Sunday, February 24, 2008

DECEMBER... Home for the Holidays (Part 30g)

Like most teens, I’d had my disagreements with my parents. But I have to say that what my mother did next absolutely blew me (and Elle) away. After going back upstairs and getting dressed she walked the two of us over to Elle’s house. Elle’s mother was busy making pies and when my mother walked in I’m sure it surprised her. What surprised all of us was that she didn’t even know that Elle wasn’t upstairs asleep.

What had happened was that Elle’s mother had misplaced her keys one day and had taken the "hidden" door key to get in and then put it in her coat pocket. She never placed it back in it’s hiding place. That information and my mother doing all the talking defused the potential for ”disaster“. So much so that the previous night’s ”situation“ wasn’t an issue. I know I was relieved as I had visualized where Elle would be ”grounded“ and I’d be forbidden to see her. As for Elle, I know she didn’t believe it...(she told me so, later that day). As my mother and I walked back to our house I knew I owed my Mother, big time.

The Postmaster had agreed to open the office up to the carriers to come in for four hours that Sunday afternoon to pre-sort the mail for the next day’s delivery. The idea was to have the mail completely delivered as early as possible on Christmas eve. I liked that idea as well as the fact that I would get paid overtime. And pay was a problem for me. When I had signed up to do this I didn’t realize that I wouldn’t see my paycheck until after I got back to school. I had no money for Christmas presents. I decided to go in early and to stop and see my Grandfather to ask if I could borrow some money. As usual, the answer was “yes“. Even though Christmas was only two days away, Sunday blue laws were still in effect so I was only going to have a short time Christmas eve to get my shopping done. But at least I had the money to do it.

We had fun at work as some of the men brought in Christmas cookies and candy. Time just flew by and most of them would’ve stayed longer but the Postmaster chased us all out. I’m sure everyone was shocked to see that it was snowing when we got outside. When we arrived there the sun had been shining. I remember ”Griz” saying that if it didn’t stop soon that the next day would be a long one in spite of the head start we’d just gotten.

Elle and I had pretty much decided to “cool it” for that night. We both felt that we’d been very lucky with how the situation the previous night had worked out. When I told my parents I was staying home I remember my mother asking if I felt OK.

When I left the house the next morning there was about 5 or 6 inches of snow. It was still dark out and I remember the car not wanting to stop when I hit the brakes. I was reminded of the last words “Griz” had spoken the night before as I walked through the snow and into the building. There was still some mail to sort in spite of the work we’d done the day before but we were out on the route around 8am. It didn’t take long to see what “Griz” had been talking about. Because we’d started so early It took a lot of effort to walk through the snow and slush as few homeowners had gone out to shovel it. I was puffing after only an hour. We were also slowed by the fact that a lot of people had gifts for “Griz” and we had to stop and chat. Originally, we had the idea that we wouldn’t stop for lunch but, by the time we reached the storage mailbox to pick up the last of our mail we were both wet and cold so we decided to eat. As we got warm by eating a bowl of soup, “Griz” projected that we’d be through by around 4pm. I felt that would still give me enough time to do my shopping. As had been the case for the last few days, “Griz” sent me on ahead to deliver to the last house. I hadn’t minded even though it was a bit of a hike because of the “reward” that I’d gotten by seeing the panties hanging on the line behind the house. With the weather as it was I certainly wasn’t expecting to see any on this day so wasn’t disappointed when I made the turn at the back of the house. When I was placing the mail into the box on the porch, the door opened. In a way it was like a Christmas present because I got to see, face to face, the lady who’s panties I’d been coveting the past few days. What I remember most about it was that the woman was fairly young (maybe early 30’s) and had a cute smile. It was certainly one to fantasize about and having a name (from the mail) made it even better.

“Griz” was “right on the money“ as far as the time it would take to finish up. Mrs. ”Griz“ was there to pick us up which saved a lot more time. It was only a few minute walk from the Post office to the downtown area where the shops were located. I pretty much knew what I wanted for Elle and my mother so started at the ladies clothing store. Elle had complained about having but one pair of wool slacks and I’d picked up on that. I’d made a preliminary trip to the store and seen a pair of camel colored ones. I’d tried to find out what size she wore but couldn’t so had to guess. I was getting a full slip for my mother (as my father had suggested) but when I was in the lingerie department I took a quick look at the panties. There were a few nylon ones with lace that caught my eye but I needed to have some money for a present for my brother. Believe me, I was tempted but knew if I didn’t have something for my brother, my mother would have had a fit. What she’d done for me (and Elle) the day before was still fresh in my mind and I certainly didn't want to do anything to upset her.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

I guess we all had moms who smoothed the bumps in our lives. I know mime did many times. I'm going away for a couple of months and leaving my computer behind so I hope to have alot of reading when I return. Keep up the good work and thanks for the entertaining memories you bring back for me.

badside said...

Mom saves the day! Let's all say thanks to our Moms!