Tuesday, November 06, 2012

THE HOME LIFE... & other stuff (Part 101a)

Life at home was pretty good... considering. I certainly wasn’t happy with work but I tried my best not to bring it home. At least I was making enough money to buy food and pay the bills. Elle’s name was on the bottom of the call list for substitute teachers so she hadn’t been helping out monetarily but, on the other hand, had plenty of time to spend with the kids and was happy about that. As you can imagine, a happy Elle made for a fairly happy me. She was also happy about the state of her incontinence which had improved just as her doctor(s) had predicted. She’d improved enough that she only had to set the alarm once to get up and empty her bladder during the night and was no longer sleeping with a full “package”. A dry bed in the morning was now more the norm which meant less work for Elle as far as wash was concerned. However, I’d come to enjoy “wet play” whenever I was around and she had an accident. As long as it was in private and/or the kids weren’t in sight she seemed to like the attention as much as I like giving her the attention. Wet foreplay was still the norm so one of my fears prior to her last procedure was allayed as well.

The only thing that was a bit of an annoyance to her was that after she’d use the toilet to void her bladder she would “dribble” as she called it. It seemed to happen a few seconds after she would stand up. That was OK when I was around but when I wasn’t she’d taken to folding toilet paper and using it as a pad to hold what she leaked. When I’d "go exploring" and find the paper it had, for lack of a better description, melted and her panties were still damp... and she (and sometimes me) had this “mess” to deal with. I (we) had to come up with something better.

Using a sanitary pad in a sanitary pad would’ve made sense if the amount she “dribbled’ was more than it was. As we both knew, pads weren’t cheap and she felt she was wasting them. So, for a while I got her to wear two pair of cotton panties and found they held the ”dribbles“ without a problem but the panties didn’t dry all that well. Quite a while back I’d gotten her to wear a pair of the Plymouth nylon satin tricot panties over her heavy Carter’s cotton panties for our ”wet play“ and she was amenable to that. We still did the same but now did it with the Lollipop cotton panties. One night I got the idea of having her wear two pair of the nylon satin panties and I found it to be just as sensual as the other combination had been. After that, with persuasion, I got her to try that combination daily to hold her ”dribbling” and, much to our delight, she accepted it. The nylon dried quickly and she was much more comfortable. When she “dribbled” and I happened to be around she was able to enjoy my “play” more than she had wearing the cotton panties. So, as I said when I opened this part... life was pretty good at home.

To get home from work I had to drive right past my grandfather’s house. I’d told Elle that I’d be home by 6pm unless I called. On a few nights when I was early I stopped by to visit with him. He always seemed glad to see me which made me feel good. Since the end of Summer there had been more than a few changes with the nurses who looked after him and their hours.Once school started in September Edith had asked that she only work Monday through Friday and from the hours of 8am to 4pm so she could be home for her kids. That meant my father had to find someone to be with my grandfather from 4 pm to 10pm at which time Jan would arrive for the night. It turned out to be this little old German lady. I honestly can’t remember her first name (but I do remember her last name) because my father and I gave her a nickname almost immediately. It was Jaa. She had a very pronounced accent and every time she opened her mouth to say anything the first sound from her lips was “Jaa”. It didn’t matter if she were making a simple statement of fact or asking/answering a question you were going to hear a “Jaa” first. She was a piece of work! As far as Jan was concerned I hadn’t seen her since the last night of racing. I had been able to peek into her lingerie drawer on a few occasions and as far as I could see there had been no new additions. The bulk of them were the Lollipop cotton panties and on one occasion I did see a pair of nylon ones.

On teaching, by the middle of November Elle had only been called four times and each was a last minute call early in the morning. The call would set off a mini panic to get everything that had to be done, done. I was the one who had to “pick up the pieces”  and fixing a lunch for myself was not a priority. As with the first time Elle had gotten called I ended up eating lunch at the drugstore and was “entertained” by Judith. I enjoyed listening to her discourse on certain things but on this occasion I chose to ask about Stasia. I told her I wasn’t getting anywhere with her and was really curious as to Judith’s “take” on the reason why. When I told Judith about the seeming standoff I was experiencing she seemed very surprised. She offered that other than for her appearance she seemed to be a normal young person. She went on and, laughingly, said she’d like to take her to the city for the day and “dress her properly“. I couldn’t disagree as Stasia was almost hopelessly out of style.

I'd gotten the ”dirt“ on Stasia from both Alvin and Inez but didn’t feel comfortable to bring that up with Judith. Instead I chose to ”go fishing“ to get an idea of just what she knew about her. I ended up using most of my lunch hour but, in retrospect, felt I knew more of the ”nitty gritty“ about Stasia than Judith did. That was disappointing.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

Sounds like you were in the smooth waters time in all your relationships. The girl at the bank sounds intriguing to say the least

Pantymaven said...

I was hoping it wasn't the calm before the storm... :-)