Thursday, March 14, 2013

THE NEXT PHASE... at home (Part 106e)

Initially, we’d had a hard time getting a babysitter. We started by trying to get Karen, the girl from church that we’d used before and that both we and the kids liked. Like a lot of girls who ”discover“ boys in their teens, her mother told Elle that she was ”involved” and not available. Next to be called was Peggy, James’ daughter who I particularly liked. We had to wait for a day before she agreed to do it. As hectic as that saturday was I’d hoped that she’d be able to drive herself but she didn’t have a full driver’s license which meant she couldn’t drive after dark. Elle ended up going to get her while I took a shower and dressed which didn’t make her all that happy. When they arrived back I was somewhat surprised when I saw Peggy. Either my memory had started to fail or she’d grown... at least her breasts had. Luckily she was talking with the kids so she didn’t see my eyes bug out of my head. She was wearing a white short sleeved blouse that was open at the neck at least three buttons down. The cleavage was... well, let’s say impressive. Driving to Hobie’s I had a hard time putting that image out of my head.

I’ll bet I’d driven past Hobie’s house a couple of hundred times in my life and never paid any attention to it. It was on a well travelled North South road. Pulling off the road into the yard I was struck by the fact that it was a very unusual house. There was no way to call it a ranch but it was more that a cabin. Knowing that he was a high ranking bank officer I was expecting more than what I saw. In the very back of the yard was a mobile home a little bigger than our first one.

Bret and Jan were already there. Hobie greeted us at the front porch entrance and his wife was right behind him. Molly was a tall and rather large (not fat) red headed woman easily into her 40’s. When she opened her mouth to say hello I was a bit surprised. It was a “husky“ sound. Over the next few minutes it was like Hobie wasn’t even there. She was in control. We all ended up in the living room and as I looked around I could see that the ceilings were much lower than normal. Molly stayed in control of the conversation and I felt like I was in an inquisition. She asked just about everything about each of our backgrounds starting with our parents and going on through our lives right up to the present. By the time she announced that we were all to go into the dining room my head was spinning. I caught Elle giving me a quizzical look when Polly was onto Bret and his background but there was no way to respond to her.

In the dining room we were introduced to her kids, a girl, Lynn and a boy, ”Butch“ who were to be our ”servers“ for the evening. Lynn was a high school junior attending the local Catholic high school and was a Butch a freshman at the public high school. Molly quickly explained that Lynn was the smart one and Butch... well, she didn’t say much of anything about him. I will say this... Lynn was a real cutie but extremely shy. Butch was very outgoing with a big goofy grin on his face most of the time. As we waited to be served I distinctly remember thinking that this was quite a family.

During dinner Elle managed to let me know she was very uncomfortable. I thought she’d had an accident or something but it was Molly that was bothering her. I didn’t know what do do not wanting to do something that would upset Hobie and possibly affect my job. So, we endured. After supper Molly told us about her background and we learned that the previous summer she’d won the women’s golf championship at the new public course. I was hoping to get some information on Hobie but Molly took care of that in just a few sentences. About the only thing I learned was that his family had owned the property going back into the 1800’s and the house we were in had been the original cabin built before the turn of the century. She did add that her mother lived in the mobile home out back.

Bret and Jan seemed to hold up well but both Elle and I had just about had it by 9pm or so. Telling Hobie and Molly that we had to get the babysitter home before ten was a lie but it worked. I swear that we let out a big enough sigh once out at the car that they probably heard it inside. What a night!

Elle had managed to get a few minutes to talk with Jan and found out she was due around the middle of June. The pregnancy was going well but the only problem was living with Bret’s parents. She’d volunteered to Elle that she didn’t see any way out of that in the near future. I remember thinking of how lucky we’d been to have been on our own right from the beginning.

Even though it was just a little after 9pm when we arrived home we found Peggy asleep on the sofa. She was lying on her side facing the back of it probably to keep the light out of her eyes. She’d tucked her legs up a bit into a semi fetal position which left a bit of her back showing AND... a bit of her panties. She didn’t hear us enter so Elle went over to try and rouse her without scaring her. When she touched her shoulder Peggy jumped a bit and ended up rolling onto the floor onto her back. I went over to help her up and as I did I was in the perfect position to get a great look at the cleavage I’d mentioned before. Standing, she was still a bit groggy from having been asleep so Elle suggested she sit down to get her bearings. It was perfect because I was still standing there and could still see her beautiful mounds. I remember wondering why I’d missed them back when she’d baby sat for us on New Year's eve.

Driving Peggy home I asked what her plans were for the summer. She said she wasn’t sure but that her father wanted her to get a paying job. Just ”fishing“ I asked if she’d thought about babysitting. She said she hadn’t but asked why I’d suggested it. I told her that I (and Elle) thought she was very good with our kids and that she seemed like a natural for it. I didn’t get a response at first but just before we got to her house she asked how she should go about it. I didn’t have any idea at all but promised that I’d try to get an answer for her. As as he disappeared through the kitchen door I was thinking I’d like to hire her.

To be continued...


badside said...

Sounds like Patsy developed over night. Hoping she became your regular sitter.

Pantymaven said...

BS... I'm not sure about that. It's more like the outfit she was wearing this time was more "in your face" if you know what I mean... :-)