Friday, June 07, 2019

Another pause...

Another pause...

At a little after 1pm this afternoon I heard the doorbell ring. For us, it's a very rare sound. Our apartment is at the end of a long hall so we don't have many people stopping to ask directions. I opened the door to see our youngest daughter, Kaye, standing there.

Elle, my wife and Anne, our middle daughter, had been working on arranging a surprise visit to celebrate Father's Day with me but job commitments got in the way. So, she was able to do some schedule shuffling and flew in to celebrate the day a week early. She only gets here once a year and really loves the area so, for the next few days (she leaves on Monday) I (we'll) be doing the 'sightseeing bit' with her and her sister. She and Elle are working out a 'plan' as I write this so it'll be a surprise to me, for sure.

If all goes well and I'm not too far behind on my own commitments I should be back posting on Tuesday, May 11. To those faithful followers, thanks for staying with me.


oldblue said...

Hope you have a great time. It's always great to get together especially when you see a child so seldom, those moments mean much more as we age.

We will all be awaiting your return, as it sounds like there could be trouble beneath the old shade tree.

Pantymaven said...

OB... Thanks for the well wishes. In spite of some weather problems we had a good time. It's always good to see our girls together... it's just not often enough.