Monday, October 15, 2012

NEW GROUND... with some shocks (Part 99i)

I’m sure you’ve heard of or have actually experienced buyer’s or seller’s remorse. What I was feeling was remorse for having taken the panties. There was a bit of paranoia built in there as well, worried that someone might have seen me taking them. Driving on my way home I even thought of taking the panties and putting them in the trash. However, I didn’t get a chance as upon making the last turn to home I was greeted with the flashing red lights of a couple of patrol cars stopped in front of both my unit and that of the neighbor.

As you can imagine, Elle was beside herself, all upset. Once I got the kids inside I set out to calm her down. She, of course, was concerned about the neighbors, Marge and her husband. I agreed to stay on top of the situation and went back outside to talk with one of the patrolmen. Long story short... Back when the the neighbors moved in I’d found out that the husband was in charge of building a very controversial petroleum tank farm. There had been a lot of local opposition to it and when construction began there was a group of protestors constantly out at the site. As construction escalated some of the protestors started making real trouble and evidently some had threatened Marge’s husband that day. The police thought it best to come to their home to short circuit anything they might’ve planned. After being assured that her husband was OK, to be on the safe side, Marge was going to leave to join him at a motel about 30 miles to the West. But, that didn’t end it for us. The police advised me that the Sheriff’s department was going to maintain a presence there for 24 hours just to be sure that the ”nuts“ didn’t do anything to Marge’s mobile home as they’d written all sorts of things on the heavy equipment out at the site. That made both of us feel better but it was still very disconcerting.

After getting a bite to eat Elle and I had our hands full trying to explain to the girls what was going on outside without frightening them. We kept them occupied way past their bed time and by the time we headed for our bedroom I was exhausted. It had been an incredibly stressful day. It wasn’t until I was lying on my back in the dark that I actually reviewed my experiences. When I got to the situation with Bobbi’s panties I realized they were still in my pants pocket. I’d just dropped my pants on the floor and collapsed into bed. Realizing that, it was more stress. I started thinking ahead to the next day and sailing with Bobbi. I immediately decided that it wasn’t a good idea. I lay there trying to come up with an excuse to give to Bobbi and fell asleep while doing that.

I found Elle upset when I awoke in the morning. My first thought was that she’d seen my pants on the floor and in picking them up discovered the panties. That wasn’t it at all. Her period had started during the night. Ever since the birth of the baby she’d been very irregular and the discovery of it when she awoke had just made her mad. But, thinking of the panties reminded me that I had to do something with them and very quickly. I used the excuse of checking with the Sheriff’s deputy to go outside. While there I managed to stuff them under the front seat of the car where I’d put Edith’s panties. I knew I had to get them all into my ”stash” soon and figured I could do it later when we took the kids to my parents for the day... or so I thought.

As soon as I brought that subject up Elle “went off“ on me. Not feeling well she went on a rant about the fact that my mother had spent the previous day with them and that we were going to be there on Sunday anyway to celebrate our father’s combined birthdays. I knew from experience not to argue when she was like this but by the time she shut up I knew I had my excuse for not sailing with Bobbi. However, I didn’t relish the thought of calling my mother to tell her we wouldn’t be coming.

The guys from the Sheriff’s department left about mid afternoon and told me that there had been about a half dozen arrests in conjunction with both the damage and the threats. Just to be sure they made sure I had the department telephone number before they left. I remember wondering how something like this could happen in such a rural area.

One of the things I wanted to do when we were at my parents was to get the panties out from under the seat of my car and put them into my "stash" but it wasn't to be.
Bobbi's Lollipop panties

I survived the day in spite of my mother’s verbal barrage expressing her disappointment, Elle’s foul mood and kids who really wanted to go to the beach. When I called Bobbi to tell her we wouldn’t be sailing, thankfully, I got her mother. The aftermath of the call was more remorse for having taken the panties. The more I thought about it the less I wanted to see and sail with her on Sunday.

It wasn’t until late in the afternoon that I realized that by not going to my parents I wouldn’t get paid for the work I’d done on the windows before the races on Saturday night. I wanted it to give to Pop as a down payment for the race car. I had to come up with some reason to go there before Saturday night if I wanted to get the money and it took until Friday afternoon to come up with one.

It wasn’t 100% true but on Friday I told Elle that I’d left some of my tools at my parents while helping my father and needed them to finish the project I was working on. The money was the reason for going but it was also to ditch the panties before Elle found them. As I made the last turn to my parents I stopped and pulled them out. Even though I'd had them for a couple of days it was the first time I took a good look at Bobbi’s panties. I spread them out on the seat and saw that they were, naturally, Lollipops, but well worn. Because of how I still felt about having taken them I wasn’t ”stirred“ if you know what I mean. I folded them all back up and then concentrated on getting them stored away with my ”stash“ that was hidden in my parents garage. It had been quite a while since I had my hands on it and as I made the turn into their driveway I hoped I could still find it.

After a few minutes of mild panic I located the cardboard box I thought I’d hidden it in. I struggled a bit to recognize it plus my father had moved it. (It had to have been him as my mother refused to even go in the garage because of all the ”stuff“) Finally getting my hands on my "treasures" I wanted to see and remember some of the panties within it and had spread some of them out. I thought I was safe but not 5 minutes into my ”review“ I heard my mother’s voice. Now that called for real panic! But, as I said, she wouldn’t come inside and I was able to sweep them all back into the box. As I did it I vowed to find a new hiding place.

To be continued...              


badside said...

Interesting, I didn't think people really protested any sort of projects until the 70's. What year was all this happening, if I may ask? What was the concern?

Thanks for sharing the pic of Bobbi's panties. I like imagining what she might have looked like.

Pantymaven said...

This took place in 1964. It was truly something new and different especially in a rural area such as where we lived. The initial problem was that the town board approved the creation of the tank farm on land that had been proposed as park land AND the fact that it had been done in a "smokey back room" without public comment. It was my first exposure to activism.

As to Bobbi... you're on to something there... :-)