Wednesday, February 27, 2008

DECEMBER... Home for the Holidays (Part 29h)

My parents were hosting a Christmas eve party for people from our church and my mother had made a special request that I attend. In thinking about it later I’m sure she was using her ”intervention“ from the day before as leverage. In any case I said I’d be there. To somewhat ease the ”pain“ she did suggest that I invite Elle. As far as I knew there wasn’t going to be anyone our age there and initially thought that she would be bored. I knew I would be. Since there was going to be food for the guests my mother decided that I could wait so I didn’t have supper, per se. While taking a shower I decided that maybe I would invite Elle and as soon as I was dressed ran over to her house.

They had just finished dinner and there was one piece of pie on the kitchen table. I guess the look in my eyes told Elle’s mother that I was hungry because she handed me a fork and the pie plate. Elle was upstairs for some reason and didn’t know I was there. When she walked in she was surprised. I remember that she was wearing jeans. When we were alone I asked if she wanted to come over and help me at my parents party. At first she wasn’t sure but after I took a chance that her mother wasn’t close by and gave her a big kiss and hug she relented. She asked what she should wear and I remember saying ”nylon“ and I also remember her giving me one of her sly smiles back.

As I expected, the party was brutally boring for both of us. We didn’t get to talk much as it seemed like I was always getting more food or getting someone a drink. When it came time to to get ready to go to church Elle surprised me by asking if she could go with me. The reason for the surprise is that other than being baptized, Elle had never attended church. Her mother was raised Catholic but somewhere in her past she had a falling out with religion. Of course I said yes and was happy that she wanted to go.

My father was an official in our little church so we had to be there a bit early. Christmas eve was always the most attended service of the year so being there early was a good thing. I knew that after the sermon that I’d be asked to take an offering plate and pass it from pew to pew so I took the seat on the center aisle. The whole service usually took just over an hour and the offering was one of the last things to take place. When I was walking back to my seat I noticed that Elle wasn’t there. I immediately knew why.

Our church was the oldest in our town. It had been built in the early 1800’s. In the early 1900’s it was felt that they needed more space so they raised the church up and then hand dug the ground out under it to make a meeting room. They had no water in the building and when someone needed the ”facilities“, they had to make do with an outhouse. Sometime in the late 20’s, they ”modernized“ by adding water and plumbing. The problem they found was that since they were located so close to a creek that when they went to build the cesspool for the wastewater it wouldn’t ”perk“ (drain). So, use of the toilet was severely limited and, when the church was filled, like on that Christmas eve, the toilet would back up. When Elle went downstairs to use it she found it overflowing and unusable. Because she’d come over to my house not expecting to be in a position where she wouldn’t have the availability of a toilet she wasn’t wearing a ”package“ and had on just a pair of nylon panties (at my request). Upon finding that she couldn’t use the toilet she panicked, making her need even worse. When she felt herself leaking she ran up the back stairs and outside where she pulled up the hem of her skirt and squatted right by the door. When she hadn’t returned to her seat by the end of the service I quickly ran downstairs to find her waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I could tell by the look on her face what had happened but she wasn’t able to tell me the details until we were on our way home. I had the feeling that she wouldn’t be receptive for a ”visit“ so just kept my mouth shut and hands to myself.

I still had her Christmas present in the back seat of my car when we pulled into my driveway. I had planned on waiting until Christmas morning to give it to her but seeing that she was ”down”, reached over the seat and gave it to her. She wasn’t expecting it and it did the trick in turning her mood around. Our driveway had a streetlight that had always annoyed me. I resented the intrusion of the light because it prevented me from making out with Elle. But, on this night, I was glad it was there because Elle could actually see what I’d given her. As soon as she opened the box I knew I’d hit a “home run”. After she took the slacks out of the box and held them up to the light, she turned to me and gave me a big kiss and a rather arkward hug. I slid over and reciprocated and my left hand just happened to find her damp crotch. We stayed that way until I saw headlights coming down the road. We slid apart and waited until the car pulled into the driveway. It was my parents and brother. After we all got out and wished each other a Merry Christmas I walked Elle home. We were both cold so it didn’t take long for our good night kiss. As Elle went inside she promised to wear her present the next day. That made me happy.

On Christmas morning, after my family and I opened our presents I ran over to Elle’s to see what she’d gotten. True to her word she was wearing the trousers. I was smiling to myself as I’d been unsure what size to buy and I could see they fit perfectly. I say “perfectly” as they were tight enough to show a VPL (visable panty line). I especially enjoyed the “view” as she had to continually bend over to reach under the tree to pull out her presents to show me.

I couldn’t stay all that long as I had to go to my grandparents house for our traditional family Christmas dinner. When my brother and I had been younger it was a treat to go there at Christmas but now it was a chore. All I wanted to do was eat and leave so I could be with Elle. I knew I wouldn’t see much of her over the next few days as Nancy, one of her college roommates, was coming the next day to spend the night. Then she was going to Nancy’s house the next day. It would be Friday until I’d see her alone again.

By the time I was “excused“ it was dark out. I knew we wouldn’t be able to leave her house unless we had some place to go and the only logical place was my house. I didn’t want to do that with my brother around so accepted the fact that we’d have to wait until her parents went to bed. It was a long wait.

To be continued...

1 comment:

badside said...

Poor Elle! I can imagine her panic wen she discovered the bathroom out of order. Nice of you to cheer her up with the gift.