Monday, June 20, 2016

AUTUMN... now the changes (Part 143u)

AUTUMN... now the changes (Part 143u)

When I arrived home Elle told me Big ”B“ had called and wanted to meet up with me in the morning. I hadn’t told Elle about helping Moira to move although I wasn’t really worried about a negative reaction to it since I’d told her about the dire straits she was in. However, ”B’s“ call gave me an excuse to put off my normal Saturday morning chores. I called him to say I’d meet him for lunch at his favorite restaurant. Now the trick was to get Moira moved in and back in time for lunch.

I told Bret I’d pick him up at 8am and he was out on his front stoop as I pulled up. It was only a 15 minute ride to Moira’s so we didn’t have much time to talk. When I pulled into the drive way I remember thinking that Moira wasn’t really giving up all that much in the way of housing. The house looked worse in the bright sunlight than it had when I’d seen it before when I’d driven Moira home that time when her car broke down. Bret, without me saying a word about it, commented that the whole property looked pretty bad.

Moira was loading her hanging clothes into the back seat of her car as we arrived. It was the first time I’d seen her wearing anything but a dress. The material was denim but they weren’t what we know as jeans. Her teen aged son, Rusty, because of his red hair, had two of his friends there to help move the furniture out of the house. In fact, by the time Mike arrived with his truck most of the living room furniture was already in the front yard. Surveying it I knew it all wasn’t going to fit. I’m guessing now but I think the house might’ve been around 1100 square feet. I knew the mobile home was only 550 square feet so there was going to a lot of things left over and mentioned it to Moira. Mike heard me and volunteered to store what she didn’t need in his truck for a while which was a relief to Moira. Having lived in mobile homes for seven years I had a pretty good idea what would fit and what wouldn’t and Moira went along with most of my suggestions. Probably the most important one was for us to load the beds last. That way they’d be unloaded first and with nothing in the unit when we brought them in it would be a fairly easy task.

The daughter, about 14 or so, was sitting on the bottom step of the stairs to the kitchen door with a disgusted look on her face. Moira told us to ignore her as she was pouting about moving away from her school and friends. She paid no attention to all that was going on around her and was in her own little world. However, she was in the way for us to move the boxes with the pots, pans and dishes out of the house. After almost tripping over her on my way out with a big box I approached her on my way back to ask her to move. Moira was at the door and yelled at her to move but all she did was to turn and look up at her mother. As she did she left one leg in place and pivoted the other so she could look up at her. Since she was wearing a dress I had an incredible view up to her crotch. I know they were flowered panties but that was all I could see. She proceeded to talk back to her mother which prolonged my viewing. In writing about it now I can only say that I wished that it had been Moira instead of the girl. In any case, she eventually got up and out of the way.

We’d decided to load the boxes into the truck first so they’d be the last off. I noticed that there really weren’t all that many and asked Moira if the boxes with their clothes were in the bedrooms. She gave me a puzzled look and said that in all the moves she’d made while her husband was in the Air Force the clothes stayed in the dressers. Hearing that made me smile. It was obvious that she hadn’t noticed that there were built in drawers under the closets in the mobile home. When I told her there was no room for furniture in any of the bedrooms, including hers which was the largest one, she gave me a look that indicated she didn’t really believe me. I reminded her that I’d not only lived mobile homes but had actually worked on them for a while. She was asking me what she should do since she didn’t have any boxes when Mike walked up. He had sort of a smile when he said that we could just take the drawers over in the truck and unpack them after we got there. Moira was clearly not happy at that point so I backed up Mike’s suggestion. I told her she didn’t really have a choice.

Since we’d been loading boxes first as they’d be the last to be unpacked Mike told us to start bringing the drawers out to the truck. Moira had Rusty and his friends start in with his room and Bret headed for the daughter’s room. Moira had started back to her room when the phone rang so I went in to get some on out to the truck. There were two dressers in her room with one being taller and narrower than the other. I opened the top drawer of the tall one and found only a few random socks, T shirts and boxer shorts in it. The next drawer had a pile of uniform shirts in it and that was all. It was obvious her husband had been using it. I felt there was no point in taking any of that stuff so went to the long, low dresser. There were six drawers, three and three high. I pulled one of the top ones out and saw it was filled with nylon stockings, socks and slips. I pretty much knew the other one held the ”prizes“ I was looking for. I took a quick peek out of the room to see if Moira was still occupied and she was. Bret was on his way out the door with a couple of drawers stacked on each other so I knew I had a chance to take more than a cursory look. I pulled the drawer open and saw what would best be called a ‘mish-mash’ of panties. I knew right away that I could delve into it without fear of Moira knowing. There were pastels, white and flowered panties and  they appeared to be all full briefs. Most appeared to be nylon although there were some cotton ones mixed in. A guess would be maybe two dozen in all with the majority being white. I grabbed a pair of white nylon panties and they happened to be inside out. The label read ”Pam“ and the size was 6. I’d thought about what size she was any number of times and had guessed right. After stuffing them into my pocket I pushed the drawer back in and pulled out one from the bottom. I was on my way out of the room with it when Moira came down the hall. I asked if she thought she could handle one and she said she could. I breathed a sigh of relief as we passed each other.

With six of us bringing drawers out to the truck Mike was running behind in getting them placed so we began stacking them on the ground. As I put the drawer I’d brought out down I asked Mike how it was going. I’d looked at my watch and it was approaching 10am and we hadn’t started loading the furniture. Not what I’d hoped for. Moira brought out a drawer and as she put it down I watched her. The pants were different in that they had a side closure... and it wasn’t closed. A nice patch of white showed as she she bent over. It was my first sighting of panties on her and what made it special was that I had a pair of hers in my pocket.

"Pam" panties, size 6... and still good after all these years...
To be continued...


oldblue said...

I love Moira and her panties. Size 6 means a fairly small ass and losing a pair in moving is easy to do so no problem.

Pantymaven said...

OB... At this point in time, even with the panties in hand, I was questioning how I'd gotten myself so involved...

badside said...

I'm sure Moira was happy to have all the help and you got a pair of panties out of it!

Pantymaven said...

BS... I'm always happy with a pair of panties in my hand... :-)