Thursday, October 01, 2015

A CHANGE OF PACE... some time off (Part 136j)

A CHANGE OF PACE... some time off (Part 136j)

It turned out that Elle and the girls had pretty much brow beat Bebe into joining them. She wouldn’t get into one of Elle’s bathing suits but when Elle told her one of the shorts set was "old" she agreed to wear it. To me, that was a good thing. By the time we’d staked out a space on the beach it was only around 1:30pm. I could see the Comet class sailboats maneuvering for their start and with the light wind I was hoping that we’d be able to get in two races but had my doubts. On the last trip to the station wagon I saw a somewhat familiar face walking towards the clubhouse. I stood and looked at a nice looking woman wearing, for lack of a better description, flouncy shorts. I watched her go up the steps and knew that I should know who she was... but it wouldn’t come to me.

Bebe would have none of the talk about her going sailing which disappointed me. Elle was a bit concerned about the fact that Bebe was so pale and needed to get out of the sun. She suggested that since I now had the time I should go home and get our beach umbrella. She'd given up using it because she could never get the pole to stick in the sand. Going to get it was not something I wanted to do. Elle, who had been itching to sail, said she'd take the kids while I was getting the umbrella. I had the distinct feeling I was being manipulated but I also remember telling her that “she owed me” and getting a sly smile in return.

It was about a ten to twelve minute drive home and during the trip I tried to figure out just who the people were that wanted to go race the Sunfish. I went through all the names I knew and as I did it came to me who the woman in the parking lot was... Merry, my old sailing friend Willie’s wife. That told me he must be around and it also made me a bit mad because he’d never returned my calls when I wanted to run the idea of ‘dribble panties’ with a plastic crotch by him. I couldn’t wait to get back to the club to see him.

Finding the umbrella became a chore because Elle had put it behind the spare refrigerator and it had gotten wedged in. I have no idea what triggered the thought of Bebe’s panties but when I emerged from the garage I dropped the umbrella and ran to the house. I didn’t know where to start my search but decided to go up to the room she'd slept in. On the bed were some neatly piled clothes that I assumed Elle had brought in for her to chose. Next to them were some panties, also neatly piled. I found it somewhat interesting that Elle had let her chose panties as well as clothes. I inspected them and found they were all fancy panties. I pretty much knew why... they were hardly worn and weren’t stained. The two on the bed were both Shadowline with lace appliques and lace around the leg openings. I often chose them for Elle to wear when playing tennis in a dress.

With that out of the way I looked around and didn’t see any other clothes, even checking in the closet. Next stop was the washing machine. Elle often just took the kids and her dirty clothes down and put them in the machine to get them out of the way. It took a few seconds before I spied the pants I remembered Bebe wearing when I’d let them in the house after the storm. They were rolled up and when I unrolled them out popped her blouse, bra and panties. I wasn’t disappointed when I saw the panties were the exact same bikini’s I’d seen in her drawer over at Sabrina’s house... Modern Globe. But these had been worn and I was keen on inspecting them. There were a few tiny dribble stains and a line of discharge right down the middle of the crotch. I just had to give them a whiff. Nothing special though. The rest of my search was easy as I easily found the clothes Elle had loaned her to go to work in. My first interest was to find out which panties Elle had given her (or that she’d chosen). Kayser was what was printed on the label. This pair was really special because they were unlike any I’d ever seen when I bought them for Elle. They were also the sheerest panties Elle had and that was one reason why she seldom, if ever, wore them. The crotch area had about the same amount of discharge and staining as the bikinis. I was a bit disappointed but at least I knew.

On the way back to the sailing club I pondered why Bebe had chosen such sheer panties. On Elle, they were way sexy with her blonde pubic hair showing through. I tried to envision Bebe wearing them but all I could think of was Elle in them. Of course Elle wanted to know what had taken me so long to get back. I ignored her as I drove the umbrella stake deep into the sand. I was somewhat surprised to see Bebe down by the water with the kids, especially with how adverse she’d seemed to be to it when we were eating breakfast. Elle volunteered that she’d taken Jean, our oldest out for a sail and that Anne was waiting for me to give her a turn.

When I got down to where they were Anne boldly announced that she was going sailing with me and that she was “going to steer”. I had no problem with that as she’d done well in previous sailing excursions. Bebe seemed surprised that someone so young would be so bold as to want to steer. I laughed and told her that Anne was a “natural” and had picked up on the whole sailing thing a couple of years ago. As we pushed off from shore I got the indication that Bebe might change her mind and give it a try.

Once Anne had her hands on the tiller (what’s used to steer the boat) it was hard to get her to let go. Since she had control of where the boat was going she was smart enough to steer us away from the beach. I’d been keeping my eyes on the boats that were racing and could see they were heading for the finish line. I guestimated that I had about a half hour until I'd be headed out to race and told Anne her time was up. Normally obedient, she put up a fuss which I didn’t appreciate. To get her attention I told her that if she didn’t head for the shore she wouldn’t be attending lessons all week long.

My guess was right about Bebe and she was there waiting for us when we hit the beach. She said she’d give it a try if I promised that she wouldn’t get wet. There was hardly any wind at all and absolutely no waves. Even though Elle’s father had once called the Sunfish sailboat a “fanny dunker”, I was sure we could get a few minutes of sailing in without any problem. The one disadvantage to knit shorts is that there is absolutely no opportunity to get a peek up the leg openings. VPL’s and maybe a DP (down pants) were the best that could be hoped for and the latter was my goal.

I told Bebe just how to get aboard and it was in such a manner that I knew I’d get a real up close and personal look at her back. I pretty much knew the waist elastics for Elle’s panties with the exception of the Van Raalte, Kayser and Modern Globe full briefs. They were impossible to tell apart because they used a technique where they made a tube using the same material as the panty and then inserted elastic inside the tube. So, when Bebe sat on the deck and flipped her legs up and out of the water I was staring right at the middle of her back. The top for the shorts outfit she was wearing was a tank top and didn’t hardly cover the waist band of the shorts. I watched as she slowly made the turn and, with no doubt in my mind, identified the panties as being the one pair of Sears nylon satin that I'd purchased out of the Sears Spring catalog.
Even though they are almost 50 years old the elastic is still good.

To be continued...    


Anonymous said...

Love the continued panty hunt, especially the inside research.
Looks like someone's panties are going to be wet!

badside said...

The good deed certainly paid off when getting the umbrella! I love sheer panties, so sexy! Great pic BTW, I can see the shimmery satin material. :^)

Pantymaven said...

BS... Someday, just for fun, I'll take a picture of my 'stash' of panties. The amazing thing is that I can still remember were most came from.