Right before Christmas he saw an add in one of the city newspapers and ordered it for Cammy. Unfortunately, it didn’t arrive in time. It came right after and he received a notice that it was at the post office and had to be picked up. Not able to drive any longer he asked that I pick it up for him and then to to drive him to Cammy’s house to deliver it. The timing of his request wasn’t good but I knew I had to. Plus, I’d wanted to actually see just where she lived so managed to squeeze in the time for the delivery.

I knew pretty much the area that she lived in but driving up to the house I saw something that caught my attention. The house was on a corner lot and there was a clothes line that ran parallel to the side street. There were no clothes on the line but, now knowing this information, I vowed to ride past it from time to time, hoping to get a ”reward“ for my effort.

My grandfather stayed in the car while I went up to the house to get Cammy. She was surprised and, without putting on a coat, ran out to the car. She wasn’t wearing anything memorable but I vividly remember her reaction to the radio. She reached in and gave my grandfather a hug and I guess because I was standing there, I got one too. I’ve mentioned that she had a nice full ”bottom“... well, her top wasn’t bad either. I was almost ready to check my chest for indentations. In my fixation on her rear and her panties I’d pretty much ignored the top half. My mistake!

As I looked out of my front window I had a side view of the first of the longer trailers (Oops... mobile homes) that were placed in the park. When the park was originally laid out the longest units were forty feet long. To accommodate the unit mentioned above the ”boys“ had to use two pads and had give up the pad directly behind it. At the time I remember thinking that I had the absolute best view of a clothes line possible. The only place to put it was right out along side the fence right out by the road. There was no way to hide it like the majority of the others were. The only negative was that it was one of the four arm, fold up type where a lot of clothes are hidden in the middle. However, it turned out the residents, a middle aged couple, never lived there permanently using it only on weekends. Seldom was there anything on the clothesline but towels and bathing suits. That had been disappointing.

I had mentioned that at the impromptu Christmas party at the park meeting hall I had noticed an unfamiliar female face. I had noticed her because not only was she good looking but also because the clothes she had worn were pretty revealing (at least from the panty perspective). The people she was with were not part of the group that I knew so I really didn’t know much, if anything, about her. Right after that I had noticed the outside light was on and had figured that the owners were spending the weekend there. However, the next day, when on my way to work, I saw a strange car parked out in front. I didn’t dwell on it and it wasn’t until a few days later that Elle saw lights on inside the unit. Milly, our neighbor, usually had the latest information but in this case knew nothing.

It wasn’t until after Christmas that we got the ”skinny“. The woman was the daughter of the owners of the unit. An electronics company had established an assembly plant out on the ”by-pass“ located to the North of town during the Fall and she was some sort of engineer assigned to the operation. No one Elle had talked to had actually seen or talked to her so she was the ”mystery“ woman as we approached the new year. All I could do was hope that my casual, but positive, observation of her at the party held up and that she would fill up that clothes line for me.

Driving into the trailer park on New Year’s eve I noticed a brand new sign. It was almost twice as big as what had been there before. What had my attention was that there was a name change. No longer did it read “TRAILER PARK”. It now stated, in big bold letters, “MOBILE HOME PARK“. If there was one thing I’d learned about the ”boys“ (Dick and Ben) was that they didn’t spend any more money than they needed to. I saw a light on in the office so stopped to ask about the change. Dick was just about to leave but he explained that the industry was changing. The park owners association that they belonged to had requested that the members now use the words Mobile Home in place of trailer. He went on to say that the association now used ”trailer“ to describe one that could be towed by a car or pick up truck. He pointed to the ”transient“ area just in back of the office that held a few of the smaller, towable units. He also told me to come see him sometime as there was more news and that I might be interested in. I do remember wondering what was up.
Now I'll go back to the story... sorry about the interruption.
To be continued....

1 comment:

badside said...

Can't wait to read more about the mystery woman!