Monday, October 17, 2016

An EXTRA post...

An EXTRA post...

Elle and I went out to dinner last night with another couple to celebrate our anniversary. They share the same date and we’ve celebrated together for the last few years. We used to see them fairly regularly until we moved two years ago. Since then it’s just on our anniversary so we spent the afternoon ‘visiting’. Then we went to our favorite Italian restaurant located at our regional mall. After a delightful meal we were out in the parking lot saying our goodbyes when  something caught my eye.

Elle and I were facing the other couple and I could see a woman standing behind a partially open car door. What got my attention was that I could see her bare legs under the door and they were going up and down like she was marching or something. What was especially interesting was that she wasn’t wearing shoes. Initially, I’d seen her sort of duck down and disappear for a few seconds. I tried to keep an eye on her while we finished up with our friends. As I was shaking Tom’s hand I saw something white appear at her ankles. THAT... got my full attention and fortunately the people had started walking away. I was sure that Elle, standing beside me, was oblivious to what I’d witnessed. And, I wasn’t really sure myself... but desperately wanted to find out. Then the lady got in the car and had started it up as we walked in front of it.

We walked to our car, which was about six or seven cars down the line, with me trying to come up with some way to go back to inspect the little pile of white. As soon as I unlocked the door I called to Elle that I’d left the credit card at the table. Without waiting for her acknowledgement I started jogging back hoping that no one had pulled into the spot. As I rounded the last parked car I saw it. Still jogging, I reached down and picked it up. I could feel it was damp and balled it up in my left hand to hide it. To make the situation ‘real’ I had to go inside the restaurant. I stood in the waiting area for a minute and then headed back. There was no chance to peek at what I was holding but I had to figure out what to do with it when I got to the car. Still in my left hand I opened the door and saw the little tray next to the seat that holds the ice scraper. I climbed in and promptly dropped it into the tray, Elle completely unaware.

Needless to say I was super excited but didn’t know for sure just what I had. I had to wait until this morning to find out... but it was worth the wait. It was what I hoped they were... panties... and were damp with pee... a real prize. The only missing piece was that I had no real idea of what the woman looked like or her age. But as they say... beggars can’t be choosey.
BTW: they are made by Vanity Fair and are size7. I’m not sure what the material is though... feels somewhat like cotton but I’m sure it isn’t. I think it’s one of the new fabrics that have come on the market. They don’t have tags that tell you what the fabric is or how to launder it any more. Now they just print the logo and size on the panty. I liked it the old way!
Found 10/16/16


Anonymous said...

What a stroke of luck PM! I agree, it was better when there were tags inside the panties.


Pantymaven said...

BS... actually, this pair is the third pair I've found in the past two years (and the only ones that were or had been wet) with the irony being that they were all made by Vanity Fair and were size 7. The one's in the pic are hip huggers with another being full briefs and the third pair being high cut bikinis. Believe me, I'm always looking!