Wednesday, August 24, 2016

FINISHING OUT THE YEAR... Conversion (Part 147c)

FINISHING OUT THE YEAR... Conversion (Part 147c)

It was after 10pm by the time I left. I’d hired Wade, the owner of the company that cleaned the bank each work night, to come in with a crew and remove our old teller machines and to clean up the debris from the way the new machines were packaged for shipping. The whole place looked much better but Wade promised to bring in his regular cleaning crew before we opened again on Tuesday. Elle was asleep when I made my way upstairs and I made sure not to bother her. It would be a couple of hours before her first bathroom alarm would go off and I hoped that I wouldn’t hear it. I pretty much made up my mind to skip church as I wanted to be at the bank by 9:30am to let the crew in. It was going to be short as both Gracie and the guy from the service bureau’s computer room wouldn’t be back. He was assigned the duty of manning the computer at the center but gave me the direct dial telephone number into the room in the event that we lost our transmission connection. I can’t say I was happy about it but there was nothing I could do.

Saturday had been an absolutely beautiful sunny day but Sunday was gray, windy and cold. I could tell right away that the mood of the crew was no where near as ‘up’ as it had been the day before. After most had arrived I decided to hold a meeting and told the ones who had already arrived to wait over by the stairs to the second floor until the others got there. Since everyone was wearing a coat upon arrival I had no idea what they were wearing until I started towards the stairs. I hadn’t given any thought to changing my suggestion that they wear comfortable clothes but I have to admit I was surprised to see a couple of skirts and a dress. Some of the early arrivals had chosen to sit on the stairs and approaching them noticed that the new teller, Alice, was sitting on a lower step in an awkward position and talking to someone behind her. I know I stopped when I saw that. Picture, if you will, her right leg out in front of her and touching the floor two steps below her and her left leg tucked up almost under her. It had to be one of the widest crotch views I’d ever seen (other than for Elle). I could see some sort of a print but, with a combination of surprise and, probably fear of being seen looking, it wasn’t long enough.

The meeting was to ask them who felt really comfortable posting the data. There were five who said they were so I asked them if it would bother them to just do posting the whole day. With six teller machines I wanted them operating almost continuously. I had Lorie work up another schedule to allow for breaks and lunch. It was my plan for Bret, Jaz, Peggy and I to do the checking of the machine journals against ledger cards that had been posted. I made a guestimate that by the end of the day that over half the postings would have been checked. That would mean possibly only having to spend half the time I’d projected for New Year’s day. I knew that would make everybody happy so stressed that we needed everybody to concentrate. I tapped Lorie to be the one to stay on top of them. On Tuesday she was going to officially be the chief clerk and, basically, that was going to be her job.

With Ward having cleaned up the mess we could now find enough space to spread out both the journals and the ledger cards. Bret and Peggy chose to use one of the lobby customer counters where customers filled out their deposit tickets. There was a bench right there and Peggy chose to sit on it while Bret stood at the counter. It looked like a good idea. Jaz and I were in the very back of the work area where the bookkeeping machine (computer?) was located. There was no way for us to do it the way Bret and Peggy were doing it and we had to sit side by side. Jaz was one of the people who had worn pants and as we set up our materials I thought there might be a chance for a DP later. Because the heat had yet to fully come up she was wearing a sweater which blocked any chance for it as we sat down.

The luncheonette where we normally got our sandwiches was closed on Sundays so our only choice was the Main Street diner. That news certainly didn't bring any smiles. Lorie had set the schedule so we’d all break at 12:30pm. She picked up our lunch order and had it set out for us on the lobby side of the teller counter. Jaz and I were really making time with our journals and I hated to stop. But stop we did and it was at that time she took off her sweater. She was wearing a pair of print pants and initially there was nothing to see. Most of the crew took their sandwiches and drinks and sat down on the lobby floor in a big circle. I wanted to check on just how many more ledger cards were left before getting mine. I felt pretty good about what I saw but knew we had to get back to work as soon as we could. As I walked around the the outside of the circle I got what I was looking for from Jaz as she leaned forward to grab something that someone was handing to her. I didn’t see it immediately as I thought what I was looking at was flesh. However, I maneuvered myself into a position just off her left side and as I sat down I could see the panties were an off white, almost flesh colored. I had almost five minutes of viewing before it was time to get back to work. It didn’t end there as there were a couple of other occasions later where, sitting beside her, she had to lean forward to retrieve a ledger card or two. The only negative was that I couldn’t identify the panties from the waist elastic.

The day turned out to be just what I’d hoped it would be. All the ledgers cards had been posted before 6pm and over half the journals had been checked back against the ledgers. I thanked everyone profusely and encouraged them to have a good time that night... but not too good a time and that I’d see them at 10am. I reminded them that there was a good chance with all of them checking journals to the ledger cards we could be on our way home by 1pm. It was obvious that everyone was tired because, even with that news there weren’t many smiles.

To be continued...  


badside said...

Sounds like the switch over was going well and you got a few peeks to make the day go along better! I remember years ago when my dentist switched over her files to computer. The receptionist was a really pretty, smart and amiable person, but she quit because she didn't want to learn the new system. I always thought everyone lost when she quit.

Pantymaven said...

BS... It's always a good day when there are 'peeks' to be seen!

For our tellers it was just learning a new machine. The 'system' was transparent to them. When Gracie came out and did the training she did a great job 'selling' the tellers that their jobs would be a lot easier without having to handle ledger cards. All the information would be in there in the teller machine.