Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ANTICIPATING SUMMER... Hot times (Part 82d)

The next thing I remember is waking up on the chaise out on the patio. The lights inside were out as were the lights over at Andy’s. I had no idea what time it was but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to climb into bed. It was still hot and even hotter inside than outside but I didn’t care. Walking into the bedroom I saw that Elle didn’t have a top sheet covering her and that she was wearing only panties. Again, all I wanted was to “crash” on the bed so didn’t really concern myself with it.

It was close to 9am when I woke and Elle was gone. I quickly realized that the sheet under me was wet. That’s when I remembered seeing Elle in only her panties and without her usual night time “package”. As I stood up I knew I was in for a long day as I had a pretty good hangover. I couldn’t remember just how many beers I’d had. I just hoped that a cool shower would help. Looking down the hall I could see Elle sitting at the dining room table with the kids so jumped into the shower. However, even with the refreshing coolness of the water it didn’t help my head.

Wearing nothing but boxer shorts I proceeded down the hall to the living room. I remember saying “Good morning” but only getting a response from my older daughter. Elle never even acknowledged me. That wasn’t good!. She was wearing a sleeveless top that looked like gauze and her panties. I remember her buying the top at the church clothing consignment store and, at the time, wondering why. It was easy to see she was braless. Even as bad as my head felt seeing her dressed that way started a bit of “stirring” down below. I went over to the table and stated a conversation with the girls only to have Elle get up and move to the sofa. That made me wonder what I’d said or done to her to get her so upset. I really couldn’t remember any harsh conversation with her from the night before.

There was no way I was going to church feeling the way I did. When I asked if she were going I did get a sharp response that it was “too hot!” At this point I was in no mood to go any further with the situation. Just to make conversation I asked the kids what they wanted to do. Jean, the oldest quickly replied “Go to the beach!”. The “beach”, to them, was Elle’s and my parents houses. Feeling the way I did, that was not exactly the response I wanted or needed. I made a half hearted attempt to talk her out of it but Elle, sensing that, chimed in that it was great idea. I was sure she was encouraging them as a type of punishment to me. At that point there was little I could say or do.

Elle decreed that before we left she had to do a load of wash. That’s when I remembered that condition of our bed. I wanted to ask about it but was smart enough to keep my mouth shut. Once that was done we headed out. My head was a bit better and even as hot as it was, feeling the air moving through the windows of the car was somewhat refreshing. As we got closer to the water I could feel that cooler air. Even with my hangover I actually looked forward to going swimming.

After being fed by Elle’s mother I set up umbrellas and towels on my parent’s beach for Elle and the kids. As I was doing this I noticed a sailboat anchored out in front of the neighbor’s house. They were Summer visitors only, living in Michigan full time. I hadn’t had much contact with them since I'd met them some years ago, usually just waving when visiting with my parents. I knew that my parents had become very friendly with them. I remembered from when I first met them that they had three boys. Just as I was about to go for a quick swim the man walked over and introduced himself as Arne. I’d met his wife the day they’d moved in but didn’t remember her name. In thinking about that time I remembered that I’d also gone over to their wash line one night and had taken a pair of panties but didn’t have the nerve to keep them. I think they were the very first Vanity Fair panties I’d ever had my hands on. In any case, after telling me his name he started “snowing” me with faint praise saying that my father had told him that I was “quite the sailor” and that he (Arne) should ask me for some “tips”. Not used to getting “snowed” I fell for it and told him that I’d try to help.

It turned out that he and his wife had only been sailing a few times and it was on a much larger boat that the one he’d bought. He really didn’t know anything about the basics of sailing, not even enough to put the sails on and to raise them up. My “plan” had been to go for a swim and then to go over to my parents garage and to get my own sailboat ready for racing the following weekend. However, I’d committed myself and it was certainly better than sitting with Elle who was still clearly exhibiting the fact that she was mad at me.

I told Arne to get his wife and at least his older son and we’d start at the very beginning. His wife’s name was Alexandra, or Alex, and the boy’s name was Andrew (and didn’t want to be called Andy). It was low tide so when we walked out to where the boat was anchored the water was mid calf for me and knee deep for Alex. I wanted them to be on the outside of the boat so I could show them all the working parts and how they worked without having to move people all around to do so. The husband and wife were willing “students“ and asked simple, but apt, questions. Andrew was a bit of a pain and I watched Arne smack him in the head once to get his attention. I was sure glad that Arne hadn’t been my father. I don’t know how long we worked on that but by the time I felt that they deserved the ”reward’“ of actually going sailing the water was half way up my thighs. I told them to get aboard and to put the sails on while I watched from outside the boat. When I helped Alex get in the boat I had two surprises... the first being that her shorts were wet up to her hips and the second being that I got to see a bit of white up one of the leg openings as she flipped her legs into the cockpit. The wind was just starting to pick up which was a help as far as cooling us off a bit.

To be continued...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice reward PM, a panty peek! Wondering what you did to make Elle mad.
