Tuesday, August 21, 2012

ADAPTING... hanging on (Part 97f)

As I tried to go to sleep my thoughts were on the possibilities of seeing more panty peeks of Dolly in the morning. I was awakened by the sounds of childish laughter. Elle and I had strict instructions to the girls that they were not to get out of their beds in the morning without permission and the sounds I heard were coming from the patio room. Elle was still beside me so I got right up to go take a look. We always shut the door to the patio room when it wasn’t in use and there it was, wide open. I peered inside and there was Dolly sitting on the floor with her back to me with my two older girls sitting facing her. I could see a board game on the floor in front of them. Dolly had one of Elle’s light, filmy robes on over her shoulders and it was see through enough that I could discern her panties, skin and the T shirt she was still wearing. I remember wishing I was sitting where my kids were.

One of the girls saw me and called out causing Dolly to turn a bit to see me. She apologized for letting the kids make enough noise to wake me. I was sort of hiding in the hall as all I had on were boxer shorts. I told her it was OK and went back in the bedroom to get dressed. I wanted to be down the hall and in the dining room when she came up and out of the patio room. By then Elle was awake and asked what was going on and gave me the excuse I needed by asking for some juice to take her pills with. It was almost perfect. ”Almost“ because as she walked down the hall towards me Dolly held the front of the robe closed. The robe was filmy enough for me to see the outline of her panties and I watched very closely as she picked up her dress and bra from the chair. Very nice!

When the arrangements were made for Dolly to spend Saturday night my father said he’d pick her up on Sunday after he took my grandfather to the hospital for his visit. We were eating breakfast when the phone rang. It was my father asking if I could take my grandfather as there was a water leak at the house and he'd be late. As long as as Dolly was there to meet Elle’s needs it didn’t matter to me. When I got to my grandfather’s house I was greeted by the temporary nurse that my grandfather had told me he really liked.  Seeing her there sent me a message that my grandfather would be in a good mood. He was actually as upbeat as I’d seen him in a long, long time. The reason... he’d gotten his wish and this woman was going to be, in his words, ”regular” for the daytime. I asked what had happened to Cammy’s mother who’d been in the position. She had diabetes which had been under control for quite a while but over the past few months had started to cause enough problems for her to quit. It wasn’t that my grandfather disliked her but she just didn’t interact with him that much and this new lady did.

He made a formal introduction and I found out her name was Edith and she had two pre teen kids. Her husband was with the government and had just been transferred to the area from New Mexico. My “take” on the change was that it was all good, especially for my grandfather. I immediately thought back to when Jan had started to pay attention to him and how positively he’d responded to that. I looked forward to seeing him much happier.

It was a normal visit and I was back home by noon. My father had called and told Dolly he was on his way and he arrived soon after I did. I asked him to stay for a few minutes while I drove Dolly to where the bus stop I’d be picking her up in the morning. She was very appreciative of it as it wasn’t in the most obvious of places as I pointed it out. I could tell she wasn’t thrilled about riding the bus but it was the best we could come up with.

As far as sailing was concerned it wasn’t a problem as this was one of the three week ends that had multi day events. Norma had told me she wasn’t interested in racing any place else other that right out in the bay and, with Elle’s situation, I was satisfied to keep it that way. Finding a crew had been neigh unto impossible what with the new fleet of Windmill sailboats taking most of the junior sailors. I’d thought briefly of making an attempt to find one but the fact that I’d “survived” the fallout from racing the car made me quickly gave up on that. The one thing about sailing that did concern me was that I really wanted to defend my title(s) at the upcoming area sailing championships. Lurking in the back of my mind was to try and persuade Norma do it even though her husband would be back. I just had to figure out a way to do it.

I have to admit I wasn’t the best “nurse” and without Elle’s input I’m not sure what we would have done as far as eating was concerned other than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that night. Elle was looking forward to Monday as it was the first day she was to get out of bed and to start walking short distances. She was also looking forward to Tuesday as that was when she was to go to her regular doctor to have her catheter removed. To her, both were major accomplishments. Her pain was now tolerable and she was comfortable with Dolly. By the time we went to bed I could see the change in her attitude was for the better. Even though it was still five weeks until she would be totally recovered it was like a light at the end of a tunnel.

To be continued...  

1 comment:

badside said...

Sounds like things were going smoothly. Nice to have Dolly around in more than one way!