Thursday, March 07, 2019

MAKING RROGRESS... of sorts (Part 172q)

MAKING PROGRESS… of sorts (Part 172q)

When Elle and Martha left for the courts I was left to watch our two older girls who’d declined to go with them. Kaye our youngest and Martha’s daughter, Olivia who she called “Ollie”, went with their mothers. Before leaving Elle had suggested (told) me to get the hibachi out and we’d eat on the patio when she returned. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea but didn’t have much choice. Elle said they wouldn’t be gone more than a half hour so, knowing how long it took to get the charcoal to the proper cooking temperature, I immediately got it started. It’d been my intention to do more with the storm windows/screens but gave that idea up as a lost cause. Elle had been about right on how long they’d be gone and the coals in the hibachi were just about right when the station wagon pulled up to the garage. As soon as she got out of the car she announced that Martha and Ollie would be joining us in our impromptu cook out. Hearing that as I saw Martha appear from the other side of the station wagon changed my mood about having to do the hibachi thing. I’d hoped for seeing her in her tennis outfit later on during the Summer but here she was approaching me while wearing it.

Since it was the first time we’d used the picnic table that Spring it was quite dirty. Elle set about cleaning it up and Martha joined right in. Even though the hibachi didn’t need monitoring at that moment I stayed right there to observe what I hoped would soon happen. As Martha wiped the table top down the hem of her skirt never quite made it high enough to get even a hint of what she was wearing underneath it… but I still had hope. We had to move the table from the wall and I did help in doing that. There was one bench that had been stored under the table and was right up against the siding. Elle was directing me as to just how she wanted the table placed and as I put it down looked over and saw Martha trying to grab the the bench to bring it over to the table. As she bent over to grab it I got just what I’d hoped for… the hem of the dress rode up on her backside so that there was at least three inches of her panties showing. It turned out to be heavier than she’d thought so she was struggling to get a good grasp of it, all the while prolonging the fantastic view I had. Luckily, Elle had gone into the kitchen to get the hot dogs and hamburgers so didn’t see me ogling Martha’s rear end.

I don’t know how long I got an unobstructed look… maybe ten to fifteen or so seconds, but it seemed like an eternity. It was long enough for my brain to start functioning and to realize that she was wearing but one pair of panties. They definitely weren’t tennis panties with lace around the leg openings. The size of the crotch was modest, nowhere near as large as the VanRaalte panties were and it left me wondering who made them. The next conscious thing I knew Elle was telling me to help Martha with the bench. When I made the move towards her was when I realized I had an almost full hard-on. I’m not sure if Martha saw it or not but the perspiration on my brow wasn’t from the weather or exertion… it was from embarrassment.

Elle then called Martha inside to help her get all the kids stuff together while I finished up the first batch of hot dogs. The hamburgers were for the adults and when I squatted down to pull them off the grill I asked for a plate to put them on. Martha, who was then seated at the end of one of the benches, turned towards me. As she did she sort of spun her body with her left leg still under the table and her right one now pointed out towards me. This was one of those split second viewings but what a view! For that split second her legs were at a 90 degree angle and the only thing missing that could’ve made the view a ’10’ was there was no ‘camel toe’. From then on there were just a few more ‘peeks’ but nothing as graphic as what I’d already seen. If there was one thing that episode accomplished it was to make me anticipate the upcoming Summer for a different reason.

The sailing club had been opened, unofficially, on the weekends starting with Memorial Day weekend. Unofficially, because the water and lights had not yet been turned on in the clubhouse. Rex, the unpaid property manager, had been injured at his work and no one had stepped up to fill the position. Rex lived locally and close to the club so had been a perfect one to handle all the details and problems as they arose. But, his trusted assistant was his brother, Jack, who lived and worked in the city except for the months of July and August. Rex would really work hard to get volunteers to get the clubhouse ready each year and other than the front doors being opened nothing had been done. So, when I got a call from Jack after getting home from church asking for help I couldn’t really say “no”. He’d called some others and there were about seven or eight of us to tackle the obvious things like removing the storm windows and getting the Sunfish racks out of the building. Some of the members (so we thought) had already left their Sunfish boats on the beach. That was OK as long as we had no storms with high tides so we set about to put some of the racks together. In past years those of us who assembled the racks were granted first choice as to which ones we chose and we decided it would be the same this year. I picked two on the bottom row of one which would make it easier for Jean and Anne to get to their boats and to get them up and off the sand. We were just finishing up when two women that non of us recognized showed up. They didn’t acknowledge the few of us that were left and proceeded to go over to the two boats lying there in the sand. We were picking up the shovels and the 2x4’s for the racks that hadn’t yet been re-assembled and, initially, didn’t pay much attention… until we saw them pick up a boat and slide it onto one of the racks that one of the guys had marked for his boat. I think it was because I was pretty tired by then because I called them out on it. They stood their ground claiming they had their boats there first and should get first choice. The next thing we knew we were all screaming at the two women and they were screaming back. Jack, smartly, finally put an end to it when he asked if they were members of the club… and this is the part that really got me. They told him they were “going to join”. That incensed one of the other guys who motioned for me to grab one end of one of their boats while he grabbed the other and we dragged it off the rack and down about 20 feet onto the beach. It was obvious that they still didn’t get the whole picture as they told us they were going to call the police. I’m actually laughing as I write this as Jack shot back at them to go right ahead… and if the police showed up he’d have them arrested for trespassing. That was what finally ended the whole episode as they got in their car and drove off.

To put an end to this thread… when they finally did come around to join they were turned down. Their only reason for joining was to have a place for their boats. They didn’t want to compete in races or to have kids in the sailing program. What was kind of funny was that Jack’s wife was on the membership committee and she’d been warned about them. It was part of a trend that I’d been observing for a few years where the ‘city people’ would arrive and expect the ‘local yokels’ to acquiesce to their wishes.

To be continued…

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