Tuesday, November 15, 2016

ANOTHER YEAR... another month (Part 153b)

ANOTHER YEAR... another month (Part 153b)

After hitting, or attempting to hit, a few balls, I stopped... because I couldn’t concentrate. When the woman swung her club her hips were a sight to behold. I couldn’t wait for her to retrieve her whiffle balls. I was so engrossed that I didn’t see or realize the instructor had walked up behind me. He tapped me on my shoulder and I know I jumped. He asked if I had a problem... and I did but I couldn’t tell him what it was. After he walked past me I made sure he was far enough away before I focused on the woman again. The timing couldn’t have been better. Initially, I’d hoped that she would bend over at the waist to pick up the balls but she chose to squat to do it. To me, a DP (down pants) was far better than a VPL and I got one... and a surprise. What I saw was about four inches of a black material. I looked down (I was only about five feet away) and could make out what appeared to be the waist elastic so I assumed they were panties. I’d never seen black panties on a female before. I’d seen a few on display when in the large department stores while in the city but had yet to see any in the local stores I’d visited. I’d also seen them in one of the many catalogs we got in the mail but it sure was a shock that evening. Concentrating on them, it appeared the elastic was sewn on the inside of the material and I'd not, knowingly, seen before. She was down for at least 10 t0 15 seconds and to reach the last of the balls did a duck walk to get to them. I could see at least an inch to and inch and a half of the panty down towards her butt crack. It was very interesting. After she got up she walked over to the instructor and never came back. I was hoping we’d end up doing some other drills that would give me a chance for a VPL but it didn’t happen.

Practice for the basketball team was at 9am on Saturdays. With the coach as a part of the team he had the keys to the auditorium/gym. However, even though we had access to the locker room we were told we couldn’t use the showers. Because it was the weekend the heat was turned down so we didn’t perspire all that much. Before we left I took the opportunity to take a peek into the girls locker room and found it to be somewhat different than the boys and I wondered why. I also noticed if you stood in one place outside the doorway that you could get a sliver of a peek into the room. I wondered how many boys had figured that out over the years.

Outside, I overheard a conversation between two of the other team members having to do with the Daytona race to be run on Sunday. I’d been following it the best I could (No TV coverage back in those days) and asked if they knew who was to start on the pole (first place). They both looked at me and blurted out something like “Are you a race fan?” When I said I was and that I’d actually driven in races at the local track they got quite animated. One of them, Davo, was about 6’6“ tall and was supposed to be the tallest guy in the league. He was also very slow. The other guy, Adam, had been on the now defunct team and, although heavy, had the best shot. We talked for a short while before I mentioned that I’d just bought an interest in a local racecar. ”Who?“ was their combined response. When I told them it was Cliffy they laughed. It turned out they were good friends with him and although they didn’t work on the car, attended all the races as fans. When we got back to the Daytona race they told me it was Cale Yarborough who had garnered first place in the time trials and they were rooting for him to win the race. From the little that got printed in the newspapers I knew he was a very good driver so chimed in that I also hoped he’d win. (BTW: He did) Driving home I had a real good feeling about my involvement in the new racing team. 

I knew that Jack, the coach, was married and his wife, Bobo (yes, that’s what she was called) worked in the school cafeteria. We’d not seen her during our practices but for our first game she showed up with water and home made ‘goodies’. From a distance she appeared to be pretty but a closer look showed that she’d had terrible acne as a teen and her face was scarred from it. But, she had a nice body and was well ‘endowed’ and in scanning her backside saw possibilities for a VPL or two. We had to play our home games on a Tuesday night as the adult education courses had the other nights with the high school basketball games scheduled for Fridays. I can’t say I was surprised that our audience was almost entirely family members. Bobo sat on the bench with us so she could chat with Jack. I didn’t think much of it until I ended up next to her. Soon after I took my seat she turned to talk to Jack and I, almost instinctively,  looked in the same direction... and down just a bit. As with the lady at Golf instruction, there was a delightful DP for me to appreciate.

Like with the golf lady, I saw something I’d not seen before. The waist elastic was inside the material but there was something else. The stitching was very noticeably different. I don’t really know how to describe it but, for sure, it was new to me.
sample of stitching

 Another thing... the panties seemed to be especially shiny. For a short while I forgot all about the ball game. I only got to see them the one time but that night I kept thinking/wondering just who made them. BTW:.. we lost.

Somewhere in and about that period of time, Pat (the PTA lady) got most of the ‘group’ to agree to having a party/meeting at her house. It wasn’t about the school board but was to firm up plans for the parent teacher competition. The school board had given approval to use the gymnasium on a Saturday night in March and Pat had rounded up at least 10 teachers to participate, including Elle, as well as a dozen parents. She wanted us to come up with more ideas for the competitions. Reluctantly, I agreed to go.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like golf classes were well worth spending the time! And seeing Bobo's panties must have taken the sting off of the loss!


Pantymaven said...

BS... the loss didn't bother me. I felt like a 'winner'... :-)