Tuesday, October 15, 2013

SETTLING IN... or down, or something like that (Part 116h)

SETTLING IN... or down, or something like that (Part 116h)

It didn’t take long for me to realize that I really shouldn’t have started the hedge project. After about an hour my shoulder, forearm, wrist and hand were hurting... big time. When I got off the stepladder and took at look at my handiwork I could visualize what it would look like when it was completed but that was the big question... how long would it take. Physically, I knew it would be a while before I’d go back up on the ladder.

There was one thing that working on the hedge did accomplish. To finish the part that I’d started (about 5 feet) I had to go over on the neighbor’s yard. As soon as I started in Sophie appeared with her mother watching from the back door. At first she just stood and stared at me but then she started asking questions. It was the first time I’d heard her speak. Looking down at her it was hard to realize that she had a grown up body with the mind of a child. She only stayed for a short while but I was pleased that she felt comfortable enough to talk to me. I really wanted for Elle to meet her and her mother but by the time I’d finished they were both back inside their house.

I arrived home one night the following week and both my older girls were all excited to tell me that they could do “tumblesaults” after supper. I wasn’t sure what they were talking about but Elle whispered to me that they were talking about somersaults. There had been some sort of assembly at school where they were exposed to gymnastics. Elle, who had to take required PE classes in college had learned some basic routines and promised that she’d teach them the proper way. So, after eating and without clearing the table we all retreated to the lawn between the house and garage. The girls wanted to go first and, as expected, all they did was to fall over. It generated a lot of laughter before Elle took over and showed them the proper way to do a somersault. As she did I noticed Sophie and Celia kneeling at the opening in the hedge watching us. I went over and encouraged them to come on over. Elle had done a few somersaults by the time she saw the new audience. I introduced them to her and, surprisingly, Sophie spoke up and said “hello“. Celia asked if it would be OK for Sophie to stay and watch as she had to get back to check up on her husband. Of course Elle said yes.

Sophie, wearing her ever present dress, took a seat on the lawn and watched intently as Elle helped Ann to do a few proper somersaults. Jean was next to go and as Elle helped her Sophie got up and started to try and do one. As you can imagine, doing a somersault in a dress is a ”no no“ but she didn’t understand that. From where I was standing I got a full view of her panties as she fell over. Elle, concerned that she might hurt herself, ran over and told her that she shouldn’t do it wearing a dress. That didn’t go over very well and she immediately tried to do another. This time she ended up lying on her side and I had a very good look at her backside and panty crotch. It appeared that they were nylon, just like the ones I’d taken from the ground under their wash line. Elle tried to reason with her but she wasn’t about to listen. So, rather than create a confrontation, she offered to help her do it right. I thought I was going to get more ”free shows“ but Elle told me to disappear. As I walked to the garage I was consoling myself that I’d at least gotten two peeks.

For a reason that I can’t remember, I didn’t pull my car into the garage that day. I’d been giving some thought to possibly enlarging the garage so I could put both vehicles inside and was, again, concentrating on that. I’d never paid much attention to what was up in the rafters and decided to get the new stepladder and take a look. It turned out to be very fortuitous as I discovered the missing screen panels for the West side porch. As soon as I did I went back to tell Elle. Rounding the corner of the garage I saw Elle holding Sophie’s feet as she flipped her over. Another really good peek! I told Elle of my discovery and that to get them down I’d need her help. It was almost at the same time that Celia appeared at the opening and called Sophie home. As she left she asked if she could come back again and Elle told her she could. The smile on her face was from ear to ear.

The news about the screens made Elle extremely happy. She helped me get them all down and out by the porch. However, upon close inspection they meant a lot more work for me. Of the seven panels, the frame on two of them were broken and they, along with another one and the door, needed to be re-screened. At least as I surveyed them I knew that fixing them would ultimately benefit me. Elle had pictured herself sitting on that porch in the late afternoon while watching the kids play in their playhouse. I just knew I’d be ”rewarded“ for my effort on that project as opposed to my working on the hedge. That thought energized me even if it mean spending more money.

I’d never worked on screens and didn’t have a clue on how to do it. A few days after the discovery of them I ran into Rob (the milkman’s brother) at the diner during lunch. He’d been a painter and done handyman work so I asked him. The next thing I knew he said he’d be over on Saturday. Knowing what you’re doing surely makes things go a lot quicker and by lunchtime the repairs and re-screening were done. By suppertime they’d all been painted. Elle was so pleased that she was ”ready“ for me when I came in to eat. Not only was she wearing the new dress (with the panels) but was wearing two pair of nylon panties. When she served dessert to the kids she came over and stood by my chair. I put my hand up to her crotch and quickly got my ”dessert/reward“. Needless to say it didn’t end there.

To be continued...   

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