Wednesday, January 09, 2019

LIFE GOES ON... and on... (Part 171o)

LIFE GOES ON… and on… (Part 171o)

Even though I’d lived in the city for a while I’d never been, or even seen, Columbia University, in spite of it’s well known reputation. I think the hardest part to accept when seeing it for the first time was that there really was a campus with grass even though it was in the heart of the city. Dan had gotten his Master’s degree in business there and done it while working full time. His familiarity with the campus made it easy for him to get where we were going. The business office was a completely different part of the the University so all I got was cursory look around. Even with just a ‘peek’, it was impressive. Dan wasn’t able to meet with the person who could/would make the decision on our request but he was able to lay out what our needs were. A definite benefit to our quest was that the Board chairmen of two of the member banks were not only graduates but their banks were donors to their annual fund. Dan was sure we’d have no trouble.

It was a ‘flying trip’ on and through the campus and the disappointment was in not being able to see many of the female students. It was Springtime and the weather was getting warmer which meant skirts were getting higher. Remember, the ‘pants revolution’ had not taken over women styles yet and the hems were certainly higher in the city than they were in the country. The reason I bring this up is because, in the short time I’d known him, Dan had proven to be an inveterate observer of female backsides and what looking at them might bring forth. I remember him telling me to keep my eyes open. As we headed back for the subway he grabbed my arm and told me to look to my right. I did and saw a female trying to corral some papers that had blown out of her hands. Fortunately for her (and us) they hadn’t gotten too far away and we watched her bend over to pick them up. My eyes had to have bugged out of my head when I saw what had to have been the best VPL I’d ever seen. When I say best I could’ve also use the word biggest. The half moon of the crotch line was almost beyond belief. I just stood there (probably with my mouth open) while Dan kept repeating “Holy cow!” over and over. We got at least 20 seconds to observe it before she headed off with the papers now nestled in her arms. Neither of us got a real good look at her face but it didn’t matter. We stood there for a few minutes discussing just what it was that she was wearing that would make such an impression. I knew that Elle’s sanitary panties with the plastic crotch that she often wore with her partial ‘package’ had a bigger crotch than any of her regular panties, including the Van Raaltes that I loved. Dan was without a clue so I filled him about the sanitary panties. He volunteered he’d never seen (or noticed) what his wife wore when she was on her period. In any case, she had on a blue skirt that went down to her knees with just a little flare at the hem. For a crotch panty line to show up on a skirt was extremely rare. So, with that as the topic of discussion he promised to bring me back the following month and take a stroll through the populated area of the campus. In listening to him describe it I could almost see him drooling with anticipation. Something else to look forward to.
This is not the woman we saw but this crotch line is similar in size to it...
 The first week with the new arrangement at the branch went smoothly… at least there were no calls from Betsy or Mae. Alan had made the trip to Connecticut to get the new tires for the race car. Of course there had to have been a price increase but Marv, the owner of the tire company, told Alan to have the added money when we showed up for practice. Elle had gone to the first readings for the PTA school play and it didn’t take long for Phyllis to recognize that Elle was NOT an actress, at least one who spoke lines. She was designated for a limited speaking part, the Queen. Elle was excited about that because she’d have the most fancy costume. Her role was simple… sit on her throne and observe the action taking place in front of her. I asked if she had to go to all the rehearsals and she said she wanted to… tired of being at home with just Kaye all day. Cliffy decided on going to the second practice with the car. The other crew members had gone to the first one just to observe and to get an idea of how some of the other guys looked as some were to show up with new cars and some with new motors. That following week I talked with Alan and he said it was about the same as the previous year. He said we should be competitive based on some of the times he took when the cars were on the track and at speed. 

Rob, or Robo as he sometimes wanted to be called showed up at the track the Saturday we practiced. He’d joined our pit crew for a while the previous Summer and had brought some sponsorship in the form of racing engine oil. He'd had some problems at home and dropped out but had kept the oil coming. Being that we changed oil after each race and with an enlarged oil pan , we were going through eight quarts a week so it added up. He arrived with two cases which, with no motor problems, was good for about six weeks. Cliffy was anxious to get on the track and when he did pull out he found C J on the track with him. I didn’t like that because Cliffy seemed to always want to prove to C J that we were just as fast as he was… and it usually never went well for us. But, they didn’t get to ’square off’ against each other for long as a car crashed into the guard rail and they had to shut down the track to clean it up. When we left the shop Cliffy told us ten hard laps was all he’d do wanting to save the tires for actual racing. We only got in six so we were good to go. There were no oil leaks and the car handled well, especially considering the last time it had raced it had ended up brushing the wall. The day, for me, was topped off in seeing C J’s girl friend, Karen, wearing her nice tight white jeans and me getting a VPL as well.

Davo showed up after Cliffy had decided not to go back on the track. As usual, Leigh, his girlfriend was with him and also, as usual, she was a little ‘tipsy’. As it had become my custom when she was around and ’tipsy’, I kept taking peeks at her crotch area but there was nothing to see. Because it was a Saturday afternoon Beth, Cliffy’s wife brought her three oldest kids (two boys and a girl) along. She’d driven their station wagon along with Ra, Dick’s wife, and their two sons. The race car hauler had a bench type seat and Cliffy had promised all the boys a ride on the way home and the four of them fit. That relegated Alan, Buster, Dick and I to riding with Beth, her daughter and Ra. It was going to be crowded but Davo, who’d hung around until the end of practice, offered to give one of us a ride. As I’ve mentioned a number of times in previous posts, Davo could consume an enormous amount of alcohol without showing it. However, that didn’t lessen the fact that he was technically impaired. None of us really wanted to ride with him so we played ‘dollar poker’ with one dollar bills to see who was the (un)lucky one. It was me. 

To be continued…


oldblue said...

I don't believe I have ever seen anything that big, or even close. College campuses are always hot spots, I always found the office plazas to be interesting during lunchtime on nice summer days, particularly those where the plaza was below street level with steps going down. Nice for the ladies to sit and eat, but tough to not seem obvious what you looking at.

Pantymaven said...

OB... neither had I and it will play a big part in future posts...and that period in time, late 60's, with mini skirts all the rage with the younger generation, and the fact that the city itself was a fashion center, made any college located there a hotbed for panty peeks!

Anonymous said...

Former girlfriend had panties with a large gusset like that. She wore them during that time of the month in case there was a leak. That picture brought back memories.

Pantymaven said...

Anony... thanks for joining in... as I posted above, that size crotch will be a part of future posts... stay tuned, and do post more!