Saturday, October 03, 2015

A CHANGE OF PACE... some time off (Part 136k)

A CHANGE OF PACE... some time off (Part 136k)

With the addition of the three Comet class sailors we now had over a dozen racing the in the Sunfish class. That was both good and bad... for me. I was just getting the knack of racing the Sunfish and was getting competitive. Three experienced and competitive racers would make it tougher for me to break through and win a race. I still didn’t win but none of them did either which was a boost to my confidence. However, the wind never picked up so we only got to race once. Back on shore I made a point of going over to talk with the three of them and was amused to hear them talk about their difficulty in figuring out the Sunfish sailboat. It mirrored what I had felt at first. It made me feel good.

Elle, Bebe and the kids were gone when I got to shore. It was as I was securing the boat on the rack that I remembered having seen Merry, my friend Willie’s wife, earlier. I looked up on the porch and only saw a few people with none being Merry. Leaving the parking lot I was about to make my usual right hand turn for home but changed my mind and turned left. Willie’s cottage was about 3or 4 minutes down the road. As I pulled into the driveway I could see their one car garage had a bunch of boxes piled inside. When I knocked on the back door it was obvious that Merry didn’t recognize me. She was a bit embarrassed after I identified myself.

She hadn’t lost any weight since I’d last seen her. To me, that was a shame. With a loss of ten to fifteen pounds she would’ve been a real beauty. We went through the usual pleasantries and then when I asked about the boxes she told me they’d sold the cottage. I don’t know why that was a surprise but it was and then asked where Willie was. She said she’d come up earlier in the week to start cleaning the place out and that Willie would be there on Wednesday. I mentioned that I’d tried to reach him and had left messages but hadn’t heard back. She apologized for him and said the company had opened up two new territories and he was “overwhelmed”. I remember smiling and asking her to give him one more message... please call me.

At home I couldn’t make it up my driveway. There were two cars blocking my way. After getting out of my car I recognized one as belonging to Martin, Sabrina’s boyfriend. As I walked across the lawn I also saw Pete, Bebe’s boyfriend, Bebe, Elle and all three of my girls. They were standing around a metal washtub. As I walked up to it I could see there were fish inside. Elle, still in her bathing suit, had a smile on her face. She’d just told the guys about her father being a fisherman and that she definitely wasn’t interested.

While we were standing there Bebe went on inside the house. Before I could say anything Elle said that she was going to take a quick shower as Pete was taking her out to dinner. Then she asked me to explain to Martin what had happened to the electricity over at Sabrina’s house. I tried but I couldn’t. Elle had shown the guys the tree, or what was left of it. I told them I was sure the cause of the problem had something to do with the lightning strike. Elle had already told Martin that Sabrina had gone home. I added that I’d told her to get her father’s company to come out and fix the damage. Martin just stood there and smiled. I kind of knew what he was thinking.

When Bebe returned I saw she was wearing another pair of Elle’s ‘clamdiggers' pants. It really was funny seeing her in them as they fit her as if they were regular pants, all the way down to her ankles Having seen the panties that were laid out on the bed earlier I was pretty sure she was wearing a pair of Shadowline panties. The crotch on them was no where near as large as most of the rest of Elle’s panties so I hadn’t expected to see much of a VPL... but there was a small one. After she and Pete left, Martin asked if he could use our phone to call Sabrina. As we walked into the house I asked him to see if Sabrina had any idea what was going to happen at the house. I also told him to remind her that since she had taken the key all of Bebe’s clothes were still locked inside.

By then Elle had gotten the girls inside and was supervising their baths. As I mentioned, she was still wearing her bathing suit. Because she was ‘out in public’ she hadn’t worn panties under the suit panties as I preferred. I’d learned by then not to ‘push’ especially when I wasn’t going to be with her the whole time. But, we were home now and, as Martin was tied up on the phone, I made my way to our bedroom and grabbed a couple of pair of the really satiny panties. I went to the bathroom door and pushed it open enough to see her. I remember waving the panties in front of the opening and her giving me one of those ”go away’ looks, but, with a sly smile. She came over by the door and whispered that she’d put them on as soon as Martin left. I had the start of a bulge as I made my way back down the stairs. I could see Martin was a bit upset after hanging the phone up but I didn’t say anything. As we walked back outside (I had to move my car so he could get out) he did say that there would be “some people” out to work on the house the next day but that was all. I did ask about the key and he gave me look that told me he’d forgotten to ask.

I offered to cook hot dogs (for the kids) and hamburgers for us out on the patio using that as a  reason for Elle not to change into clothes... but I failed to explain that to her. As she finished up with the girls I started the hibachi. When she walked out wearing shorts I was disappointed. She told me not to worry about it and since there was nothing I could do about it I kept my mouth shut. The hot dogs were done first and as she got the kids settled at the picnic table I noticed a bit of discoloration in her crotch area. Instant hard on! I had to be careful which way I faced (I still had my bathing suit on which offered NO resistance) to keep the kids from seeing it. When the hamburgers were done I took a seat at the end of the table, right next to Elle. I tried to ask what was going on and she told me to “shut up” but, again, with a sly smile.

Elle didn’t want the kids to get dirty after just having their baths so, rather than letting them go play in the yard, had them get some board games and sent them to the screened in porch. As she cleared the table I kept my eyes on her crotch area. It wasn’t a large spot but it had grown. Finally, she was done and I sidled up to her and slid my hand up her backside. It wasn’t really wet but was just a bit damp. I asked why she’d changed out of her suit. She said she didn’t know I wanted her to leave it on.

She sat on my lap and I immediately went ‘exploring’. Luckily, I’d positioned my penis so my hard-on wasn’t a problem. I don’t remember how long we stayed that way before my one leg started to go to sleep. When she got up I had a great close up of the now expanded wet spot. I’d learned that when she didn’t have all that much to drink the color of her pee would be golden, almost like beer, and this was one of those times. My first thought was ‘picture time’. As I thought about it I wondered what it would cost me.

She wouldn’t admit it but as soon as I asked she had an answer. The vacuum we had originally belonged to her mother and she was convinced that it wasn’t really picking up that much dirt and sand. She’d seen one on the Sears catalog. Usually I’d ask “how much? but that yellow spot I was looking at was in control of my brain. The only thing now was to find out if there was any film in the camera...
... there was
To be continued...       


badside said...

Looks like a fair trade, a vacuum for the pic! Thanks for sharing!

Pantymaven said...

I thought so... :-)

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture... :) sara e