Wednesday, April 06, 2016

AUTUMN... preparing for changes (Part 142b)

AUTUMN... preparing for changes (Part 142b)

By and large the party was a ‘dud’... but memorable for two reasons... one good and one very bad. There were three married couples, one couple that was dating and two single girls/women. I recognized four of the women from school activities but the hostess and one other were new to the school. The hostess, Brenda, was marginally cute but would’ve been much cuter with the loss of 10 to 15 pounds. However, she was wearing something that was of great interest to me... knit pants. The color was an off white and she was wearing a plaid shirred sleeveless blouse that ended at her waist and paired with a matching top that was open in front (no buttons) but with sleeves. As soon as Elle saw it she asked Brenda where she’d gotten it. Thankfully, it wasn’t from a local shop. The reason for my interest was it was plainly obvious that she’d purchased the pants when a little thinner and the ‘dimples’ from the leg elastics of her panties showed at her hips and I couldn’t wait to see her backside. The short top(s) she was wearing promised some DP’s (down pants) somewhere during the evening. That was the good part.

The bad part was the husband of one of the new teachers was probably one of the most obnoxious people I have ever met. It took him no more than fifteen minutes to establish that fact. His name was Claude and his wife’s name was Marie. The funny thing was that I kind of knew her. She was a local girl and had gone to school with Elle but was a grade behind her. I knew her younger brother from pick up baseball games during the Summers when I was a kid. On the few occasions I’d seen her I established that she was ‘different’. It wasn’t that she wasn’t pretty because she, from afar, really was. It was the way she ‘carried’ herself. Aloof, with what might be observed as a superiority complex. Right after she arrived, and before introductions, I asked Elle if it was the same Marie who had grown up in the house right next door to where Jon (the milkman) and Ginger lived. She said it looked like her but it had been over ten years since she’d last seen her. Elle volunteered that while in school she'd not been popular at all and didn’t participate in school activities. That made me wonder what the school saw in hiring her.

In any case, Claude and Marie arrived with a blaring horn in a red Ford Mustang convertible. That should’ve been a warning. We’d just arrived and were being introduced to the others. Everybody was inside but went out to see what the noise was all about. Being a ”motor head” I knew it was a new a newer one  and as I approached it I could hear the motor and new it was one of Ford’s big block V-8 engines. I’d heard about it but not seen one actually in the car and wondered how they’d ‘shoehorned’ under the hood. When the car was first introduced it came standard with a six cylinder engine and then, later, a small V-8 engine was added as an option. Unknowingly, I asked the guy to pop the hood so I could take a look. He did and promptly got out. My first impression, without him opening his mouth, was he was certainly different. Painfully thin and with a ‘ski nose’ he had a different look than most guys I knew. As I peered at the motor he started talking... and talking... and talking. That was bad enough but even though I didn’t know the ‘specs’ on the motor I knew he didn’t know what he was talking about. And then it got worse. In less than half an hour the other guys there had tuned him out as well. He had opinion on any and everything. I could write a whole post on him but I’ve already written too much.

I’d hoped that the hostess, Brenda, had planned some game activities like we’d done at past parties with the “group” but she didn’t. The women ended up talking about school and teaching and the guys were relegated to the kitchen being bored out of our minds by Claude. Brenda finally came to the kitchen to get some ‘goodies’ she’d made for refreshments. I was standing right across from the refrigerator and when she opened the door something fell out. She bent over to retrieve it and when she did I got a double dose of a good thing... a fantastic VPL AND... a DP. What made it so outstanding was there was no mistaking that she was wearing two panties. The crotch lines of each were clearly seen, made even evident by the fact that her slacks were a bit tight. I also saw about about two inches of flesh above the waist of the pants and could see the two waist elastics. I was too far away to be able to identify them but decided that I would concentrate on trying to locate myself somewhere behind her as we imbibed on the ‘goodies’.

The house was really small and when we all went into the living room the only way for all to fit was for some to sit on the floor. I volunteered to help carry a plate for her so followed her in. After we passed the plates all around she sat down on the floor at the end of the couch. Elle was sitting on the couch at that end so I took a seat on the arm rest behind Brenda and next to Elle. It gave me a perfect view. With light from the lamp on the table I had no trouble identifying the elastic of the panties on top... Shadowline. It was very distinctive. The other pair had what I called tube elastic in which the elastic was encased by the same nylon material as the panties. I was aware of two brands that did it that way ... VanRaalte and Kayser. So, what that told me was that even though she was a new teacher her panties were of a high quality. Now the question was why was she wearing two pair like Elle was wearing (see the picture from the previous post). Interesting!

Sitting next to Elle I was able to convey to Elle that I wanted to leave. Claude was driving me nuts. I wanted to stuff a sock in his mouth, but... Elle got the message and I was really proud of her when she flat outright lied when she said we had to get the babysitter home by 10pm. In the car we both sat there and shook our heads. On our way home when I asked about Marie, Claude’s wife, and at first she didn’t answer. When I pushed her on it she muttered something about her being the perfect match for Claude. I didn’t understand so continued to press for an opinion.

Elle was never one to put anyone down. Her philosophy was there was good in everyone. The only answer I could get was that since it seemed like Claude did all the talking there was no need for her to speak. I took that to mean that she didn’t have much in the way of personality so asked if I was right in that respect. I remember her exact words... “She's got the personality of a rock”. I’d never heard that before and loved it. In fact, I’ve used it many times since then.

To be continued...


badside said...

Unfortunately, there are many Claudes around! At least you got to leave early! As for Marie, I feel sorry for her. Maybe Claude zapped any personality out of her!

Pantymaven said...

BS... Actually, they were made for each other. He brother eventually told me that Claude was the only guy who dated her more than one or two times. He also added that she was the only girl in her class who wasn't invited to the prom.