Thursday, March 13, 2008

DECEMBER... Home for the Holidays (Part 29j)

We were supposed to meet Buddy at his house around 3:30pm. I went to pick Elle up at Nancy's house in the early afternoon and I could see that she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea and maybe she should go home. She’d had fun with her brother and it was hard to leave. I remember telling her we’d have a good time seeing all the people from the Summer and reminiscing. I also remember it was quiet trip over to Buddy’s house.

If you remember when I was asking Elle about going that I’d told her that she could “probably” stay at Carol’s house. The subject hadn’t been discussed so when we walked into Buddy’s house it was a shock to Elle and me when Buddy took us upstairs to show us our rooms. I remember Elle giving me one of “those” looks but also that she didn’t say anything. When she was shown her room she just stood there in awe. It was twice the size of her room at home.

For that period in time the house was quite elegant. Buddy’s parents were both doctors and they lived on a street with similar type houses. By today’s standards it would be considered “middle class”. But, we were both amazed as we walked through it. There were five bedrooms and the smallest was bigger than the master bedroom in my house. Buddy’s parents bedroom took up one whole end of the house and they had their own bathroom and a walk in closet. Buddy’s sister’s room also had it’s own bathroom. She was in the city seeing a show with some friends. Buddy’s room and the two other bedrooms were at the other end of the hall. Buddy told Elle to pick the one she wanted. Elle just stood there and looked at me.

Elle’s overnight bag was still in the car and as I was about to go get it Elle grabbed me and asked what was going on. I had to tell her that I’d mistakenly thought, when talking to Buddy, that she was going to stay at Carol’s house. That “look” came back to her face as if to say “yeah, sure!”. When I returned with the bag Elle had chosen the bedroom that faced the back yard and was looking out the window as I walked in. I walked up to her and slipped my arms around her middle. When I tried to kiss her she pulled her head aside. It was obvious that she didn’t believe me.

The room I was to sleep in was right across from the bathroom. As I was getting dressed (I had to wear a coat and tie) for the affair I kept my eye on the door. I saw Elle rush by and she was holding a towel up in front of her but was in just her bra and panties. I made as if I was headed for the bathroom so I could peek into her room. Her door was slightly ajar and I stood and watched her step into her slip. I could see she was wearing a “package” but had pretty much figured that she would. I couldn’t blame her but I was somewhat disappointed.

We had to leave around 5:30pm to go pick up Carol. Carol’s parents weren’t there and it got me to thinking that I hadn’t seen Buddy’s parents when we were at his house. I didn’t obsess on it but I was curious. Carol’s house was somewhat similar to Buddy’s in size. They were both impressive and I was somewhat envious. I remember Elle commenting on some of the furnishings.

The affair was quite a bit of fun for all of us. Since we weren’t part of the “drinking crowd” we decided to go back to Buddy’s fairly early. We hadn’t been in the house very long when the phone rang. It was Buddy’s sister. She and her friends had decided to get a room at a hotel and to stay over. When Buddy came back he had this sheepish grin on his face. I didn’t know why but Buddy then asked me to go out to the kitchen with him and that was when I found that out and that both his and Carol’s parents were out at the Summer house for the weekend. With Buddy’s sister staying in the city it meant that we were going to be unchaperoned. Buddy was quietly wild with glee. He didn’t say what was in his mind but I certainly had a good idea. I was a bit concerned... not for myself but for how Elle would react when she found out what was going on.

When I came back in the room Buddy called Carol out. Elle had a puzzled look on her face as I sat down next to her. I didn’t know what Buddy was planning and I knew that I needed to know so as to tell Elle. I didn’t know what to say so, stupidly, I got up and went out to the kitchen, leaving Elle totally befuddled. Buddy and Carol were in a very intimate embrace. It was Buddy that saw me and he could see the look on my face. I hated to break them up but I just had to know what to say to Elle. He was fairly blunt that he and Carol would spend the night together and, in a round about way, asked if Elle and I were doing the same.

As you’ve probably gathered, Elle was a bit of an enigma... and a very private person. Verbally, at least in front of me, she was non judgmental. I knew she wouldn’t react negatively to the news about Buddy and Carol’s plans. What I didn’t know was how she’d react to the idea of us sleeping together. I know it sounds somewhat ridiculous what with the number of times we’d had sex together. But, the hangup was that in all those cases no one else KNEW about it. Regardless of where we were (car, her house, etc.) only the two of us actually knew. People might have gotten the idea that we might be doing “it”, but nobody actually knew. So, in this situation, Buddy and Carol would know...

It was like walking on eggs when I told Elle what was happening. What made it especially hard was that my continuing fantasy had been that Elle and I would spend the whole night in the same bed. I knew if I was too “forceful” with the news that I’d, for sure, turn her off. I, more than anything else, wanted that fantasy to come true. I tried being as casual as I could when I told her all the news. As best as I can remember she didn’t say anything at all. I do remember perspiring like as if it were 100 degrees in the room. When Buddy and Carol returned, the look on their faces told their story. Buddy started to ask what we were going to do but I managed to send a message with the look on my face for him to just shut up. He got it and started steering Carol upstairs.

To be continued...

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