Saturday, March 22, 2008

DECEMBER... Home for the Holidays (Part 29l)

Without Elle, it didn’t take long for us to run out of things to talk about. There were things that I’d never talk about with Fred in front of Liz and there was just not enough to talk about with her present. At least if Elle had been there she and Liz could’ve kept each other occupied. I was just about to leave when Liz’s mother came in with a jigsaw puzzle. Jigsaw puzzles had, at one time, been a favorite thing for me to work on. I hadn’t done one in a long, long time. I figured “Why not?”. The suggestion was to set it up on the large glass coffee table in the living room. That meant we’d have to work on it from the floor. Truthfully, I didn’t give a thought about a DP (down pants) when we started. However, with three people working on the same puzzle it meant that we’d all be moving around the table quite a bit. Liz actually chose to stay in one place and when she’d find a piece that appeared to fit on the opposite side of the table she’d just reach across and try to fit it in. Voila! A great chance for a DP... and I took advantage of it. The first one told me she wasn’t wearing cotton Lollipops because the waist elastic was different. It took a while before I really got to see much of her panties and they were definitely nylon. By the time her mother said they they should be getting ready to out to dinner I’d gotten many, many views of the waist elastic. It certainly was unique and one I’d never seen before. I was intrigued but knew there was no way to pursue it any further, at least on that day.

I really didn’t know what to do that night. I was somewhat reluctant to call Elle both because of her brother being home and the fact that I was still somewhat peeved about what had happened the night before at Buddy’s house. I guess I could admit that I was being childish when I decided to just stay home. Later, I remember lying in bed and thinking about New Years Eve and what we'd planned to do. Because of the tentative way I’d left Elle off I wasn’t sure that it would come off.

My parents were very social people and New Years Eve was a favorite of theirs. Elle’s parents were not “social” people. They never went out to eat and the only time that I knew that they went out at all was on New Years Eve. Elle’s father had met a man who made guitars sometime after Elle was born. After he made one for Elle’s father they became friends and, on New Years Eve would invite Elle’s parents over to his house. Knowing this, Elle and I had planned on going to the movies and then returning to Elle’s (for once) empty house. The only flaw in that plan was that I might have had to babysit my brother. But his friend and family had taken care of that for us.

I waited until after lunch before going over to see Elle. Her brother was leaving on the afternoon train to spend New Years Eve with some of his Army buddies in the city. As far as logistics were concerned, everything was in place. Now the job was to see Elle’s frame of mind. At first she was a little “distant” but, in retrospect, that was to be expected from me sort of ignoring her the previous afternoon and night. By supper time we were pretty much “in tune”. We had to leave for the movies by 6:45pm to make it on time. Elle had casually asked when her parents were leaving for their friends and been told somewhere around 9pm. It was helpful to know that but it caused her mother to ask what we were doing after the movies. I wasn’t expecting that. I knew that our parents didn’t do a lot of casual chatting so took a chance and told her a boldface lie. I said that we were babysitting my brother. She seemed satisfied with that and then we were off.

The decision to lie was one I was not comfortable with. My grandfather had always preached “Tell the truth and you’ll have nothing to forget.”. As we rode home after the movie I thought that maybe we should go to my house rather than Elle’s, as we originally planned. But getting “up close and personal” in my bedroom was difficult and Elle’s was much more comfortable and inviting. We did stop at my house just to make sure her parents had gone and then we walked over about a half hour later. By then my heart was racing and I had a soft “bulge” going. I couldn’t wait to get upstairs. But, as we walked into her kitchen she said she had to use the bathroom. That was good, especially if she did what she usually did when the two of us were together and that was to not wipe herself. I’m not sure what possessed me but after she started into the bathroom I followed her. She didn’t see me at first and started pulling her panties down by hooking her thumbs into the waist elastic. Unfortunately, her skirt blocked my view of the panties. When she spied me she let out a little scream and then spun around to sit on the toilet with her panties still on. As she stared up at me I could hear her pee splashing into the toilet. She asked me what I was doing there and I think I said something like “I’m watching you go tinkle“ (That’s what she always called it.) What followed was a discussion on ”why“. I don’t remember the actual repartee but it lasted for more that a few minutes, the whole time with her sitting on the toilet in her wet panties. The "talk" somewhat deflated my bulge. I don’t think she was really mad but what she wanted to know was why I didn’t give her her privacy. It was hard for me to answer after all the times I’d watched her wet her pants without getting any real negatives from her. I’m pretty sure that I actually admitted that I got a ”thrill“ whenever she did wet herself. I know I held my breath after I’d said it. Of course that led to another ”why?“.

To be continued...

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