Sunday, October 30, 2016

ANOTHER YEAR... onward! (Part 152a)

ANOTHER YEAR... onward! (Part 152a)

There were still a lot of other things happening in my life besides the matter of Jerry being hired. Once that situation was somewhat resolved I was able to get back to a semblance of normalcy. Elle ended up teaching for almost the whole month of January and, because Bill, the principal, told his wife not to charge us for having Kaye, our youngest, at her day care Elle was able to bank most of the money. I’d been a little disappointed that the amount of money I got back from the retirement system wasn’t more. Adding about $350 to it got the amount almost up to what I’d guessed would be needed for Elle and I to have a much delayed (10 years) honeymoon. So, that was a definite positive. We still had to come up with money to get us to Florida in April so we could take advantage of the offer from my parents. I’d lined up some sign painting jobs that would help and was weighing an offer from my brother to work the boat show in the city with him. I’d done some preliminary research on air fares as that was all we’d have to pay for the whole trip. If my calculations were correct I’d have enough if we took the “red eye” flight leaving around midnight. Elle didn’t like that idea but agreed that we shouldn’t touch the other money. Even though that trip was three months away we were both getting excited about it.

Happenings at the bank included moving Hobie over to under the stairs and Bret and I moving further back on the platform so that Jerry, the new guy, could have Bret's old spot. I hadn’t realized that from Hobie’s old desk I wouldn’t be able to see very much of the lobby and my view of the teller line would be severely reduced. I made a point of telling Bret that he had to be even more aware of what was going on in both areas. I wasn’t about to give Jerry that kind of responsibility.

Before making the move Hobie hadn’t realized how much traffic there was for the public rest room. A low, waist high partition had been installed to effect a designated space for him but it didn’t deter many people from walking right into the area to get to the toilet. There was one incident shortly after Hobie moved that was somewhat of interest to me. Hobie had someone at his desk when this woman started to walk in, stopped and just stood there. I was at Letitia’s window when I saw her. I remember her starting to walk away, stop, turn and walk back. She stopped without going into the area and it was then that I realized what the situation was. I watched as she sort of bent over a bit and then saw her seem to be walking in place. I knew the signs of a ‘potty dance’ and my focus was completely on her and not on the transaction I was working with Letitia on. I remember her standing there, feet moving and looking back over her shoulder. Then, she abruptly turned and headed for the back door. I couldn’t help but smile. As soon as I could get free I headed over in that direction. Right where she’d been standing was some discoloration in the rug but even more interesting was the sort of trail that I could see heading across the lobby. I hadn’t recognized the woman, probably 40 something. but then again, we knew the general public would walk in off the street to use the facilities.

One of the other happenings was in getting Janet’s expected resignation. The decision (and permission) to keep Jaz on the payroll after the conversion paid off. Having Jaz trained and ready to fill in for her made the transition seamless. I’d talked a time or two with Bret about moving Peggy from the drive up to the lobby teller line as she’d performed well during the busy period but he had one reservation... the school savings program that she’d reorganized and streamlined. In casually chatting with her I sensed that she was proud of what she’d done. In spite of that I felt it was only fair to ask if she’d consider the move. When I approached her about it I could sense that if I’d asked her to do it she would’ve. But I wanted her input and she said she’d like to finish out the school year. I couldn’t disagree. As far as Jaz was concerned, she’d been a teller in training for longer than any that had been hired since I started so both Bret and I felt comfortable in putting her on the line. She’d been working with most of the tellers in her old position so she fit in with the dynamic of the group.

As expected, Lillian continued to provide ‘free shows’ (panty peeks) although she’d shown up in a pants suit a few times. The problem with that was that her favorite color was navy blue which was not all that conducive to VPL’s so it was a bit of a disappointment when she wore it. Alice, the young teller I’d hired just before the ‘busy period’, had performed very well. For someone so apparently shy, she’d managed to handle some somewhat irate customers without making problems. She dressed very demurely, mostly dresses with a few skirts thrown in, which didn’t offer up much in the way of panty peeks. She, as opposed to Lillian, knew how to bend over without compromising herself. It was sometime about mid January when Peggy showed up in a pants suit. The rule for them was that the jacket was supposed to cover the ‘dupa’. It had not been an ‘issue’ because, after all the ‘noise’ made about letting females wear pants, very few did on a regular basis. As the cold weather approached we started to see more of them but on any given day, never more than two or three for the whole bank. In Peggy’s case her jacket covered about half of her backside which was perfect for observing a VPL. It was Bret who spied it first. When I saw him approaching the look on his face was like that of a cat that had caught a canary. He let me know and within minutes I’d confirmed that she was wearing the SanSoucie panties that I’d gotten for her. That definitely put a smile on my face!

To be continued...

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