Tuesday, January 05, 2016

CONTINUING... surprises & changes (Part 139l)

CONTINUING... surprises & changes (Part 139l)

I was just about to enter my house when it dawned on me that Phyllis hadn’t thanked me for my efforts in locating the key. It was just another example of her boorishness and it upset me. Elle wasn’t in the kitchen so I called to her and she answered from upstairs. By then my mood had changed from excited anticipation to one of aggravation. When I walked into our bedroom the look on Elle’s face told me that any hope of ‘fun’ was gone. She’d given up on me and had put on her night time ‘package’ and was ready for bed. Her mother was going someplace in the morning and Elle was to pick the kids up bright and early so any hope for some ‘morning delight’ was slim to none... and none won out.

The incident with Phyllis reminded me to stop at the church on my way home to see that she had put all her day care things away so the the undercroft could be used after the service on Sunday. Just another annoyance for me. At work I got another big surprise from Joanie... she’d had her hair cut. It wasn’t a lot but along with the way she had it combined with her new clothes she sure looked more mature. I liked it.

For me, the first order of business was to get confirmation from all the Trustee that they were in accordance with Monday as the date and 3pm as the time for the special meeting to decide on the exterior design of the new branch. If Trish were there it was something that she would’ve handled but I wasn’t sure Joanie was up to handling a group of curmudgeons so I took it upon myself to make the calls. When I was finished I was glad I had as a small group offered up resistance. I still wasn’t comfortable in their presence but I stuck to my guns and got assurances from the majority that they would be there on Monday at 3pm. As I was making the calls it came to me that they were spending a lot of time on what I called ‘gingerbread’. The public wasn’t going to choose the branch because of the way it looked... it would be because of the services we offered. All I could figure was that it was a way to get another attendance fee.

I’d called the new service bureau that the bank had contracted with for processing the depositors accounts about the branch approval so that they could include the location in their route planning for data transmission. When I did they told me that it wasn’t too early to start thinking about the conversion of our ledger card system to the on-line system and they wanted to have me come to their operations center to get it started. I'd had it in the back of my mind to do it but my upcoming vacation time was the week of Labor Day. I didn’t want to get started on the project and then take time away from it so I’d avoided pinning down a specific time to start. Now there was pressure being applied.

I did stop at the church on my way home and was pleasantly surprised to find Phyllis and all her kids busily moving all the materials for her day care off to the sides of the room. Seeing her made me mad all over again. I lay in bed the night before trying to think of anyone I’d ever met who was so self absorbed as she was. When she saw me she came right over to me and grabbed my hands and started apologizing for not thanking me for my help the night before. I certainly wasn’t expecting it so didn’t know how to respond. Then she started in with a litany of excuses. She would’ve been better off stopping with the ”Thank you“. I just wanted to get out of there and get home. However, something happened that was really bizarre. Barbara, the second oldest daughter, came up and, in reality, interrupted her mother and asked me if I played tennis. It was really ‘out of the blue’.

With Phyllis just standing there and saying not a word I remember sort of laughing and telling her that I ”played at it“. As I was looking at this cute girl I couldn’t help but wonder how she could be so bubbly and nice growing up with what appeared to be a rather gruff father and a churlish woman as a mother. After my answer I asked why she wanted to know. Now it was her turn to laugh. She said that she’d seen tennis rackets in our garage when she’d been running laundry back and forth. She went on to say she and her older sister had played tennis at the high school they’d been attending and were disappointed to find out that this, their new school, didn’t have a team. She wanted to know if Elle played and when I told her she did she asked if she thought there was a chance that we’d play with them. When I said I thought we could I remember her bouncing up and down and with a big smile on her face and asked if there was any chance we could do it after supper. I don't think I had a chance to respond before she called to her sister about her discovery. I can not deny where my thoughts were...

It was not my Friday to work late so I was home by 6pm. When I queried Elle about playing some tennis I thought she was going to pass out from shock. I quickly told her of my conversation with Barbara and she said she was willing to give it a try. Elle was always ‘up’ to play tennis even for just an hour. We changed our clothes and ate quickly. Elle sent Jean next door to get the sisters while I loaded some toys and things into the station wagon to occupy our kids. I was happy to see them in tennis whites with Barbara (the cute one) wearing a dress. It appeared to be longer than what most wore but I quickly realized it was because she was short. I made sure I observed her climbing into the back seat with my two oldest girls. As I did the only thing I was sure of was that she did have on two panties. I couldn’t wait to get to the tennis courts.

It only took about six or seven minutes to get to the school and the courts. However, my excitement was short lived as both courts were occupied. Elle asked Barbara and her sister if they were willing to wait and they answered with an emphatic ”yes“. Barbara told us that if they went back home they’d be put to work. With an impish smile she added that their mother wouldn’t know weather they were playing tennis or not. I unloaded the stuff for our kids and went over by the courts to watch the people who were there playing. The four of us sat on the lawn. Unfortunately, for me, there was only one female and she was wearing loose fitting shorts. After a few minutes I turned back to the sisters and was greeted with what I could only call a 'gift'. Barbara was sitting yoga style and talking with Elle who was sitting beside her. The hem of her skirt was high enough to give me an almost complete crotch view. If she'd been looking at me I'm sure she would've caught me with my eyes bugged out. It was that good.

To be continued...      


oldblue said...

Oh for the good old days. When watching the ladies play was much more entertaining, the rule white clothing should still be in force.

Pantymaven said...

OB... You are so right!!! Elle and I still play tennis and in the warmer weather we both still wear white. Elle wised up to the fault with dresses so only wears skirts with a separate top :-(